Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

4/ Under its wolf warrior diplomacy, ex-pats & foreign companies can easily become the targets of new law due to its ambiguously defined “foreign forces”. I call on UK Gov to take vigorous actions & impose necessary sanctions if China insists on scraping Joint Declaration.
3/ Yan provided first aid services to #HKers. He said one of the patients suffered from severe brain bleed & concussion during detention. X-rays showed that the wound was made by blunt force. The victim has lost his sense of taste & fails to distinguish hot things & sour taste.
4/ Nearly 9,000 people have been arrested and 1,671 people charged since anti-government protests escalated in June last year, according to police. At least 34 male protesters have been remanded in custody in Pik Uk since June 2019. Of those, 14 are still in detention.
3. 10년 이상의 투옥과 가혹한 고문을 당하고 심지어 중국으로의 인도 등 앞으로 무슨 일이 일어날지 누구도 알 수 없게 되었습니다. 혹독한 운명이 눈앞으로 다가온 지금 개인의 앞날을 헤아릴 수 없게 되었지만 이럴 때 일수록 더더욱 이를 짊어지려는 용기를 내어야 합니다.
4/ Compare to the #12HKYouth, who have no access to lawyers, no access to medication, and chances are they are being tortured inside the black-box judicial system of China with more backwards, draconian laws, I am very fortunate.
5/ During the initial stages of the outbreak, the Chinese government concealed information from the public, limiting mitigation efforts and exacerbating the spread of SARS. Chinese government did not notified WHO of SARS until Feb 2003, allowing it to flourish and spread to HK.
4/ The alliance represented not only widespread anger over China’s stance on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet, but also wider regional issues linked to growing Chinese influence and expansion through its Belt and Road initiative and infrastructure development, he added.
3/ Ex-pats and travellers might face indefinite detentions, secret trials, covert surveillance, communication interception, warrantless raids of premises, asset freezes, or even extradition to China’s courts since the law covers European nationals working and living in HK.
15/ And yet, in the face of this darkest new era of censorship and repression, HK’s spirit of resistance is unflagging. Many HKers lined up in the early hours of Tuesday to buy the day’s edition of Apple Daily.
9/ 2020년 6월 1일 홍콩 데모시스토당 비서장 조슈아 웡
11. 3️⃣ Direct rule in HK through installing mainland institutions: A powerful national security agency will be set up to "supervise" #HKgov and has power of direct intervention. Just like Liaison Office, the new body will not be bound by Basic Law, as per Tam Yiu-chung.
[@chowtingagnes, Joshua Wong and former legislative councillor @loktinau Au Nok Hin will participate in a online briefing session organized by @fccjapan The Foreign Corespondents’ Club of Japan.]…
3/ Up to now, #Beijing loyalists keep downplaying the adverse impacts on HK’s judicial independence & civil liberties. Under similar law in China, people seeking justice for #TiananmenMassacre, supporting HKProtest were sentenced to jail. It might kill HK’s democratic movements.
2/ To demonstrate a deterrent effect for further erosion of human rights in HK, formal investigations should be launched by USGov to identify and consider sanctioning HKGov officials who are directly responsible for extensive police brutality that grossly violated human rights.
4/ Keeping silent will only make China apply the same censorship model overseas. The world must speak up to stop further deterioration of human rights and freedoms.
1/ Communist leaders plan to impose a rubber-stamp legislature when they announce the arrangements on legislative limbo next week. Beijing loyalists urge the government to bar all pro-democracy incumbents that have opposed the national security law from the new legislature.
5. When Beijing criminalizes all international advocacy with its sweeping powers, the vote that I get in the primary would be the popular mandate for our future international advocacy to call for the world's awareness on HK’s vanishing liberty and democracy.
3. When even #China's tech giant #AntIPO was suddenly halted, with recent restrictions on #Alibaba, it becomes doubtful whether foreign firms will be spared amid Beijing's unpredictable retaliation.
【KIẾN NGHỊ QUỐC TẾ: Cùng bảo vệ nhân quyền của người HK! Yêu cầu giao trả 12 người Hongkong!】 Chúng tôi yêu cầu chính quyền Hongkong bảo vệ quyền lợi của người dân HK và ngay lập tức đưa 12 người bị bắt trở lại HK.…
2/ The latest development by @Reuters shows, #Beijing plans to impose a #CCP-led court in #Hongkong that blocks all foreign judges. Beyond any doubt, all these new measures will undermine HK’s judicial independence and its role as the only common law jurisdiction on China’s soul.
3/ National security cases can also be sent to Chinese courts for trial. Vowing not to give up on their mission, Wong says they are prepared to go to jail. Wong, who has already been imprisoned three times, told the Guardian that he had “no choice” but to keep going.
4.4/ Nevertheless, the coronavirus does not kill the movement, but rather adds more fuels to the public anger. According to Reuters' poll, support for protesters has grown even though rallies pause. More people demand our city leader to step down, from 57% in Dec to 63% in March.
4. Evidently, the decision is one step closer to the implementation of “cooperation of powers” policy proposed by #Xijinping in 2008, emphasizing that judiciary and legislature are required to support the administrative branch.
[Vlog with @SunnyCheungky:] 1/ Success of HK & Taiwan in containing the spread of coronavirus, was heavily due to distrust towards HKGov & China after tragic SARS outbreak in 2003. As a result, HKers respond to pandemic instantly with little hesitation.