Dawkins is a very respected British scientist, but it's clear he has no idea what he's talking about here. Hong Kongers have actively defied the WHO and its lies. That's how we managed to contain the outbreak. The world needs the truth, not disinformation. twitter.com/RichardDawkins…
2/ Although the law is highly contentious in #Hongkong, and widespread backlash broke out when #HKgov introduced the law in 2003, Beijing this time deliberately chooses to ram through this unpopular law by completely ignoring the will of #Hongkongers.
[My idea on #MilkTeaAlliance]
Video: patreon.com/posts/43823169
1/ Behind the notion of Milk Tea Alliance, we can see gradually there’s a calling for pan-Asian solidarity “to fend off all forms of authoritarianism from China’’.
5/ For a long time, HK has been treated by Beijing as a white glove port for importing sensitive strategic commodities. Once the law is implemented, a #secretpolice agency and a #CCP-led China’s court will be imposed upon this global business centre.
[기획대담] 홍콩보안법 시행 한 달…지금 홍콩에서는?-조슈아 웡 인터뷰 news.kbs.co.kr/news/view.do?n…
5/ I think it is time for #CCP to wake up from its dream and face the damages they have done to the civil society and democratic aspirations on its territory.
1.2/ More worryingly, Beijing plans to set up a national security agency to enforce the law in the city. This new secret police body will probably supersede HKGov & police forces and launch secret arrests of all dissents in HK, just like Liu Xiaobo and Gui Minhai.
2/ To keep the official figures of confirmed cases low, Chinese hospitals now refuse to take in new patients, inflected patients are forced to terminate their treatment, and asymptomatic patients are not counted in the confirmed case total, according to several media's reports.
It has been the subject of a global backlash over its star's support of HK police and for being partly filmed in the Xinjiang region, where human rights groups say that Muslim Uighurs are being subject to rights abuses, a charge Beijing strongly denies.
Cyberpunk Bruce Lee #BeWater
Round pushpin Les derniers jours de #Hongkong Arrestations et filatures d'opposants se multiplient, fondées sur des accustations de « collusion avec des forces étrangères ». Notre dossier de la semaine Rightwards arrow bit.ly/319ZuX7 @LePoint
【Menschenrechte der HKer*innen bewahren und die chinesische Regierung zur Freilassung von 12 inhaftierten Hongkongern auffordern】
Die Rechte der Hongkonger*innen zu bewahren und die 12 Inhaftierten sofort von Festlandchina nach HK zurückzuholen.
🇮🇹Thank you for MP in Italy keep paying attention to Hong Kong. Here are the written questions from @Maurizio_Lupi, Deputy of the Italian Parliament (Camera dei Deputati) to the foreign minister on the Hong Kong issue.
8/ With its force and fear, Beijing may crush our bones, imprison our bodies, but can never silence the people's spirit of resistance. When China sinks its claws over the city's liberty, we hope the world can stand with Hong Kong once again.
While demonstrators took to the streets in response, pro-democracy activists like @jeffreychngo warn that pro-Beijing internet users have launched new disinformation campaigns about the latest round of protests.
8/ During this dismal situation, people of Italy and Hong Kong are all fighting a war on this deadly virus. We Hongkongers all stand with everyone in Italy. I am sure that we all can get through this difficult times before long.
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and a coalition of ten human rights NGOs call on Chinese President Xi Jinping to pardon journalist and two-time RSF Press Freedom Prize laureate, Huang Qi, who may die in prison if not freed immediately.
4/ With wooden rods, metal rulers, plastic rulers or batons, they also beat their hands & feet & ordered them to count every strike aloud: “Thank you, Sir. One … Thank you, Sir. Two ….” Protesters were beaten at least 20 times for each limb. thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/…
2. 2. Also, @Apple allegedly imposed restrictive guidelines, requiring workers not to wear yellow or black in their memoji which will be displayed on their lanyards. Managers even threatened employees with the sack if they refused to change their memoji.