James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Technically, it's the second worst. But none of them can admit that in public yet. twitter.com/D_Blanchflower…
Perfect Horatio quote at the end there from the new King. It's spoken with such similar love & sorrow at the end of Hamlet. Always brings a tear to the eye.
Excellent news. Congratulations to all involved. Now get some live fact-checking on @bbcquestiontime. twitter.com/BBCNewsPR/stat…
This is an entirely accurate description of Sunak's speech about his intentions in government delivered at 11.30 this morning. Turns out the speech had absolutely nothing to do with his actual intentions in government. What a time to be alive. twitter.com/LBC/status/158…
Absolutely astonishing thread. Be sure to read every word. If you want to know why your nan/best friend/milkman has gone completely doolally about vaccines, chances are this ludicrous TV station had something to do with it. twitter.com/DrMatthewSweet…
An important thread from the coal face of Brexit Britain’s self-inflicted idiocy. twitter.com/TOrynski/statu…
This is utterly delightful. Incidentally, they are both brilliant guests on Full Disclosure. One already released, one coming soon. twitter.com/scottygb/statu…
I literally get paid to attract listeners from the BBC but defending it from attacks by increasingly desperate right-wing politicians who’ve already been busted for dodgy behaviour is a patriotic duty. twitter.com/LBC/status/156…
You can't be completely sure of these things until a bit of time has passed & you find out for sure how deeply it's embedded itself in your psyche, but I currently believe The Sandman to be the finest thing I have ever watched on television. Thank you so much, @neilhimself & co.
We go again…
Hard to argue with this. Not just a media, either. A government too. twitter.com/brokenbottlebo…
Anyone who read a bit of Descartes at college & then tried to explain it to their mates while extremely stoned will cringe at this. Also, what a weapon. twitter.com/timgill924/sta…
Knighthood for whoever decided to play out with FGTH.
In response to today’s episode of stupid people who think they’re making a brilliant point: not only *should* Gordon Brown have gone to the country after becoming PM, he *would* almost certainly have done much better than he did in 2010.
Very kind of Steve Barclay & the Daily Mail to prove this point beyond any doubt today… twitter.com/LBC/status/160…
She’s a fighter not a quitter, though. twitter.com/BlewettSam/sta…
A tiny drop of spirited defence in an ocean of abuse of Prince Harry for having the audacity to take control of his own story instead of forever dancing to Fleet Street’s diabolical tune… l-bc.co/3Cv9218
And there goes the ‘official’ tag. Truly the Liz Truss of Twitter innovations. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
One of the UK's most tireless & desperate paid abusers of Meghan asks the various US weirdos & racists who would choose to follow him on here to endorse his prejudice & bigotry then pretends it's some sort of win when they do. No prizes for guessing what 'newspaper' he works for. twitter.com/richardaeden/s…
This magnificent thread, in which I’m very proud to have a walk-on part, cuts to the heart of a very British malaise. Our society depends not just on the repression of emotion from the top down but upon a dangerous *reverence* for that repression. We prize it even as it hurts us. twitter.com/suzannezeedyk/…
One reason why Johnson might have found it difficult to read Truss the riot act about security matters & phones… bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…
The more big platforms far right grifters are gifted by their oligarch patrons - magazines, TV stations, political parties, even Twitter arguably at the moment - the more wilfully obnoxious they have to be to stand out briefly from the ever-growing crowd.
There was always going to come a point where bleating inanely about 'BBC impartiality', 'Remainers' or 'metropolitan elites' would cease to camouflage the intellectual vacuum at the core of the con. Conmen like Rees-Mogg & co were, of course, too stupid to understand even that. twitter.com/PickardJE/stat…