
Time for my annual posting of this Adam + Joe evergreen classic. FOOTBALL!
Behold. From the treasure trove of extras on the @SparksBrothers doc (Out now on Blu-ray and Digital) please enjoy Mr @alyankovic playing 'THIS TOWN AIN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR BOTH OF US' on the accordion. You're welcome x uphe.com/movies/the-spa…
Then, at the screening of @DarrenAronofsky's 'The Whale', I've never seen a more rapturous reception to an actor at LFF than when Brendan Fraser stepped onstage. This is before they saw the film. Afterwards, he could have crowdsurfed out and be handed the Oscar on the Southbank.
If you haven't seen #LastNightInSoho yet or don't want to know how we conjured up some movie magic, then DON'T watch this 'Anatomy Of A Scene' I did for @mekadomurphy at @nytimes. If you do, sneak a look at some wizardry from my hardworking cast & crew... nytimes.com/video/movies/1…
October 29th… @lastnightinsoho
The new trailer for @lastnightinsoho is here. You can choose to look or, if you need know nothing more, you can turn away. Whichever you choose, I'll see you in the dark of the cinema on October 29th... youtube.com/watch?v=AcVnFr…
Check this out! A grocery store sign at @HarmonsGrocery in Utah by @RubenRhod referencing Marsha from ‘Spaced’. Can’t believe the great Julia Deakin is out there in a Utah grocery store. I love it! (Credit to Jessica Hynes and Simon Pegg for the one liner) x
Take a trip downtown… #LastNightInSoho
Thoroughly enjoyed 'Cyrano', a new musical from my not brother Joe Wright. Peter Dinklage is just sublime & in fine voice as he, Haley Bennett & Kelvin Harrison Jr belt out new songs by The National in achingly beautiful Sicily (sometimes on an active volcano). A real treat. 1/2
Join me as I break down: The Spaced finger shootout, the Shaun walk to the shops, Hot Fuzz fence jump, Pilgrim exiting through a window, World’s End bar brawl, Baby Driver opening chase & the Last Night In Soho dance sequence. Enjoy! twitter.com/edgarwright/st…
Estoy entusiasmado de que #UltimaNocheEnElSoho se estrene esta semana en España. ¡Espero que la disfrutéis mucho!🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
本日、THE SPARKS BROTHERSが日本でオープンすることになりました! 私達を応援してくれている大切な日本のファンが、ついにこの映画を観る事が出来るようになって、とても興奮しています。どうぞお楽しみください!
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you." - Family fun. Certificate U. twitter.com/Mag1cH0ur/stat…
The #ScottPilgrim vs. The World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Expanded Edition) is out now on all digital music services. Featuring demos from Beck & more music from the film including (finally!) Brie Larson’s version of “Black Sheep". Listen now! scottpilgrim.lnk.to/digiif
To my friends in Tokyo, #LastNightinSoho has partnered with Shibuya Parco until 26th December. Head down there to see the real costumes from the film! #ラストナイトインソーホー
If you’re in need of a distraction, how about this Q&A I recorded last week with El maestro @RealGDT all about #lastnightinsoho? Honestly I could talk moviemaking with the great man all day, but for now here’s 46 information & trivia packed minutes. Enjoy! lastnightinsohoinconversation.co.uk/#video
Behold! The amazing compilation soundtrack to #LastNightInSoho, chock full of 60's hits, Anya Taylor-Joy covers, a @SteveBPrice score suite and one slice of 80's goth magnificence is OUT NOW. backlotmusic.ffm.to/lastnightinsoh…
If you wanted to know more about the amazing costumes of #lastnightinsoho, stylist @mrjoezee highlights the exquisite work of designer Odile Dicks-Mireaux in this episode of DRESSED, including Eloise's newspaper dress. Watch the full episode at FocusFeaturesDressed.com
Am frequently asked ‘How do I get into film directing?’ & the answer is never a short one. So when @bbcmaestro asked me to do a course on film-making, I accepted as a way of finally answering the question. I hope you will watch this course and be inspired. bbcm.co/ew
Behold! My 1st documentary #THESPARKSBROTHERS is now yours to own! TONS of extras including a feature length live concert I shot, 75 mins of deleted scenes, exclusive featurettes & more is available to own on Digital NOW & Blu-ray 9/28! #TheSparksBrothers uphe.com/movies/the-spa…
A countdown to the Japanese release of #LastNightInSoho tomorrow by the amazing @_comaco. Love these.
We must also of course post this heroically badass clip from ‘The Supergrass’. RIP Robbie x twitter.com/edgarwright/st…
This should have been on the Oscars too x twitter.com/JackCanalPlus/…