James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

How dare *foreign* newspapers point out things that might make some of us feel uncomfortable about the ludicrous levels of deference drilled into us from birth! twitter.com/nytimes/status…
For the umpteenth time, Johnson's depravity corrupts *everybody* he comes into contact with. Case surely can't survive this. Ditto Braverman & her latest leak. Truss has already gone. But last weekend the dregs of the post-Brexit Tory party wanted to give Johnson another chance! twitter.com/TLDRNewsUK/sta…
Do not underestimate the abject desperation with which they will cling to the notion that Brexit was in any way a good idea. It is not political for them: it is personal; psychological; existential. And this means they can't begin to acknowledge reality, let alone address it.
Sunak’s refusal to state what seems obvious - that he has a private GP - is a calculation. Confirming that he’s not reliant on the NHS in the same way that most of us are is politically tricky, obviously, but I think the obfuscation might actually be worse. Makes him look shifty.
The inability of dishonest people to tell the truth about Brexit makes honest conversations about asylum-seekers impossible. The people now inciting terrorism & making political capital are *precisely* the same people who promised that leaving the EU would solve these 'problems'.
The most significant thing about Sunak's epic reverse ferret is the way it's peed off so many Tory MPs. No matter that some 'libs' (like me) were temporarily & wrongly hopeful, he's inexplicably alienated parliamentary colleagues who thought he genuinely intended to stop the rot.
This is brilliant & incredibly relevant to the now. On a much less serious note, I wonder whether a few modern day racist bigots with newspaper columns & TV slots have been deliberately aping Enoch Powell's appearance... twitter.com/SardonicPill/s…
Over a third of his own administration resigned in disgust at his character & conduct. He was propelled to power by bare-faced lies & kept there by sycophancy & shameless self-interest. His legacy is a country on its knees. I’m not sure ‘consequential’ is *quite* the right word. twitter.com/lewis_goodall/…
There are at least three plausible explanations for Braverman’s departure. But only one reasonable reaction: relief. Her gleeful dreams of deporting refugees to Rwanda soiled the public space quite horribly.
The last Cabinet contained only sycophants prepared to ignore Johnson's epic unsuitability for high office. The new one will contain only sycophants prepared to ignore Johnson's epic unsuitability for high office who haven't criticised or upset Liz Truss. It's a narrowing field!
I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me to see me looking back at you… twitter.com/MassiveAttackU…
Sunak’s managed to persuade the public that he has a private GP *and* that he’s too craven to admit it, potentially annoying absolutely everyone. That’s quite a balls up.
For the avoidance of doubt, a Boris Johnson return is the best case scenario for anyone hoping for a Labour landslide at the next election. Objections to the notion are born of genuine patriotism & concern for the national interest.
There's one reason why it's exclusively Brexiters claiming that the epic pageantry of the Queen's passing somehow negates evidence that we're in economic & social decline: admitting the existence & extent of the problems the UK faces would involve admitting the main cause of them
What fresh hell is this?
This is very classy. twitter.com/Mike_Fabricant…
The shocking dearth of talent from which Sunak must assemble a Cabinet is, of course, another legacy of the Brexit he supported. It’s a tragedy that all the personal comeuppances for these arrogant vandals have such widespread ramifications for the rest of us.
Thank goodness. Who can be expected to perform well when bonuses are restricted to a piddling 200% of salary? twitter.com/FT/status/1570…
There is a *very* strong case to be made that by appointing so many utterly unworthy people to the House of Lords, Boris Johnson has accelerated its demise. However strong the arguments for retention, the ennoblements Zac Goldsmith, Claire Fox & Daniel Moylan will destroy them.
Suella Braverman is in danger of making Priti Patel look like Mother Theresa.
If only there'd been some sort of warning that this would happen. independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi…
What fresh hell is this?