日本製アニメの権利保護、しっかり対応する=加藤官房長官(ロイター) ........
映画を見てとても幸せ! twitter.com/DM_Partners/st…
4/ Over 9 months since the outbreak, zero police officer has been charged for his misconduct. They now claimed all these apparent violations of interactions and excessive use of forces is “lawful and reasonable.”
6. 홍콩 사람들이 여전히 존재하는 한 그들은 영원히 우리를 두려워할 것이며 우리에게 대응하려 할 것 입니다. 저는 지금 이 순간 세상의 수많은 눈이 아직 홍콩의 문제에 관심을 갖고 바라보고 있다고 생각합니다. 또한 국가보안법 체제 하의 저 개인적인 상황에 주목하고 있다고 생각합니다.
A statement released after her arrest said infrared surveillance camera had appeared next to her doorstep in the week ahead of her arrest & was removed after she was pulled in by police. In China, putting a camera outside the door of dissidents is a common trick of secret police.
2. But even after the arrest, there's still a huge question mark on when they will be prosecuted, put on trial and how long trial will last. Prosecution can be further delayed if Chinese prosecutors claim they need “supplementary investigation”. It will be like an endless tunnel.
[@johannesvogel: Hong Kong today = West Berlin of 1948]
What is already clear, however, is the significant role played by HK in this competition — one which is comparable to West Berlin’s role in a very different inter-systemic competition last century. theglobalist.com/hong-kong-prot…
[#Nationsecuritylaw changes business-political nexus]
1. Excellent story by @TheEconomist with insights on how #NSL imperils #HK’s business environment, impartiality and gov role, while #Beijing claims the law will not affect business confidence.
1/ Even though causing a spiralling worldwide #CoronavirusPandemic, China has never leant a lesson from its coverups and opaqueness. Even the WHO Representative for China has criticized #Beijing for not being invited to join China’s #coronavirus investigation.
Our hope is that a drastic change of American policy will encourage them to reverse course on Hong Kong. For the past year, we've been fighting, first, against extradition arrangements with China and, now, a sweeping national-security law. The world must not turn a blind eye.
[Unprecedented threats on press freedom since national security law took effect]
Beijing is keen to control every aspect of society. Journalists are considered pillars to exercising freedom of expression, are under severe attack from the authorities.
3. Just another controversial incident after Daryl Morey’s tweet supporting #Hongkongprotests last year, the #Freehongkong uproar is sounding alarm bells about NBA’s dedication to stand up against #Beijing’s political pressure and uphold the liberal values that we all embrace.
2/ Learnt from our experiences, #Hongkongers share some secret remedies to combat the virus - wearing masks, staying at home, travelling less and being critical about the government’s words.
5/ Besides, democracy is the only way to guarantee HK's autonomy and stability. Otherwise, the government and legislature will only prey to China's manipulation under the rule of Beijing-handpicked Chief Executive.
2/ Next hearing fixed on 18 Dec. One of the charges maybe dropped by then if CFA ruled the anti-mask law unconstitutional. #MaskOnandFightBack Charging me of taking part in unauthorised assembly without questioning the illegality of the law is a neglect to justice in entirety,
3/ Leaked police manuals have already shown police’s excessive & disproportional use of forces against unarmed civilians. #Policebrutality was also well caught by international media & slammed by human rights groups. But #HKPolice just arrogantly dismissed them as liars & fools.
5. With draconian punishments, the law is Sword of Damocles hanging over civil society & business communities in the city. As #Hongkong is on the brink of collapse, I call upon the world to take stronger actions to urge China to withdraw the law.
【دادخواست جهانی: بازگشت فوری 12 هنگ کنگی بازداشت شده از چین به هنگ کنگ】
از دولت هنگ کنگ میخواهیم که از حقوق مردم هنگ کنگ محافظت کند و فوراً این 12 بازداشتی را از چین به هنگ کنگ بازگرداند.
On the bright side, Santa Claus has fewer homes to visit this year... 🎅 twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
5/ Under #wolfwarrior diplomacy, foreign companies can be victims under this new evil law. Clearly, China refuses to address the world's concerns & halt the legislation. International communities need to take firmer stance & challenge its assault on our global rule-based system.
7/ We need you to sign on this petition: Stopp der humanitären Krise in Hongkong mit sofortigen konkreten Maßnahmen durch die Bundesregierung vom epetitionen.bundestag.de/content/petiti…
Source: instagram.com/p/CEW4K6MJQa5/…