HOW DARE YOU SIR. twitter.com/KeithHabs/stat…
Outside of the online discourse, I highly encourage everyone to present Trump's tax returns to family and friends, especially if they're unsure about voting. Many believe he's a great businessman who can lead us with those skills. Show them the receipts.
Apologies to the gays for the black suit but a million thanks to the man whose apartment I got ready at who happened to be my size.
A few small, actionable things you can do to help:
- reduce, recycle, & reuse more
- waste less water & electricity
- eat a more plant-rich diet
- consider greener travel & consumer options
- support eco-conscious community efforts
- vote for leaders who believe in global warming
We march on, in loving memories of those who cannot
@BuzzFeedVideo @BuzzFeed #LAPRIDE #PrayForOrlando
BREAKING NEWS: American Homophobes And Racists Slowly Realize No One Gives A Fuck About What They Think, Continue To Yell At Clouds
All five of my brain cells whenever I see anything about #DetectivePikachu:
I'd specifically love to see Tom Holland in a Gene Kelly / Fred Astaire-type role. He's got the technical dance background and natural, hopeful charisma that many actors couldn't fake. Anything where he can express himself through choreography.
Is this a good tweet because I am still drunk.
that’s a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaach
I think asking if you're the first _____ a baby has encountered is a totally legit question! Because they're blank slates! I'm convinced I'm one of the first Asians many non-Asian babies have encountered so I want to make a positive, lasting impression.
Or is that super weird.
I refuse to let my growing adoration for @nedfulmer’s baby change my entire opinion on the freaky fragility of human larvae.
Any year-end best movies list without Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is invalid.
Any best superhero or animated movies of all time list without Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is invalid.
It is SO fresh. It is THAT good. #SpiderMan
Can I join the @girlscouts now?
🙏🍪💜 twitter.com/tryguys/status…
The new @LittleMix album bops so hard that I’m already teaching my dog the lyrics #LM5
me, a typical liberal Texan son:
"What did you think of the #TXSenateDebate? Will you vote for Beto, or do you still like Ted Cruz?"
my typical Republican Texan dad:
(laughs) "No one ACTUALLY likes Ted Cruz."
pieces of shit: "I'M sorry. I'VE changed. I'VE learned. I'M better. I'M great now."
people forced to listen to pieces of shit: "WE don't care. You're still a piece of shit. Go be marginally less shitty somewhere else."