🇯🇵どうもありがとう! twitter.com/pochi1989/stat…
Here is the report from #Appledaily. The only printed newspaper that uphold freedom and liberal value in HK under tramendous threat from Beijing. Thank you for the explaination and care from @JimmyLaiApple. We must stand up and fight back with solidarity and unity! t.co/2gEQjjLW6s
Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday announced they intend to defund and dismantle the city's police department following the police killing of George Floyd! #BlackLivesMattters cnn.com/2020/06/07/us/…
6월 항쟁 33주년을 맞이하여 한국 정의당 국회의원 류호정 의원과 한국x홍콩 연대 대담<그날이 오면>을 진행합니다! 일시: 2020년6월10일 오후2시 장소: 대한민국 국회 류호정의원실 (영상통화) 주최·주관: 국회 류호정의원실, 다이얼로그차이나 한국대표부 *대담 영상은 추후 업로드 하겠습니다.
🇮🇹 De Li Wenliang y el coronavirus al golpe en Hong Kong: los frenéticos cinco meses en que el régimen chino mostró sus planes al mundoXi Jinping aceleró sus planes de expansión geopolítica desde el inicio de la pandemia. infobae.com/america/mundo/…
Europe can no longer afford Germany's failed China policy of 'change through trade'. change.org/p/politicians-…
오늘 저녁 TBS FM <아닌 밤중에 주진우입니다>에서 중국의 ’홍콩 국가보안법‘ 제정으로 혼란스러운 상황에 대해 직접 말합니다! *오늘(6.8) 저녁 8시 6분 TBS FM 95.1 Mhz와, TBS 앱, 유튜브 채널 ‘TBS FM’을 통해 시청할 수 있습니다.
Joshua Wong and several other pro-democracy politicians claimed that they have recently been followed by suspicious figures believed to be China’s security agents, ahead of the enactment of new national security law imposed by Beijing. hk.appledaily.com/us/20200608/F7…
1/ Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of our anti-extradition bill movement since June. Over the past year, Hongkongers and the world have been bearing witness to the deteriorating situation in Hong Kong, with Beijing tightening its grip over the city’s liberties.
2/ Step by step, Beijing is putting this global business centre under its direct control, from suppressing dissents’ voices with excessive police forces, scrapping the 1 Country 2 Countries framework to guarantee supervisory power to China’s Liaison Office.
3/ Beijing proposed a CCP-led secret police intelligence agency under the ill-defined national security law. Similar to how it treats dissidents in China, Beijing is staging the biggest crackdown in the city after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in a silent but violent manner.
4/ Without legislative scrutiny and public consultation, Beijing is now unilaterally imposing its authoritarian regime on Hong Kong against the will of the people. Even for pro-Beijing side, about 30% of the pro-government supporters oppose a law without legislative scrutiny.
5/ For any institutional factors that contribute to the success of the international city, from free-flow of information, press freedom, freedoms of speech, & human rights protection, China reads them in its tyrannical mindset and views them as a threat to its autocratic control.
6/ The law may raise the costs in the future protests, but Hongkongers will not step down, just like those who fight for freedoms and political reforms under authoritarian rules and places before democratization. The atrocity ahead only makes our democratic crusades inevitable.
7/ Since the freedoms and human rights of our generations are not values that we can compromise, Hongkongers have no way back. Just like the recent Tiananmen candlelight vigil, law and barricades will not put an end to the city’s spirit of resistance.
8/ I have strong confidence in Hongkongers that we will have ways to resist and defy. Moreover, I hope the world can stand with Hong Kong and protect the city from falling.
9/ 8936 #HKers were put under arrest by #hkpolice during #HKProtest since 2019 with 1808 of them prosecuted. For those charged with rioting, the figure is 612. Just a coincidence, 6.12 was was the day when half million HKers took to streets to oppose the evil extradition in 2019.
Joshua Wong: "Jetzt ist nicht die Zeit aufzugeben und Angst zu haben" rtl.de/cms/joshua-won…
This story explores how some tactics we use against the excessive force deployed by the police in #HongKong have inspired the current American protests, featuring an interview with @jeffreychngo in the end. twitter.com/VICENews/statu…
[@johannesvogel: Hong Kong today = West Berlin of 1948] What is already clear, however, is the significant role played by HK in this competition — one which is comparable to West Berlin’s role in a very different inter-systemic competition last century. theglobalist.com/hong-kong-prot…
🇩🇪 Proteste in Hongkong nehmen wieder Fahrt auf Joshua Wong: "Jetzt ist nicht die Zeit aufzugeben und Angst zu haben. Merkel soll Zeichen gegen Unterdrückung setzen." rtl.de/cms/joshua-won…
“The global failure to respond to China’s aggressive rights abuses from Xinjiang to HK has only emboldened Beijing......Foreign Gov catalyzed by this grave threat to freedoms in HK should act swiftly to press Beijing over its human rights violations.” hrw.org/news/2020/06/0…
🇦🇺[Reflect on the past year of protest] 1/ Joshua Wong wasn't among the protesters streaming onto the streets on June 9 last year. He was in jail, serving a two-month sentence for contempt related to his involvement in the Umbrella Movement protests. abc.net.au/news/2020-06-0…
🇮🇹 Una Cina, un sistemaPer salvare Hong Kong c’è bisogno della comunità internazionale, dice Joshua. Da quando l’Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo ha approvato la legge sulla sicurezza nazionale, per l’ex colonia britannica è reato minare l’autorità di Pechino.
🇯🇵Joshua Wong said Gov is using bans on social gatherings to suppress the freedom of assembly. "But I don't think HK's protest is losing its momentum. It's well manifested by hundred thousand HKers who defied the police ban & attended the commemoration" asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Hong…