On #Tiananmen2020, and especially when #HK is in the growing shadow of #NationalSecurityLaw, #Hongkong's stock market today has its unique way to remember #8964 #TiananmenSquareMassacre.
Vor dieser Berner Waffe fürchten sich Hongkongs Studenten. Ein Oberaargauer KMU liefert hochpräzise Pfefferspray-Pistolen nach China. Jetzt könnten die Waffen gegen die Studentenbewegung in Hongkong eingesetzt werden. tagesanzeiger.ch/vor-dieser-ber…
[This year might be the last year of annual #TiananmenVigil in #Hongkong]
1. 31 years ago, Beijing crushed dissents with tanks and guns. 31 years later, Beijing is ripping out our democratic aspiration with a tyrannical law.
2. At the time when #Beijing is unilaterally imposing the draconian #NationalSecurityLaw upon #Hongkong, this year might be the last year that Hongkongers can talk about #TiananmenSquareMassacre publicly.
3. Even before this evil law is implemented, #HKgov has already tightened its grip by banning this years’ candlelight vigil for the first time in 30 years. To block #Hongkongers from joining the vigil, the venue was locked down w/ barricades, with thousands of #hkpolice deployed.
4. The law is just the stepping stone for more interventions from #Beijing. With its ill-defined scope, the law will doubtlessly become the new weapon to crush dissents. With the new #secretpolice agency, Beijing can enforce #China's law in the territory of #HK.
5. Arbitrary arrests, censorship and Chinese-styled snitching culture will become ubiquitous in Hong Kong. Under its #wolfwarrior warrior diplomacy and the ambiguously defined "foreign forces", even foreign investors and ex-pats may fall victim to the new autocratic law.
6. To safeguard the city's democratic aspirations, civil liberties, and the last hope to remember the atrocity publicly in the future, I call upon the world leaders to take actions to urge #China to withdraw this evil law.
This is amazing. Time and again, we see how people fighting oppression in Hong Kong continue to stand with people fighting oppression in the United States. #BlackLivesMatter twitter.com/austinramzy/st…
Rare footage of Nancy Pelosi going to Tiananmen Square in 1991 with two House colleagues to mourn those who'd died. As I wrote in an earlier thread reviewing a new biography of her by @mollyesque, she has been in this fight for decades. Thank you! twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s… twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/…
2/ 문재인 대통령은 홍콩에 대한 지지를 표명하는 것에 주저하는 경향이 있습니다. 이것에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?
2.1/ “이해관계가 인권 원칙보다 우선시 되어서는 안됩니다. 특히 문재인 대통령은 예전에 인권변호사였습니다.
When Beijing is spreading fake news and misleading propaganda under the disinformation campaign, it's is a good move for Facebook start to label Russian, Chinese and other state-controlled media organizations. reuters.com/article/us-fac…
[La lección moral que los activistas de HK aprendimos de Tiananmén] @joshuawongcf y @KwongGlacier opinan que implementar la ley de seguridad nacional y prohibir la vigilia de Tiananmén son intentos de silenciar a los ciudadanos.
Here's my warm reminder for @HSBC:
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (Matthew 6:24)
Chris Patten accuses China of 'mafia'-style tactics as HSBC row escalates. Hong Kong protest leader Joshua Wong fears more firms could be "forced to kowtow to Beijing" when security law is passed.
"Non andrò via. Londra imponga sanzioni alla Cina", dice Joshua Wong L'attivista più importante di Hong Kong non accetterà l'offerta di cittadinanza di Boris Johnson. "Non possiamo rinunciare a ricordare Tiananmen" agi.it/estero/news/20…
[Never Forget Never Forgive]
@nathanlawkc, @ChuHoiDick, @JannelleRLeung, @tiffanyykw, Lester Shum, Gwyneth @KwaiLamHo, @SunnyCheungky and I hold candles as we joined others for a vigil to remember the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre at Victoria Park.
Even Hong Kong police fire pepper spray to disperse Tiananmen protesters and China is tightening controls over dissidents, we still try to mark the 31st anniversary of the crushing of the pro-democracy movement in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. reuters.com/article/us-chi…
[HK is not like Tiananmen Square – China is a superpower now and that is worrying]
China’s international clout has made nations reluctant to speak out as they did after the massacre in 1989 – but we need the international community to stand with HK
Let our voice being heard. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
최근 한국의 한 언론과의 인터뷰 중 '광주민주화운동'을 언론에서 '광주사태'로 번역을 하였습니다. 저는 광주사태(光州事態)라는 단어는 사용한 적이 없습니다.
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