Wishing everyone a happy #LunarNewYear & a wonderful Year of the Rat!
Dear President @MaritoAbdo—I’m sure you’re receiving the best of care & I wish you a speedy recovery! twitter.com/MaritoAbdo/sta…
Today I had an opportunity to thank #EU Office Head Filip @grzegorzewskif for his support for #Taiwan including our participation in @WHO. I look forward to working with him to deepen our bilateral partnership & strengthen economic & trade ties by signing a BIA.
It was a pleasure to speak with you, @SenCoryGardner, & as always I am grateful for your friendship & the support of the #US Congress. #Taiwan will continue to be a staunch partner in advocating for democratic values as we work together to realize a free & open #IndoPacific. twitter.com/SenCoryGardner…
Our government agencies are closely monitoring the new coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, & we are taking all necessary measures to prevent its spread. I ask that all citizens & travelers to #Taiwan take added care of their health & follow these steps:
20以上の自治体が台湾選手のホストタウンを希望していたと聞いています。我々も日本にてトレーニングし、競技に参加できるのを楽しみにしています!頑張ろう!東京オリパラ! kantei.go.jp/jp/98_abe/stat…
Watch the full interview, where we discuss #Taiwan’s election, my goals for the next four years, & the future of cross-strait relations: english.president.gov.tw/NEWS/5962 Video: youtu.be/cFdnygITNog
They say 7 is a lucky number, & I truly do feel blessed to have reached 700,000 followers & to have the opportunity to lead #Taiwan for the next 4 years. Your likes & retweets help me share Taiwan’s story & help our beacon of democracy shine bright for the world to see.
I am, and always will be, proud of being an LSE Ph.D. twitter.com/LSEalumni/stat…
Delighted to meet @UKinTaiwan Representative Nettleton today. She added her congratulations to messages I received from the @foreignoffice & many other friends from the #UK, & I look forward to working with her to expand cooperation & our existing economic & trade dialogues.
Our armed forces work around the clock to keep #Taiwan safe, & I’m fully committed to supporting them. My administration will continue working to provide better accommodations for our service members to work, rest, & raise their families as they defend our country.
I sat down with @TheJohnSudworth for @BBCWorld to discuss the significance of our elections & the future of cross-strait relations. #Taiwan is more than willing to work with China to achieve regional peace, but they must first respect our sovereignty & commitment to freedom. twitter.com/BBCWorld/statu…
Delighted to meet with @CSIS friends today to discuss #US-#Taiwan cooperation & regional dynamics. We will continue to work with the community of like-minded countries to ensure peace & stability in the #IndoPacific region.
嬉しさだけではなく、心より感謝したい。古い友人である @KishiNobuo先生と山口県の先生方が選挙の勝利を祝うために来られたのはとても光栄なことです。数年前に山口県を訪れたが、その美しい風景と豊かな歴史と文化にすっかり魅了されました。双方の交流をぜひ深めていきたい。
Thank you, @SpeakerPelosi for your congratulations. Through our elections, the people of #Taiwan have once again stood up for our democratic & pluralistic values, & your support is heartening. We will continue working with the #US to foster freedom around the world. twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/…
Thank you, Prime Minister @AmbroseDumile, for your heartfelt congratulations. We cherish our long-standing ties with the Kingdom of #ESwatini, & appreciate your support for #Taiwan in the international community as we continue to work together for mutual benefit. twitter.com/AmbroseDumile/…
Thank you, Prime Minister @pmharriskn, for your hearty congratulations. My vision for #Taiwan’s future includes building on our existing friendship with #StKittsNevis to enhance our collaboration in many areas to benefit even more people in both countries. twitter.com/ministertharri…
Thank you, President @President_Heine for your congratulations & years of friendship. Your tenure as President of the #MarshallIslands exemplified strong leadership, and your contributions to our countries’ friendship brought the Pacific island community closer together. twitter.com/Senator_Heine/…
Thank you, Prime Minister @ComradeRalph for your congratulations. #Taiwan cherishes your friendship, & your country’s staunch advocacy for our right to participate in international affairs has touched the hearts of the Taiwanese people. twitter.com/ComradeRalph/s…