James Oh Brien(@mrjamesob)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration of Belize... twitter.com/EcourtbzeEamon…
They are rapacious & destructive & care for nothing. (The government, not the RSPB!) twitter.com/RSPBEngland/st…
Even more than Dorries, which is really saying something, the promotion of this streak of attenuated gristle from ridiculous sideshow to the actual Cabinet shows just how low UK politics has been brought by Brexit & its ongoing celebration of lies, impunity & idiocy. twitter.com/Tony_Diver/sta…
She was appointed as Queen's (now King's) Counsel automatically on her appointment at Attorney General without regard to the extent of her experience as a barrister. twitter.com/johnredwood/st…
Station draws level, while my little offering has pulled ahead on all measures. Thank you for listening! theguardian.com/media/2022/oct…
I always read the optimistic & warm analyses of a supposed softening in public attitudes toward immigration with a heavy heart. When politicians & newspaper editors decide to turn the hatred dial back up, the public will always follow. The polling proves this & very little else.
I am not currently on Mastadon. Will let you know if that changes.
A thoughtful & important thread. If this abject, unconscionable cruelty is not called out, it will continue & get worse.I have no intention of stopping. twitter.com/AndrewPRLevi/s…
Like a preacher who swore the world would end on Tuesday delivering a sermon on Wednesday morning… twitter.com/trussliz/statu…
I met two charming Hounslow councillors tonight. One Labour, one Tory. The first just got back from their first ever party conference, the second is heading off to his tomorrow. It’s hard to imagine how different their experiences will be.
Said it before & I'll say it again: Charlie Stayt is one of the very best in the business.
Just as the right-wing rhetoric of ‘champagne socialism’ + ‘politics of envy’ leaves precisely nobody able to criticise inequality in good faith, so ‘virtue signalling’ + ‘hypocrisy’ means no ‘liberal’ is able to object morally to anything. It’s all quite deliberate, of course.
Here's a little reminder of why Andrew Bailey got the job in the first place. Marked contrast to Mark Carney. standard.co.uk/news/politics/…
If only he’d been in a position to point this out at the time. Like the Cabinet. twitter.com/TheNewsAgents/…
Would you believe that this is only my second 'favourite' example of Nadine Dorries, who seems to have disappeared from Twitter today, trolling me on here? thenational.scot/news/19728450.…
Retweet the sh*t out of this one please. It's a message that many, many decent people struggle but need to hear. twitter.com/mrjamesob/stat…
Such an irredeemably awful politician, it's close to performance art. twitter.com/danbloom1/stat…
They don't believe in anything except shortest-term self-advancement. This is the land the Brexit built. twitter.com/PickardJE/stat…
It’s single market or bust for Brexit Britain. And here comes another new Prime Minister destined to be undone by the refusal to recognise this… twitter.com/Peston/status/…