James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Tim Wetherspoon’s pig ignorant plea to ‘get rid of the tariffs to make Brexit work’ is an unintentional but timely contribution to the BBC impartiality debate. If you ‘balance’ people who know what they’re talking about with people who patently don’t, you insult your audience.
Brexit has created a country where Kemi Badenoch is, apparently, an important player in the selection of the next Prime Minister. Only slightly less ridiculously, Jonathan Gullis thinks he is too.
If you'd just publicly humiliated yourself by hitching yourself to Boris Johnson's bandwagon just before the wheels fell off, you'd probably keep your head down for a bit. But if you had any capacity for shame & embarrassment, you wouldn't have supported him in the first place...
Musk can do what he likes with this platform. He owns it. But it’s objectively incredible how quickly & completely he’s trashed any notion that he values or respects free speech. There are much cheaper ways to show the world you’re a tissue-skinned liar.
Watch the bottom right of the screen. Looks like the disgusting old fraud has got a fag on the go… twitter.com/Nigel_Farage/s…
PMQs has inevitably divided opinion. On the one hand, people who think the failure to answer substantive questions about real issues is important will favour Starmer. On the other, people who enjoy provocative lies & baseless ad hominem attacks will think Sunak played a blinder.
Kebab for tea. X
It's very bold of Sunak to blame anything on a party that's been in opposition for thirteen years. Never mind everything.
Never forget that members of the current Cabinet & various well-known right-wing British journalists knew *exactly* what Trump was, even as they praised & defended him. The abuse they directed at those of us who understood & explained Trump’s depravity was dangerous & deliberate. twitter.com/DeanObeidallah…
Many people outside Liverpool still struggle to appreciate the true magnitude of this horrific scandal or the unbelievably despicable conduct of @kelvmackenzie, who even rejected his own colleagues' pleas to pull this disgusting front page. The worst person Murdoch ever employed. twitter.com/John_Small75/s…
I’m so sorry. I honestly thought the Mail couldn’t get any more tragic than the fortnight spent pretending Keir Starmer’s perfectly permissible curry was somehow comparable to the serial law-breaking inside Downing Street. But here we are…
I confess I sometimes questioned my conviction that secretly-funded Tufton Street lobby groups masquerading as ‘think tanks’ were dangerous & disgusting. Mostly, I think, because so many people I respect treated them as trusted contributors. There’s no joy in being proved right.
There is something perfectly ridiculous about people professing outrage at the idea of other people *pulling rank* to walk past the coffin of an actual Queen. Just think about it for one nanosecond.
Braverman’s defence - and now Gove’s defence of her - is that she accidentally sent a sensitive document to someone who was not permitted to see it it while trying to *deliberately* send it to someone else who was also not permitted to see it. Ridiculous. inews.co.uk/news/politics/…
Remarkable that the disappearance of any US trade deal over the horizon is both relief *and* disaster. Relief because Brexity clowns would have signed us up to any old toot while claiming a victory. Disaster because the hole they've blown in our international trade remains huge.
This gets funnier every time an IEA shill tries to come for me on here. And it was absolutely hilarious to start with... theguardian.com/media/2021/aug…
You won by doubling down on the disgusting lies you'd told to win the referendum & hitching yourself once more to the corrupt coat-tails of Boris Johnson. And then you got found out. Go & have a lie down. twitter.com/Dominic2306/st…
If you’re marching around the place pretending that we haven’t become the first country in the world to impose economic sanctions on itself or that pretty much every problem we face hasn’t been exacerbated by Brexit, then I imagine it’s easy to claim that Johnson did a good job.
Get a ‘party donor’ to pay for the kettle & it will only cost you a peerage. twitter.com/Haggis_UK/stat…
So it took Sunak fewer than five hours to make a complete mockery of everything he said about integrity & accountability. That's Trussian speed. twitter.com/ShippersUnboun…
Lynch really is a joy to interview, even perhaps especially in areas of disagreement. Clear, concise answers to all questions & no attempts to evade or obfuscate. He does his membership proud which, as he makes abundantly clear when given a chance, is what matters to him most… twitter.com/IndyPolitics/s…
Better late than never, lads. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…