James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

They could call it ‘Insulate Britain’… twitter.com/business/statu…
If anything, I’m slightly more baffled than annoyed that @Parcel2Go have managed to lose an actual armchair. Absolutely appalling service. I’d have a nice sit down to recover my equilibrium but they’ve lost my bloomin’ chair…
Absolutely incredible. Completely busted for utter bullshit & she doesn’t even draw breath. twitter.com/PatrickSmyth/s…
‘Brexit freedoms’ klaxon. (‘End of next year’ to find out what they are.’)
Patrick Vallance on Brexit in 2018:
This is utterly delightful. Incidentally, they are both brilliant guests on Full Disclosure. One already released, one coming soon. twitter.com/scottygb/statu…
Maybe Sunak has a fairly good grasp of his Cabinet’s calibre after all… twitter.com/johnestevens/s…
Amazing how none of the people who insisted Brexit would be brilliant are taking any responsibility at all for it being rubbish. Arguably, even more amazing that people who knew it would be rubbish think they have to pretend it isn’t in order to get elected. What a sorry mess.
Just as the right-wing rhetoric of ‘champagne socialism’ + ‘politics of envy’ leaves precisely nobody able to criticise inequality in good faith, so ‘virtue signalling’ + ‘hypocrisy’ means no ‘liberal’ is able to object morally to anything. It’s all quite deliberate, of course.
The conflation of ‘free speech’ with the whims of the richest man in the world is weapons grade dystopian. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
This is a grimly marvellous read. It’s very hard to shake the fear that, even as the country suffered & the grip on power loosened, they still saw it all as a glorified parlour game. ft.com/content/e6d6c2…
This isn’t progress or grounds for hope. It’s reheated unicornism from the handful of ‘Brexiters’ close enough to reality to begin to realise what they’ve done. It’s just Rees-Mogg with a tiny conscience. twitter.com/thetimes/statu…
Here we go again.
The political equivalent of me ruling out playing in goal for England later today. twitter.com/ftukpolitics/s…
‘The former Five Star Fish facility was taken on by Icelandic Seafood International in 2020 but has recorded a staggering £8 million in losses, with bosses blaming Brexit, the pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.’ grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/news/grimsby-n…
The politics of prejudice & ignorance is always as unsustainable as it is intoxicating. The only question is how much damage it does before collapsing under the weight of its own idiocy. I think we’re still a long way from sanity. twitter.com/johnredwood/st…
You have to hope that Angela Rippon is working under cover for a future episode of Rip Off Britain. twitter.com/ThePoke/status…
How would we tell the difference? twitter.com/theousherwood/…
This is why the U.K. government ‘ruling out’ a ‘Swiss-style’ EU deal was akin to me ruling myself out of the England team this afternoon… twitter.com/theipaper/stat…
It's astonishing that they *still* think we will somehow secure arrangements that offer the UK special dispensations from rules that everyone else follows. Not least because the rules only seem onerous if you start off believing that you shouldn't have to follow any... twitter.com/pmdfoster/stat…
This will put a smile on your face & possibly even a tear in your eye… twitter.com/LBC/status/159…
I was asking Brexity callers this question *six years ago*. This muppet thinks it’s funny that he still can’t answer it… twitter.com/MirrorPolitics…