Teppei Kasai(@TeppeiKasai)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

外務省がどれだけ笹川氏や渡邊氏の訪問を「個人的」なものと主張しても、ミャンマーの人や国際社会はそんなに甘くない。ミンアウンフライン総司令官も「日本を代表してきてくれた」と考えていると思います。 既存のODAを止めず、制裁もかけず、「軍政」との関係を維持しようとしているのが見え見え。 twitter.com/Sacklaver/stat…
開催中の国連人権理事会で、初めて「綺麗で健康的及び持続可能な環境への権利を人権」として認識する決議案が賛成多数で可決。残念ながら日本政府はまたしても棄権。日本国民は自国の政府が国際的な場でこのような振る舞いをしていることに怒るべき。 twitter.com/RPearshouse/st…
"Japan spares no efforts in supporting the will of the people of Myanmar to achieve democratization and the protection of human rights," Suga told the UN on Sept. 24. @MofaJapan_en can start by halting ongoing non-humanitarian aid & sanctioning the junta! mofa.go.jp/fp/unp_a/page4…
Hideo Watanabe, chairman of Japan Myanmar Association, met & had a phone call with Min Aung Hlaing in May/June, according to Toyo Keizai. Watanabe described MAH as "maturing greatly as a person over the past 10 years." premium.toyokeizai.net/articles/-/277…
Yusuke Watanabe, Secretary General of Japan Myanmar Association, claims Japan has leverage over Tatmadaw, can work "to reverse China’s geoeconomic influence..." Even after 800 killed, thousands detained? I don't think so. bit.ly/3yAGe3E
Thailand’s majority state-owned oil and gas company, PTT, is partnering with military-linked companies to expand its engagement in Myanmar. hrw.org/news/2021/05/2…
Our pressure is working. Let's keep pushing! "Japan will consider cutting off all official development assistance to Myanmar, even for ongoing projects, if the situation there does not improve, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told Nikkei." asia.nikkei.com/Editor-s-Picks…
外務省は、彼らをミャンマーに帰国させることによって生じるリスクを深刻に受け止めるべきだ。また、国軍が指名した「外交官」にビザを発行し入国を認めることは、「軍政府」にお墨付きを与える危険性がある。 twitter.com/TeppeiKasai/st…
If #Japan votes yes on the #UNGA resolution calling for a global arms embargo on #Myanmar, it will be a major policy shift as Japan has abstained from all Myanmar-related resolutions since 2017. #Japan should not let the intl. community down. france24.com/en/americas/20…
「在日ミャンマー大使館に勤務するミャンマー人外交官二人が国軍による市民弾圧に抗議し、解任されていたことが十九日、外交関係筋への取材で分かった、、、帰国すれば命の危険があるとして、日本の外務省に外交官身分の維持を要請している。」 chunichi.co.jp/article/256928…
Today, Japan's @nhk_news reported on a joint submission by @JusticeMyanmar, @hrw, @ngo_jvc, @HRN_friends, & @MekongWatch to the UN on Myanmar's Y-Complex project, which seriously risks funding the #Tatmadaw. Submission available here: hrw.org/news/2021/02/1…
ミャンマー軍のプロパガンダ機関として、デモ参加者の死刑宣告や拷問された人々の写真を放送しているミャンマーラジオテレビ局(MRTV)。実は日本政府は、2017年に22億6,300万円の無償資金協力を提供。「終了案件」とされているが、無責任すぎる。 jica.go.jp/oda/project/16…
In 2017, the JP gov't provided ¥2.3 billion to Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV) to "expand" its broadcasting capabilities. MRTV is #Tatmadaw's propaganda machine, announcing death sentences and airing images of tortured protestors. #SaveMyanmar bit.ly/3vwdPcF
NEW: #Japan should immediately review its aid portfolio for Myanmar and suspend non-humanitarian projects that benefit the junta or military, @hrw said today. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar hrw.org/news/2021/04/2…
NEW: #JICA tells @hrw a JP company signed a deal with military-owned #MEC and its affiliate in November 2019 for the #Bago River Bridge Project, 2 months after the #UN FFM called for the financial isolation of #MEC & #MEHL. #SaveMyammar myanmar-now.org/en/news/japan-…
NEW: #Japan confirmed with @hrw it has NOT provided vehicles and wireless equipment to the Myanmar police, an ODA program announced last July. Unclear why the aid has been on hold for more than 6 months. #SaveMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar bit.ly/3a2MSVR
Japan's former ambassador to Myanmar, Tateshi Higuchi, calls for review of ODA & defense cooperation. He also admitted to trusting Min Aung Hlaing during the Rohingya refugee crisis, but this coup opened his eyes, and now he feels ashamed. #SaveMyammar nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
When asked by a journalist about Japan's reaction to the situation in #Myanmar, #Japan's FM Toshimitsu Motegi quoted The Little Prince, saying "What is essential is invisible to the eye." Absolutely embarrassing. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar mofa.go.jp/press/kaiken/k…
#Japan may have suspended new aid to #Myanmar, but it can do more: ❶ Place targeted economic sanctions against #Tatmadaw leaders & military-owned companies, including asset freezes and travel bans ❷ Support a global arms embargo ❸ Suspend defense cooperation #SaveMyanmar
#Japan should take urgent action to pressure the #Tatmadaw to restore the democratically elected government and respect human rights, says @HRN_friends, @hrw, JVC, @JusticeMyanmar, and NANCiS. #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar #SaveMyanmar hrw.org/news/2021/02/2…
#Hokkaido University released #Myanmar's first micro-satellite from the ISS after @Reuters reported a delay due to the #coup and concerns of misuse. It says it has placed safeguards so the military will not be able to abuse the technology. #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
NEW: #Japan will not participate in Myanmar's Armed Forced Day on March 27, Japan's Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi @moteging said today. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyammar
တိုကျို၏ မတုန်မလှုပ် ဒစ်ပလိုမေစီသည် အပြစ်ပေးအရေးယူခံရခြင်းမှ ကင်းလွတ်ခွင့်နှင့်အတူ ကြီးမားကျယ်ပြန့်သော ချိုးဖောက်မှုများကို ဆက်လက်ကျူးလွန်နေသည့် တပ်မတော်ကို ပိုမို လုပ်ရဲကိုင်ရဲ ရှိစေလိမ့်မည်။ #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar hrw.org/my/news/2021/0…