Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Vor dieser Berner Waffe fürchten sich Hongkongs Studenten. Ein Oberaargauer KMU liefert hochpräzise Pfefferspray-Pistolen nach China. Jetzt könnten die Waffen gegen die Studentenbewegung in Hongkong eingesetzt werden.…
6/ Tonight’s assembly shows that #coronavirus does not kill the spirit of #hongkongprotests. The plague will end one day. But under #China's authoritarian rule, #HK’s freedom, human rights and autonomy can only be protected with the arrival of democracy.
“The innovative idea of Milk Tea Alliance will enhance more students to push forward global solidarity which might confront hardline crackdown,” Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong told Reuters. #MilkTeaAlliance…
The Chinese government have reneged on the promises made to protect and enhance their rights and freedoms. It is time the UK government reopens the BNO Passport scheme and extend it to give the people of HK the right to live in the UK.
This is how #CCP police treated Hong Kong women. Hong Kong Police must stop the use of sexual violence. 5/6
오늘은 "행동하는 양심"을 말씀하셨던 한국 민주화의 아버지 故김대중 대통령님의 서거 11주기입니다. 저도 故김대중 대통령님을 추모하는 뜻으로 헌화를 하였습니다. 今天是韓國前總統金大中先生的去世11週年。金先生在世時,始終堅持以做出行動來實踐信念和良心,我也向金大重先生的靈前獻了花。
When #hkgov sent warning letters to all district councillors and barred them from using their offices as polling stations... #Hongkongers use buses as polling stations instead.…
Protestführer Joshua Wong fordert Sanktionen gegen China «Vielleicht muss ich in Peking hinter Gitter»
[@joshuawongcf & @KwongGlacier in @washingtonpost: This is the final nail in the coffin for HK’s autonomy]… 1/ Beijing has just hammered the final nail in the coffin for Hong Kong’s autonomy. The promise of “one country, two systems” is dead.
4/ With a politicized judiciary, and judges full of political biases, it is doubtful how #hk courts differ from #China’s courts in upholding justice & impartiality before the law. That is the reasons why #HKers are losing faith in judicial impartiality in recent years.
#Breaking pro-democracy ex-lawmakers @ray_slowbeat & @ChuHoiDick were just arrested by #hkpolice this morning, after disrupting controversial national anthem bill meetings on June 4. That's another round of crackdown after #Beijing passed the law that can directly expel lawmakers
Could you speak a bit more about how HK context relates to a global context, and to liberties that are threatened internationally? 1/ In recent years, autocratic regimes like have China started to extend their tentacles worldwide, towards the retreat of global democracy.
[Joint Statement by primary winners on #nationalsecuritylaw] 1. As #Beijing plans to set endorsing security law as prerequisite for running in LegCo election in Sep, 16 #hkprimaries winners read out a joint statement today, urging all parties to stand firm to oppose sweeping law
3/ He even praised the assailant as "an involuntary sacrifice and a bloodstained victim hanging by his last breath”, while the victims, the ones truly laying in blood, were slammed as "ruthlessly trampled on his right to work, live and survive.”
4. With our unbeatable determination for liberty, the draconian law marks the beginning of #HKers’ real struggle for freedoms without fear. No matter what will happen to me in the future, I will continue taking part in local protests and international advocacy.
5/ Bursting into tears, Andrew criticized #police for shamefully arousing people’s sentiment in order to justify their violent suppression.
"One Country, Two Systems" has always been a lie, little more than "One China" in disguise. Now Asian geopolitics is reshaping right in front of our eyes. As a bastion of freedom, Taiwan deserves the world's support to emerge as a regional power. The age of isolation is over.
10/ The hardline suppression merely future protests inevitable, especially when #Beijing is now paving the way to disqualify more candidates in the forthcoming legislative elections on the upcoming summer. Also, more kids might be jailed under the sugar-coated legal system......
【7165 arrested, 1154 on trial】 According to the written reply from #HKGov to Legislator @ChuHoiDick, 7165 HKers were arrested since last summer because of protest. 1154 #HKProtesters are now on trial (including me & @chowtingagnes), while 5613 are still under investigation.
[Religious talks via #GoogleMeet allegedly surveilled by #CCP security agency in #HK] 1. @hkcnews_com reports the HKCCCC church held an online talk on Christianity in #China via #googlemeet on Aug 30, illustrating the history of religious policies in China.
[Cultural Revolution 2.0 in #Hongkong] 1. @mingpaocom reported, pro-#CCP lawmaker Junius Ho sent #China’s Liaison Office’s new directive to #Beijing loyalists’ chat group, urging for a “struggle against the three big mountains in #HK - legal, education & social service”.
[Is NBA sacrificing our free speech and kowtowing to #China again?] 1. Immediately after blocking #FreeHongKong to be printed on its custom gear, #NBA just once again kowtowed to #China by pulling the whole custom gear section from its store.…
My years of activism have been devoted to building transnational solidarity. But that doesn't mean placing blind trust in institutions like the WHO that care more about protecting the interests of nation-states over, you know, the interests of actual people.
2. When #China attempts to crush dissents with fear and force, nearly 600,000 #Hkers have used our actions today to ward off fear, cast ballots in this first and maybe last #hkprimaries and proved to the world that - Our spirit of resistance will not be killed.
#Save12 It has been 51 days since 12 HKers were captured by the Chinese and detained in Shenzhen... To my dismay, not only did the HK government witness interception of the 12 youths, they are involved in the conspiracy to abduct the activists to China.