As a tennis fan myself, I’m sad to hear that @MariaSharapova is retiring, but I look forward to seeing what new things she will achieve in the years to come. Her fans around the world will never forget her dedication & intensity both on & off the court. vanityfair.com/style/2020/02/…
Today we passed bipartisan legislation to help #Taiwan better prepare for the impact of #COVID19. Expediting the passage of this bill helps ensure the health & safety of our citizens & keep our economy stable.
It was a pleasure to meet with German Institute Taipei Director Prinz today & thank both #Germany & the #EU for supporting #Taiwan’s international participation. Taiwan-Germany cooperation spans diverse fields, & I look forward to further expanding our ties in the next 4 years.
ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号に搭乗していた多くの台湾人が順調に帰国しました。まずは日本側の協力に感謝すると同時に、日本に留まっている台湾人乗客を引き続きお願いします。 コロナウイルス感染症との闘いに国境はありません。台日両国、そして国際社会が連携し、この難関を必ず乗り越えよう。
In the face of #COVID19, #Taiwan is fully committed to utilizing our medical & research strengths to develop both treatment & protection measures. I paid a visit to our National Health Research Institutes to learn more about this research process & thank our frontline personnel.
The winners of the National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Awards are placing a spotlight on #Taiwan’s biomedical capabilities, including the innovative R&D and manufacturing experience to contribute to global wellbeing by helping people enjoy healthier, happier lives.
I firmly believe that politics should never override professionalism, particularly in international organizations dedicated to people’s health & wellbeing. #Taiwan is willing and able to contribute to the international community in epidemic prevention & regional prosperity.
It was heartwarming to welcome our old friend @Project2049 Chair Randy Schriver back to #Taiwan & thank him for his staunch support. He has long been instrumental in promoting Taiwan-#US security & defense cooperation, & helping us consolidate our status in the #IndoPacific.
Pleased to meet UN Permanent Representatives #Belize Amb. Young, #Guatemala Amb. Lam Padilla, & #Haiti Amb. Saint-Hilaire & thank them for supporting #Taiwan’s international participation. Politics should never come before people’s health, & #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19.
I believe that health is a human right, and #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in preventing the spread of #COVID19.
I commend the Philippine government’s decision to lift the #Taiwan travel ban. We have #COVID19 outbreak well under control & the international community has praised our government’s stringent preventive measures, rigorous testing & information transparency. #TaiwanCanHelp
Over the past weeks, our armed forces have been working on the front lines to prevent the spread of #coronavirus. From helping manufacture face masks to disinfecting ships & aircraft, our men & women in uniform are working around the clock to keep #Taiwan safe.
The best technology helps bridge the gap between people & policies. #Taiwan is a leader in developing smart city solutions, & I cannot think of a better place to host the 2020 @Newcommunities Forum than #Taoyuan City, winner of 2019 Intelligent Community of the Year.
I want to thank our allies & like-minded friends from around the world for courageously speaking up for the necessity of #Taiwan’s participation in the @WHO. Disease knows no borders, & we must be able to freely share information to stop the spread of #2019nCoV.
At this critical juncture, #Taiwan’s continued absence from the @WHO has caused countless errors in the handling of the #2019nCoV outbreak.
Heartfelt thanks to our colleagues at @Taiwan_CDC & the #CECC for providing timely, accurate info through multiple media platforms to help #Taiwan contain #2019nCoV. Transparency is the best way to protect everyone’s right to health, both at home & internationally.
I want to take a moment to thank all of the manufacturers who are working hard to keep the people of #Taiwan safe from #2019nCoV. We are continually striving to increase production capacity for face masks to ensure better protection for those who need it most.
I want to thank the representatives from #Eswatini, #Paraguay, & #Guatemala for taking a stand for global health & safety by supporting #Taiwan’s @WHO participation & highlighting ways that #TaiwanCanHelp combat the spread of #2019nCoV.
Pleased to personally thank European Chamber (ECCT) Chair Mr. Izzo today for his efforts, & thank the #EU for supporting our @WHO participation. As the #2019nCoV spreads, #Taiwan can play a key role in containing the contagion on the front line of global epidemic prevention.
日本、アメリカ、カナダ、セントルシアとEU、そして国際社会の友人たちに感謝したい。 台湾が世界保健機関に参加することへの支持表明は、すべての人々が一丸となって感染症に立ち向かうために不可欠です
As a major transportation hub in the #AsiaPacific region, #Taiwan must be included in efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. Our medical & public health personnel have both expertise & experience, & our people deserve an equal right to health.
I want to thank the #US, #Japan, #Canada, & #StLucia, as well as our friends in the international community, for publicly supporting #Taiwan’s inclusion in the @WHO. Full statement: english.president.gov.tw/NEWS/5969
旧暦の正月ですので、再びですが、新年おめでとうございます! さて、今年台湾に修学旅行に来られる高校生の皆さん、ぜひ総統府にも来てくださいね! 「いいね!総統府!」 #likeit總統府
My thoughts go out to the Bryant family & the families of all those who lost loved ones today. Kobe inspired a generation of young Taiwanese basketball players, & his legacy will live on through those who loved him. twitter.com/usabasketball/…