I would also like to discuss She-Ra, thank you.
Obviously my favorite princess:
I had silver hair once. Show me your dyed hair! I like browsing hair inspiration. 🌈 #tbt
Lots of stupid shit went down in 2018 but never forget that this was the year we accepted that inserting your card into the chip reader was the new normal.
My stance on payment method reinforces my Americanness: I prefer the feeling of the swipe. I know it's less secure, but it's far more satisfying as a physical motion. It's sexy. It's aggressive. It's luxurious. Tapping is cold. Inserting is boring. Swiping will be sorely missed.
thank you @korndiddy for giving me my son 😊 twitter.com/korndiddy/stat…
Any year-end best movies list without Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is invalid.
Any best superhero or animated movies of all time list without Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is invalid.
It is SO fresh. It is THAT good. #SpiderMan
The technical and abstract audacity of the movie is STUNNING, like the filmmakers blended comic book style, anime movement, digital age details, and fantastic action cinematography through computer animation. It felt almost experimental. It’s a mainstream animation game changer.
I’ve had many long conversations with parents and pet owners about their children but they pale in comparison to the fanatical pride of people with indoor plants.
*walks into person’s place, notices plant*
me: wow look a plant.
them: [ties me to nearest chair] LET ME TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY PLANT.
I can’t even remember to do my own laundry while plant people literally have written detailed schedules and cinematic universes for their succulents.
Just spoke with my dad, who’s really been getting into reading online threads.
He was concerned about a hair loss epidemic since “so many people are commenting about their wigs.”
Great job, Internet. You’ve confused a sweet, retired doctor. He thinks you’re all actually bald.
They’re gonna teach classes about @JordanPeele’s fantastic cinematic visions in the future. There’s a specificity to the mythology that reminds me of Asian New Wave horror, except no one’s remaking it for Western audiences. It’s wholly, refreshingly original. #WatchYourself twitter.com/JordanPeele/st…
@tryguys The Try Guys Visit Every Fan’s Country And Experience Priceless Adventures But Also Go Bankrupt 😭
Let’s all boldly burst into 2019, grab it by the throat, spank it into submission, and make it do our bidding.
You know how in apocalypse movies where a part of the population starts freaking out because they’re infected by something unfamiliar and start rampaging? I felt like I was in one when I woke up to people losing their minds over the Instagram update. I’ve already locked my doors.
“If you haven’t been updated, cover your eyes from all social media and come down the river. We have a safe haven here. Whatever you do, don’t look at your apps.”
These 6 days between Christmas and New Year's is the only time of year you should strive to do absolutely fucking nothing. Make zero progress. Take all the time off. Go on vacation from your vacation. Be the least impressive version of yourself. Transform into a couch.
If you have work (God bless you, that was my life when I was a waiter), MENTALLY transform yourself into a couch. 💜
We all deserve to be sofas right now. We worked hard this year.
@nedfulmer BLACKPINK
Your holiday cards,
Wedding and birthday greetings,
Die in a drawer.
- a haiku about all the pretty paper I receive
@tryguys @korndiddy @KeithHabs @nedfulmer Everyone please use this screenshot of Keith as your go-to Try Guys reaction meme. Perfect for any occasion.
When you get older and meet new people, the hottest person is not the most admired. It’s not the one with the biggest social media or the most impressive job.
It is, without question, the friendliest person with an amazing personality. They will always win at life in the end.