Quite apart from the lies & obfuscation, many of us have sent emails of moderate to high importance over the years without accidentally sending them to entirely the wrong recipient. You'd think basic competence on security matters would be a prerequisite.
A report showing that *every* EU country has seen support for leaving the EU plummet after watching what Brexit is doing to the UK is, incredibly, not receiving much coverage in the UK media today. Can't think why... twitter.com/LBC/status/161…
It's been a while since I did a tweet about how, every time you think you've reached the bottom of the barrel another utterly appalling Tory MP pops up on the telly to lower standards still further. So cheers for that, Mark Spencer.
It's Miller's stillness that always strikes me most, the concentration on Powell's words that presages his evisceration of the hideous bigot. It's more drive-by than debate. The racists who pose as 'intellectuals' remain much more insidious than their more 'honest' counterparts. twitter.com/EddieBurfi/sta…
Close your eyes, prepare for the worst,
It's the stupidest man in the universe. twitter.com/DavidGHFrost/s…
Crikey. twitter.com/Gabriel_Pogrun…
An invaluable corrective to the profound dereliction of journalistic duty on display when BBC presenters talk of ‘moving on’ or not wanting to ‘relitigate’ Brexit. Their job, more than anyone’s, is to report the facts & few do it better than @BBCRosAtkins & team. Thank goodness. twitter.com/BBCRosAtkins/s…
She has a dream. twitter.com/PhantomPower14…
I’m still surprised to find that I can be shocked by the naked duplicity of this ghoul. twitter.com/nealerichmond/…
Under any logical analysis it has to be Sunak, but logic and the Tory party got divorced in June 2016.
The last Cabinet contained only sycophants prepared to ignore Johnson's epic unsuitability for high office. The new one will contain only sycophants prepared to ignore Johnson's epic unsuitability for high office who haven't criticised or upset Liz Truss. It's a narrowing field!
The Ukipification of the Tory party is complete. kentonline.co.uk/hythe/news/ken…
If you'd just publicly humiliated yourself by hitching yourself to Boris Johnson's bandwagon just before the wheels fell off, you'd probably keep your head down for a bit. But if you had any capacity for shame & embarrassment, you wouldn't have supported him in the first place...
Better late than never but it’s obviously absurd that this perspective has not been prominently included in every single conversation about the British economy for the last six years. Absolutely ridiculous that the BBC tried to somehow ‘move on’ in the hope of appeasing idiots. twitter.com/BBCPolitics/st…
The Daily Mail today gives a whole page to the IEA’s ‘Head of Lifestyle Economics’ (🤣) trying to disown the mini-budget that the IEA boasted about being responsible for. If I was secretly funding these idiots, I’d be demanding a refund.
The trickle of articles by right-wing loonbuckets trying to blame what they’ve done to the country on anyone but themselves is going to become a flood in 2023, isn’t it? What a time to be alive.
If broadcasters really can't find the courage to show these secretly-funded, utterly discredited shills the door then it falls to fellow guests to do it for them. It really shouldn't. It puts them in an uncomfortable & unfair position but @angelaeagle provides a masterclass here. twitter.com/BrexitFails/st…
The people who pretend that they supported Brexit to stop employers paying low wages are *exactly* the same people who insisted that employers could never afford to pay a legally enforceable minimum wage. Funny that.
Never cross the anti-growth coalition.
Brexit has created a country where Kemi Badenoch is, apparently, an important player in the selection of the next Prime Minister. Only slightly less ridiculously, Jonathan Gullis thinks he is too.
The most significant thing about Sunak's epic reverse ferret is the way it's peed off so many Tory MPs. No matter that some 'libs' (like me) were temporarily & wrongly hopeful, he's inexplicably alienated parliamentary colleagues who thought he genuinely intended to stop the rot.
Sunak’s refusal to state what seems obvious - that he has a private GP - is a calculation. Confirming that he’s not reliant on the NHS in the same way that most of us are is politically tricky, obviously, but I think the obfuscation might actually be worse. Makes him look shifty.
Curtsying is objectively ridiculous and, to anybody raised in a country where epic unearned privilege is not baked in to every level of society, presumably hilarious. The inability to see this is, when you think about, irrefutable proof of the point.
M People singer Heather Small's son is a Labour councillor.