Proud to present this year’s Asia Democracy & Human Rights Award to @DTPHumanRights Executive Director Patrick Earle, acknowledging his organization’s achievements in promoting democratic values as the longest-running #HumanRights training program in the #AsiaPacific.
On #HumanRightsDay, we thank those who sacrificed themselves for the freedoms we enjoy today & renew our own commitment to achieving a fairer, more just world for all. This day holds profound meaning for #Taiwan as we reflect on the path we have walked over the past 40 years.
Onnea @MarinSanna! Delighted to see such a talented, capable politician elected as Prime Minister of #Finland, showing the world once again that strong leadership has no age or gender prerequisite. apnews.com/aaba1c784bf702…
I had a very productive meeting with @CommerceGov Assistant Secretary Ian Steff, where we discussed the importance of strong #Taiwan-#US trade in building a prosperous region. Our administration will continue working to make Taiwan a prime investment destination & trade partner.
地震ニモマケズ台風ニモマケズ、台湾と日本には助け合う特別な絆がありますが、その台湾についてもっと知りませんか。文化総会の企画で台湾を紹介する「台湾のひみつ」が出版されました。小学生向けですが、誰でも楽しく読めます。ぜひ読んでみて、学校でも使ってください! bit.ly/2RvKHkZ
I was honoured to commemorate the 1979 Kaohsiung Incident with some of #Taiwan’s most courageous freedom fighters. We remember the victims’ sacrifices, & their willingness to face imprisonment & persecution to fight for democracy & the freedoms we enjoy today.
I was proud to witness a major breakthrough in government-private sector cooperation today with the launch of 4 new coast guard vessels. They give us the speed, mobility, & versatility we need to defend #Taiwan’s territorial waters, protect fishing grounds, & fight smuggling.
As one of the world’s most innovative countries, we have two visions for the future of technology in #Taiwan: to break into the satellite industry & to establish a digital ministry that integrates information, cybersecurity, telecoms, internet, & communications.
Young people are the lifeblood of democracy, & more than 3,000 supporters joined me for a night of live music, stories, & policy discussions. Over the next four years, I plan to keep working to make #Taiwan a better place for young people to chase their dreams. #LetsWin2020
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: #Taiwan will always be a champion of freedom & democracy in #Asia. Glad to see organizations like @CIVICUSalliance recognizing the importance of civic freedoms & the role governments should play in defending them. twitter.com/CIVICUSMonitor…
I bid #Singapore Trade Office Representative Wong a fond farewell, & thanked him for supporting our #NewSouthboundPolicy & contributing to the steady growth of #Taiwan-Singapore relations. We wish him well in his new post & hope he will visit us often in the future!
Even with a full campaign schedule, I had to take advantage of the beautiful weather & join kids in #Hsinchu to paint the town with chalk, bubbles, & more. It was wonderful to see how the #PowerOfPlay can bring new vitality to urban scenery.
FinTech is the wave of the future, & we are committed to developing #Taiwan’s innovative capabilities so that ingenuity has room to flourish. At today’s FinTech Taipei 2019 opening, I outlined our administration’s financial policies for the next 4 years: english.president.gov.tw/News/5925
For 280 years, Longshan Temple has paid witness to Taiwanese history & played an important role in Taiwan’s democratization movement. Here in #Taiwan we celebrate religious freedom & diversity, & I encourage travellers to take the time to experience our vibrant temple culture.
Delighted to see platforms like @Twitter encouraging Taiwanese voters to exercise their right to vote & discuss issues with #Taiwan’s first-ever exclusive emoji. This is a great example of the positive role social media can play in democracy. #台灣選舉 #Taiwan2020 🇹🇼 twitter.com/TwitterGov/sta…
The @AmericanLegion is a staunch supporter of #Taiwan & our shared beliefs, so it was a pleasure to meet National Cmdr. Jim Oxford & his delegation. Our frequent exchanges with Legion members help us develop programs that provide veterans with the best possible care & services.
#Paraguay Minister of Defense @SotoBernardino_ has been a friend to #Taiwan throughout his years of public service. At today’s meeting, we discussed the importance of our countries’ bilateral military cooperation, as well as our diverse exchanges across many sectors.
The Force is with us! William & I have worked together for years, & our campaign photos reflect that partnership. I look forward to sharing them with all of you! #LetsWin2020
It was a pleasure to meet with @RepBillFlores & @GReschenthaler to personally thank them for their staunch support for #Taiwan. In these challenging times, our countries’ shared commitment to free & democratic values is more important than ever.