Nach dem Lockdown flammen die Demonstrationen in Hongkong wieder auf. Im Interview spricht Protestführer Joshua Wong über Chinas Sicherheitsgesetz, Hongkongs Zukunft – und was er von US-Präsident Donald Trump erwartet. blick.ch/news/ausland/p…
Protestführer Joshua Wong fordert Sanktionen gegen China «Vielleicht muss ich in Peking hinter Gitter»
[@demosisto had filed a complaint with the @UN over abuse of protesters held in HK''s custody: bit.ly/PUCIabuse] 1/ Inmates’ treatment fell under the definition of “torture” as laid out in the U.N. Convention Against Torture, and the complaint had been sent to @OHCHRAsia.
4/ Nearly 9,000 people have been arrested and 1,671 people charged since anti-government protests escalated in June last year, according to police. At least 34 male protesters have been remanded in custody in Pik Uk since June 2019. Of those, 14 are still in detention.
3/ The three protesters, whose names were given only as Tom, Ivan, and Jackson, were all held in Pik Uk Correctional Institution, a centre in the district of Sai Kung that is used for inmates aged 21 or under, Wong’s group said. reuters.com/article/us-hon…
조슈아 웡 "국가보안법 통과로 더 많은 홍콩 사람들이 거리로 나올 것이다" [허프인터뷰] 조슈아 웡과 홍콩 민주화시위 1년의 타임라인 우리는 계속해서 국내외로 동참을 요구하며 싸움을 이어갈 것이다. 천안문 학살 31주기인 그 날에도 모여서 집회를 열 계획이다. huffingtonpost.kr/entry/joshua-w…
한국의 미래세대인 류호정 의원이 지지해 주어 더 큰 의미가 있습니다. 이번 류호정 의원의 지지를 시작으로 한국과 홍콩의 미래세대들이 더욱더 민주와 자유를 위해서 함께 나아가길 희망합니다.
어제 한국 최연소 국회의원인 류호정 의원이 홍콩 항쟁에 지지 발언을 해주셨습니다. 홍콩 항쟁에 관심과 지지 보내주셔서 감사합니다. 현재 홍콩 항쟁은 홍콩의 2030 미래세대들이 주역이 되어 이끌어가고 있습니다. facebook.com/newhojeong/vid…
「安倍首相も香港国家安全法に反対する宣言を」ブルース・リーの「水」のごとく闘う雨傘運動の黄之鋒氏 news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/kimuram…
[@chowtingagnes, Joshua Wong and former legislative councillor @loktinau Au Nok Hin will participate in a online briefing session organized by @fccjapan The Foreign Corespondents’ Club of Japan.] twitter.com/chowtingagnes/…
[Activists urge Europe to oppose HK security law] Pro-democracy activists have called on European leaders to speak out against the imposition of national security legislation in Hong Kong, and to put pressure on Beijing to abandon the move. news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/compon…
1/ #Hongkongers welcome @BorisJohnson’s visa offer to 3 million #HongKong citizens, at the time when #Beijing government completely ignores the will of #HKers and unilaterally imposes the draconian #nationalsecuritylaw over the city.
2/ According to the latest poll, 64% of the city’s population opposes #China’s blackbox #nationalsecuritylegislation that completely bypasses local legislative scrutiny. However, Beijing chooses to ignore all critics and turns #HK into another Mainland city.
4/ HK’s judiciary independence will be in peril since #Beijing has already criticized local courts’ rulings last year, let alone more sensitive matters like national security. It will be the new weapon for Beijing to put pressure on UK companies like HSBC to side with China.
5/ In order to safeguard HK’s liberties & foreign business interests, I call upon the #UK Gov to impose necessary sanctions & restrictive measures in order to push for the withdrawal of the bill & urge China to honour its promise of autonomy under its UN-filed Joint Declaration.
HK’s freedoms have been under constant attack by China, but the situation has been dramatically deteriorating recently, with the CCP pushing through a security law that will effectively put an end to "1country2system". Please take this short survey: now.world/hong_kong_surv…
[My respond to HSBC’s top Asia exec has come out in support of the national security law] 1/ HSBC provides a vivid example demonstrating how China will use the national security law as new leverage for more political influence over foreign business community in this global city.
2/ Business circles, banks, lawyers and scholars fear that the law will introduce Chinese styled snitching culture and censorship to HK. It's foreseeable that more companies are forced to kowtow to Beijing once the law is implemented in HK.
4/ Under its wolf warrior diplomacy, ex-pats & foreign companies can easily become the targets of new law due to its ambiguously defined “foreign forces”. I call on UK Gov to take vigorous actions & impose necessary sanctions if China insists on scraping Joint Declaration.
5/ Since the law introduces legal and political uncertainties to the city, the world should also reconsider Hong Kong’s special status in order to protect foreign interests and as a way to push for the withdrawal of this evil law.
The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. - Milan Kundera, 〔The Book of Laughter and Forgetting〕
Calling on UK to rule out Huawei from 5G infrastructure 1/ With loose capital controls & economic freedom, HK has long been viewed as cash cow for Beijing. China uses HK's currency, equity & debt markets to attract foreign funds, with over 70% of China’s foreign capital via HK.
[@johannesboie: Das dröhnende Schweigen Deutschlands zu Hongkong beschämt] Hongkong ist in Gefahr wie nie zuvor, und wieder ist es ein kommunistisches Regime, das sich Zugriff auf eine freie Stadt verschafft. welt.de/debatte/kommen…
[Opinion: Tiananmen has always served as a moral to learn from] Implementing the new national security law in HK and banning the Tiananmen massacre vigil in the city are attempts to silence Hong Kongers, write activists @joshuawongcf and @KwongGlacier. dw.com/en/opinion-tia…
1/ This year might be the last year that we get to talk about June Fourth publicly. Once the national security law is in effect, simply mentioning the event will be subject to legal prosecution.