James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

"Everybody knew exactly what they were voting for..." bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
And you just know that he would have plonked his flabby ass in somebody else's pew & refused to budge... twitter.com/RonFilipkowski…
Hmm. Bit disingenuous. I’m sure not deliberately… All bus journeys in London are already under £2 (£1.65). You can ride as many as you like within an hour of getting on your first one. The amount you can spend in an entire day is capped at £4.95, however many journeys you make. twitter.com/grantshapps/st…
Amazing that a Home Secretary under Johnson can be found by his own ethics adviser to be a massive bully - and then cost the taxpayer a fortune in compensation - but keep her job. While under Truss, a dodgy email merits the immediate elbow. What an absolute shower.
We've paused 'Wokewatch' because the only people still trying to turn 'woke' into a pejorative are Suella Braverman & your Uncle Bob's Facebook friends. We are instead launching 'Unhinged Headline' of the day' & this is the first winner. Email address to follow for nominations... twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
Dido Harding is trending because she's landed another plum job. I explained the madness of this last year. h/t @PrivateEyeNews twitter.com/LBC/status/145…
Two counterfactuals for you in preparation for tomorrow’s show: 1.) Boris Johnson published the pro- Remain column he had already written. 2.) Nigel Farage had always been treated by the British media like the ignorant, racist tool he so clearly is. How would the U.K. look now?
Who is running this bizarre account, who is funding this bizarre 'organisation' & who will be even remotely surprised to learn of its deep links to IEA/Tufton Street? twitter.com/RestoreTrustNT…
People who like to pretend that racism doesn’t exist are never busier than when there’s irrefutable evidence that it does all over the news. I wonder why that is.
She is alienating absolutely everybody. Rees-Mogg's turn today. It's quite remarkable. twitter.com/Steven_Swinfor…
Apart from the fact that this was explained frequently during the referendum campaign as yet another reason not to leave the EU - and that people like me continue to point it out regularly - this is an excellent point from a trustworthy source that is categorically not panicking. twitter.com/BrugesGroup/st…
For everyone wondering, Truss chose to accept interventions instead of taking questions from the house *after* making the statement. I doubt she'll do it again. Absolute dog's dinner.
They could call it ‘Insulate Britain’… twitter.com/business/statu…
This is a grimly marvellous read. It’s very hard to shake the fear that, even as the country suffered & the grip on power loosened, they still saw it all as a glorified parlour game. ft.com/content/e6d6c2…
To be fair to 'Lord' Frost, there really is *no* Cabinet position commensurate with his talents.
Once again, Nadine leaves us wondering whether she’s too ignorant to understand what’s going on (the committee is investigating lies *to the House of Commons*) or too sycophantic to care about the truth. Or both, of course. twitter.com/NadineDorries/…
‘The Mail believes Miss Truss is able, willing and ready for the task.’ Daily Mail editorial, August 2nd 2022.
I wonder what Truss could have done if Mordaunt flat out refused to stand in for her this afternoon. I’m thinking not much. Would have been nice to see the theory tested.
Have a look at this thread from March of this year... twitter.com/carolecadwalla…
Congratulations to all involved. The truth will out! twitter.com/krishgm/status…
This genius is currently on @LBC complaining about people being rude to politicians... twitter.com/Councillorsuzi…
But there's no emergency! Liz Truss told us. twitter.com/PippaCrerar/st…
He definitely had all the nominations. They just go to a different school.