Thank you, President @JuanOrlandoH for your sincere congratulations. Just as I am a friend to #Honduras, you are a friend to #Taiwan, & our countries’ friendship is helping make positive contributions to the international community.…
Thank you, President @DrGiammattei for your congratulations. #Taiwan & #Guatemala share a longstanding friendship rooted in shared values & common goals, & I look forward to forging even closer ties over the next four years.…
Thank you, President @MaritoAbdo for your heartwarming congratulations. As you said, #Taiwan & #Paraguay are united by our unwavering belief in democracy & civic freedoms, & we will keep working to advocate for these core values.…
Thank you, President @moisejovenel for your congratulations. #Taiwan & #Haiti are steadfast partners in the Caribbean, & we will continue to strengthen our diverse cooperation in the years to come.…
Thank you, President @TommyRemengesau for your warm congratulations. I fondly remember my time in #Palau, & I look forward to continuing our countries’ shared initiatives in pursuit of sustainable development & shared prosperity.…
I had very productive talks today with experts from the @AEI on regional democracy and #IndoPacific strategy. #Taiwan is determined to contribute to regional stability & will continue to work with like-minded countries to safeguard liberty.
Delighted to meet with my good friend #AIT Director Christensen on the day after the election. I look forward to working with him to forge an even closer #Taiwan-#US partnership based on our shared commitment to democracy, peace, & stability.
Before the elections, I said that #Taiwan would come together to defend our freedom & democracy. Over the past 6 months, #HongKong has shown us how precious that commitment is. I hope the people of Hong Kong take heart in the message our elections have sent to the world.
VP @JoeBiden, I deeply appreciate your statement of support. As this election demonstrates, the people of Taiwan’s commitment to freedom, democracy & human rights will never waver. We’ll keep fighting the good fight.…
.@SecPompeo, thank you for your statement. Taiwan is & will ever be great friends of the US. We are grateful for the actions you’ve taken to protect free markets, democracy & freedom around the world. Taiwan stands with you & we will be that bastion of freedom in the Indo-Pacific…
再び総統としての重責を託されたのは、国民が私にこれまで以上にリーダーシップを発揮し、未来を見据えた政策を実践することで、台湾をさらに邁進させたいからだとおもいます。 そのため、国民の声に謙虚に向き合い、不動の心で困難を乗り越え、そして、同様に台日の絆を深めていきたいです!
台湾の国民が四年に一度自らの運命を決める選挙が、無事行われました。 我々がもっとも大切にしているのは、一個人や政党の勝ち負けではなく、民主主義の勝利です。今日も、すべての台湾人と一緒に民主主義を享受できることが、私にとって最大の誇りです。
Thank you, Taiwan.
民主這條路,台灣走了很久,也走得很辛苦。它不是天上掉下來,它中間經歷過無數的抗爭,無數人的犧牲,我們才終於有這樣的生活方式。 現在全世界,都在看我們要怎麼繼續走這條路。明天,我們要讓所有人都看到,台灣人會為世界守住了這座民主的堡壘。明天,一定要去投票。 #Taiwan2020
Tomorrow, the power rests in our hands. Let’s show the world that the light of democracy burns strong in #Taiwan. Get out & vote! #Taiwan2020 #LetsWin2020
Wonderful to sit down with @CharlieCamp6ell for @TIME to discuss how important #Taiwan is to global democracy & how we’re working to defend it. The world is watching #Taiwan2020, & we owe it to future generations to choose freedom.…
Our votes have power. The power to show us the road to a brighter future & to give us the strength to stand tall as we walk that road. In two days, we must come together for #Taiwan, to safeguard this free & beautiful land that we love. #LetsWin2020
In light of current conditions in the Middle East, I have instructed government agencies to closely monitor Taiwan’s stock & foreign exchange markets, energy supply, the safety of overseas citizens, & security dynamics in the #Taiwan Strait.
In 4 days, the people of #Taiwan will come together to send a message to the world that we choose freedom & democracy. We choose to stand strong against coercion. We choose a future where our children can speak their minds & follow their dreams. #LetsWin2020
The excitement & enthusiasm I met on the campaign trail today were truly touching. We all know that the stakes are high, so as we head down the final stretch, let's come together & elect the kind of government that can lead #Taiwan forward. #LetsWin2020
此度のヘリコプター墜落事故によって亡くなられた国軍の勇士たちのご冥福を心からお祈り致します。 あまりにも無念です。しかし、彼らが国を守るために自らの命を捧げたことは永遠に記憶されます。われわれは彼らの志を胸に刻み、ずっと台湾とともに歩み続けます。
Yesterday we held a service to honour the eight heroes we lost, & the memorial at the Taipei Guest House will be open today & tomorrow to allow the public to express their condolences. The service of these men to our country will never be forgotten.
This morning I convened a national defense meeting, where I issued three major tasks to our armed forces. The best way for us to honour the memory of the fallen is to ensure Taiwan’s security & maintain military morale.
My deepest condolences go out to the outstanding servicemen lost in today’s helicopter crash, as well as their families. We will do everything we can to help their families in this time of loss & investigate the cause of the crash.
In my New Year’s Address, I reiterated my belief in the "four musts" & "four understandings" & emphasized the significance of the anti-infiltration act’s passage. Full text: