James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Roland's tireless coverage of the very public unravelling of the most tireless & unhinged Tory/Brexit cheerleaders is currently my favourite thing on here. twitter.com/rolandmcs/stat…
Where are all the Tories explaining that worried parents can pay the VAT on their school fees by cancelling Netflix, eating fewer avocados or getting a better job? A job for 30p Lee if ever there was one...
What is the age above which it's officially OK to be blatantly racist and is Nigel Farage above or below it?
This is really good. Makes sense of the madness we’re still engulfed by & paints a compelling picture of where we might be going. twitter.com/NickCohen4/sta…
Asking where a non-white British person *really* comes from is the slightly sanitised equivalent of telling one to go back to where they came from. That's why this story is boiling so much racist piss. It strips their bigotry bare.
Funny how the people explaining that Susan Hussey had no idea she was being offensive are *exactly the same people* who insist that unconscious bias training is a ridiculous 'woke' conspiracy. Hard to see how they can have it both ways...
Enjoying *all* the columns about how *other people* are using the Buckingham Palace story as an opportunity to indulge their own grievances. If you ever find yourself being defended by Jan Moir & Allison Pearson, you’ll know you’ve really, really f*cked it.
The only way to understand this ridiculous but important Twitter saga is to understand that a massive platform *not* controlled by a right-wing billionaire poses a mortal threat to the oligarchy. The idea that Musk is a 'disruptor' is absolutely hilarious. mailplus.co.uk/edition/featur…
What's Fleet Street finds most unforgivable is the fact that Harry & Meghan are, objectively, a much better fairy tale than the Prince & Princess who will occupy the thrones. It makes a mockery of the whole system. twitter.com/LBC/status/159…
Excellent thread. Facts are the best response to racism. twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/s…
Not sure why this antique just popped up on all-new, super-glitchy Twitter. But now we know... twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
I'm pre-blocked by two of these accounts. Is it some sort of bot/troll farm?
Funny how Michael Gove was slagging off @JolyonMaugham & @GoodLawProject just the other day… twitter.com/AdamWagner1/st…
Another remarkable coincidence… twitter.com/RichardCollett…
Another public service bulletin from @DrMatthewSweettwitter.com/DrMatthewSweet…
Revealed: Second firm pushed by Michelle Mone was secret entity of husband’s office theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/d…
So farewell then, Matt Hancock. I wonder whether your constituents will notice that you’ve gone. Except that pub landlord who miraculously got that juicy PPE contract. He probably will.
The way Sunak seeks to portray nurses, postal workers, rail & bus staff, border force, paramedics etc as enemies of 'hard-working people' is as stupid as it is hideous.
Heard this from half a dozen pharmacists today. twitter.com/JonnyClarkie/s…
Hats off to the @LBC caller who just offered support for a new coal mine on the perfectly reasonable grounds that he opposes unlimited immigration.
Yeah. Down with white clothes! Bloody Meghan wearing them to parties sometimes. Who does she think she is, John Travolta?
I'm not sure the British media is successfully refuting Meghan's assertion that they want(ed) to destroy her.