Imagine racking your brains to come up with reasons for supporting your guy & settling on 'he tucked his shirt in today'...
The material risk to U.K. financial stability is, literally, the government. The tribalism & weaponised ignorance that brought us directly from Brexit to this must surely be close to collapsing under the weight of its own ‘achievements’. twitter.com/LBC/status/157…
This week has been as bad as any I can remember for asylum-seeker hatred. The key difference is that while the toxic newspapers are the same as ever, the political momentum is coming from the Conservative government rather than Ukip or the BNP. twitter.com/LBC/status/158…
Turns out nobody underestimated Liz Truss after all.
Johnson’s latest con, endorsed & amplified by the worst kind of client journalism, is that while lawyers can’t be trusted on legal matters, they are somehow authorities on non-legal ones.
When the governing party completely trashes accountability, transparency & integrity, it stays trashed until the governing party is completely replaced. twitter.com/mikeysmith/sta…
There is a *very* strong case to be made that by appointing so many utterly unworthy people to the House of Lords, Boris Johnson has accelerated its demise. However strong the arguments for retention, the ennoblements Zac Goldsmith, Claire Fox & Daniel Moylan will destroy them.
You can either 'grow the economy' or impose economic sanctions on yourself. I wonder how long it will take Tories to realise that you can't do both.
Get a ‘party donor’ to pay for the kettle & it will only cost you a peerage. twitter.com/Haggis_UK/stat…
It's hard to find the words to describe just how awful Truss is but one key difference between her & Johnson is his ability to apply a veneer of plausibility to the twaddle they both talk.
Tory MPs in the House of Commons are currently competing to say the most callous & dehumanising things about asylum-seekers. Benton takes the lead with this abomination, just a week & a day after a far-right British terrorist firebombed a similar facility. Disgusting & dangerous. twitter.com/AdamBienkov/st…
Oh boy. I think Nadine Dorries might actually be better at TV presenting than she is at politics.
Rishi Sunak, meanwhile, demonises nurses as the enemies of 'hard-working people', actively seeks strikes in the hope of scoring cheap political points & relies on right-wing Enlgish media to misreport everything.
The cull of experienced & relatively decent Tories in 2019 & the dismal calibre of that year’s intake massively limited Sunak’s Cabinet selection options. And Rees-Mogg & Dorries were the worst of the worst. But even so, what an absolute minefield of mediocrity.
Sunak's going to be awful. But he's going to be *conventionally* awful. And that's almost a relief.
Reaction to Nicola Sturgeon's claim that she 'detests the Tories' suggests that all the free speech pearl-clutchers might have a point after all. Problem is, they're now clutching their pearls about Nicola Sturgeon exercising her free speech. Perplexing.
Absolute bollocks. They completely understood but thought they could somehow bullshit & bully their way to an alternative reality with the connivance of the right-wing media. And, for a while, they did. But here we are. twitter.com/DJBond6873/sta…
Apparently, Marie-Antoinette never actually said that thing about cake. Jake Berry, by contrast… twitter.com/lisaocarroll/s…
Sorrywhatpardon? twitter.com/BritainElects/…
Wow. He’s completely together, sorted & clear. Articulate, compassionate, empathetic & at peace. It’s incredible to watch. The maddest thing is that the more he’s boiling your piss, the more you’d benefit from the sort of therapy that’s set him so free. Not even missing Midsomer!
If producers & presenters don't respect their audiences enough to demand transparency from guests, other guests can do it for them. A masterclass here from @DrTonyOSullivan. Kate Andrews was such an effective 'think tank' shill that @afneil gave her a job at the Spectator. twitter.com/JohnbwMayes/st…
Perhaps the only useful purpose served by the current Cabinet is to provide incontrovertible evidence of precisely the levels of incompetence, ignorance & idiocy required to flourish in the post-Brexit Conservative party.
Lest he forgets... cityam.com/brexit-opportu…
Very important piece. There is no valid reason to put these secretly-funded lobbyists on air. twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/…
If you speak too much truth to right-wing power, right-wing power won’t come on your TV & radio shows any more. It’s a major problem in this country & it won’t disappear with Boris Johnson.