James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The longer they put off a public appearance, the worse it gets.
They invented an entire ministry to help Rees-Mogg come up with ‘Brexit benefits’. He produced a factually incorrect analysis of signage in the Dartford Tunnel & nothing else… twitter.com/Jacob_Rees_Mog…
Downing Street has advised London commuters to work from home this week. Rees-Mogg is going to need a *lot* of those pissy post-it notes.
Despite the u-turn, I think this is going to have a very long tail. There's a lot of industrial action on the horizon & every time they argue that public sector pay rises are unaffordable, the comeback will surely be that they could afford tax cuts for the rich.
Asking where a non-white British person *really* comes from is the slightly sanitised equivalent of telling one to go back to where they came from. That's why this story is boiling so much racist piss. It strips their bigotry bare.
Why on earth is he making a promotional video on social media instead of a speech in the House ofCommons? Absolutely ridiculous. twitter.com/Jacob_Rees_Mog…
Everybody knew *exactly* what they were voting for. Very 'condescending' to suggest otherwise... twitter.com/McardleTrevor/…
Somebody very high up at the BBC should be asking very serious questions about why this simple statement of facts would have been impossible for @maitlis to make if she was still on their staff. Everyone still there should stop dancing around reality. The country deserves better. twitter.com/maitlis/status…
Surely there's no getting past the political decision to protect the epic, unprecedented profits of the energy companies & make voters pick up the bill? I confess I don't understand Truss's calculation here, even with client journalists preparing to cheer it to the rafters.
Funny how stating the bleedin’ obvious about Brexit is newsworthy when it’s a billionaire Tory banker doing it on @BBCr4today. Max Hastings was shut straight down for saying the same last week. Better late than never, I suppose.
“I’m a fighter not a quitter.”
Two important things to note about Lord Pannick’s lucrative (for him) intervention: it’s not a ‘legal opinion’ in any meaningful sense & it would not have been commissioned at all if Johnson wasn’t certain he could rely on the Daily Mail to embellish, inflate & misrepresent it.
I honestly can't begin to imagine what the right-wing media would do if someone said any of that stuff about Kate Middleton. And you wouldn't even have to be a big public figure. If a minor academic or a Labour councillor said it, there would be blood.
A bit surprised by the complete lack of schadenfreude at Trump finally being abandoned by Murdoch & falling apart in public. The number of still influential people in America & the UK who cheered on a blatantly dangerous & disgusting world leader remains absolutely terrifying.
This is a masterful cross-examination & illustrative of so many dangers: the danger of having big business in bed with a government, of having a government riddled with bullying, of 'free market' ideologies that give employers *all* the power in the workplace etc. So refreshing. twitter.com/PoliticsJOE_UK…
I confess I sometimes questioned my conviction that secretly-funded Tufton Street lobby groups masquerading as ‘think tanks’ were dangerous & disgusting. Mostly, I think, because so many people I respect treated them as trusted contributors. There’s no joy in being proved right.
To get caught leaking one sensitive document may be regarded as a misjudgement... etc etc twitter.com/thejonnyreilly…
The shocking dearth of talent from which Sunak must assemble a Cabinet is, of course, another legacy of the Brexit he supported. It’s a tragedy that all the personal comeuppances for these arrogant vandals have such widespread ramifications for the rest of us.
Over a third of his own administration resigned in disgust at his character & conduct. He was propelled to power by bare-faced lies & kept there by sycophancy & shameless self-interest. His legacy is a country on its knees. I’m not sure ‘consequential’ is *quite* the right word. twitter.com/lewis_goodall/…
Do not underestimate the abject desperation with which they will cling to the notion that Brexit was in any way a good idea. It is not political for them: it is personal; psychological; existential. And this means they can't begin to acknowledge reality, let alone address it.
They are clearly blissfully happy together, a fact that embittered purveyors of bile find particularly galling. But it’s the fact that he’d rather be her husband than perched near the top of our ludicrous class system that really boils the piss of professional forelock-tuggers.
If I’d been secretly funding the psychopathic imbeciles at @iealondon I’d be checking their refund policy right now. Literally days since they were boasting about having taken over Downing Street. Maybe other producers & presenters will finally stop booking them to spout bilge.
Tim Wetherspoon’s pig ignorant plea to ‘get rid of the tariffs to make Brexit work’ is an unintentional but timely contribution to the BBC impartiality debate. If you ‘balance’ people who know what they’re talking about with people who patently don’t, you insult your audience.
Thank goodness. Who can be expected to perform well when bonuses are restricted to a piddling 200% of salary? twitter.com/FT/status/1570…