There is “a new cold war … brewing between China and the rest of the democratic world, and Hong Kong is holding the line in one of its first battles”. theguardian.com/books/2020/feb…
Wu Han Coronavirus Halo facebook.com/10725980394148…
WHO Needs to Quit Being Polite With China! The coronavirus poses a global health risk that’s more important than appeasing a major donor to the agency. bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…
Less than 2 weeks, our petition against France's sale of tactical suits to #HKPolice has broken 100000 signatories. It shows the world has sided with #HKers' strong appeal to suspend any support to #policebrutality. Our urge is strong & irresistible! chng.it/RQ9DLR4tcT
Over the past 8 months, #HKPolice has completely ignored guidelines & excessively used forces on citizens. Our elderly was teargassed, first-aiders were shot blind, young generations were trampled by police on their heads, foreign companies' employees were unlawfully arrested.
Any gears supplied to #hongkongpolice will merely turn them into weapons against democracy fighters in HK. Just as G7 leaders supported HK's autonomy last year, some values are more important than dollar signs, and that is Liberty that #hongkongers want to fight for.
We believe the best way to protect autonomy is not strengthening #HKGov's repressive forces against the public call for freedom protections. Without dissident voices, the city's autonomy is the next to be blown away.
We call on the French government to call a halt to its export of tactical suits to our notorious #HKGov. We also invite the world to join our petition before April.
Joshua ist das Gesicht der Protestbewegung in HK. In einem neuen Buch schildert er sein Leben im Ausnahmezustand. Ein Gespräch über das Coronavirus, den Kotau des Westens vor China, Pekings Einfluss auf die Filmindustrie und seine Kritik an der Berlinale. welt.de/politik/auslan…
Bernie Sanders says he would intervene if China took military action against Taiwan cbsnews.com/news/bernie-sa…
The recent defeated, pro-Beijing former District Council Chairman (Kwun Tong) claimed that he is distributing masks to the elderly that made in “Soviet Union”...... *蘇聯=Soviet Union
.@demosisto has bought 1.2 millions masks from Honduras, saying they targeted countries which did not trade much with China. Joshua has accused the government of not doing its job properly to overcome obstacles when buying surgical masks. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
Here is Winnie The Flu that we call as #WTF Credit to Yeahman Tse via Legend Bricks LEGO Forum
Winnie The Flu in Tiananmen Square! facebook.com/studioincendo/…
최근 한국에서 코로나 19 확진자 수가 급격하게 증가하고 있어 안타까운 마음입니다. 지난 시간 많은 한국 국민들께서 ‘홍콩 민주화운동’을 지지하고 응원해주셨습니다. 응원해주셨던 한국 국민들께 항상 감사의 마음을 가지고 있습니다.
이번에는 저와 홍콩 시민들이 한국에 위로의 마음과 응원의 마음을 전합니다. 한국 국민 여러분 함께 힘내요! 🇰🇷
I support Reporters Without Borders calls on the Chinese government to stop obstructing journalists covering the coronavirus epidemic and points out that only complete transparency will help to avoid the spread of rumours that exacerbate the crisis. rsf.org/en/news/rfs-ur…
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (Timothy 4:12) twitter.com/Malala/status/…
Amid #Coronavirus menace, pro-#CCP lawmakers today hold extra meetings to discuss #HKpolice pay rises, despite majority of #HKers’ opposing the rise. According to the poll, popularity rating of police hit a record low: 40% of population giving zero marks on police performance.
However, just on the same day of the meeting, #hongkongpolice carries new rounds of political persecution by arresting key pro-democracy figures including Lee Cheuk Yan, Yeung Sum and pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai.
Clearly, the #policebrutality was one of key reasons for #hongkongers to stand out, and it will always be. The virus will not cast off our determination to hold police officers to account for its misconduct.
By all means, we will bring justice to protesters who have been shot blind, gang-raped & tortured. This is a movement against the oppression of #EmperorXi. When #China adopts strong-arm tactics & suppresses city's protests with militarized police forces, HKers will not back down!
No human-to-human transmission > limited human-to-human transmission > sustained transmission > too early to delcare PHEIC > high risk > very high risk > #coronavirus is not a pandemic despite many new cases confirmed in #China.......