賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Today I hosted a friendly lunch for @SecAzar and colleagues. We exchanged gifts and ideas, and shared our commitment to continued cooperation on COVID treatment and vaccine development.
My heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of those who perished in Seoul last night. Taiwan stands with Korea in this painful moment.
日本の自由民主党青年局 @seinenkyoku の若き政治家の皆様にお会いでき、大変嬉しく思います。彼らは真面目で情熱に溢れ、専門的な知識をお持ちで、台湾と日本の友好関係に自信を持っておられます。彼らと深く話をし、今現在もこの先の未来も、台湾と日本は堅い絆で結ばれていると確信いたしました。
It was great to meet with USTBC Chairperson Michael Splinter today to discuss opportunities to strengthen the U.S. – Taiwan trade partnership, cooperation between business communities of both sides, and vision of developing a more resilient and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.
Yesterday and today I met with Adm. Mullen, @micheleflournoy, @OSullivanMeghan, M. Green, E. Medieros, and N. Shaw; and with @mikepompeo and his wife Susan. We discussed ways to strengthen the Taiwan-US partnership. Solid friends across the ocean and across the aisle 🇹🇼 🇺🇸
Vaccines are for saving lives, not for political competition. Solidarity between nations starts with honesty.
True solidarity is what humanity needs to combat COVID. Thank you US government and American people for the 2.5 million vaccines donation on its way to Taiwan. It not only warms our heart, it will save lives.
With respect to the U.S. election, we naturally don’t take a side. Our only side is Taiwan.
There aren’t enough warplanes in the world to make Taiwanese people stop loving our country. Tonight we marked the beginning of our National Day (10/10) celebrations.
We should never have to fear being ourselves. Today in Taiwan we celebrate LGBT Pride 🏳️‍🌈 We still have a long way to go, but we are leaders in Asia in marriage rights and gender equality. This is something all Taiwanese can feel proud of. #TaiwanPride
Today I visited the representative office of Türkiye in Taiwan to convey the solidarity of the Taiwanese people. May hope and light be with the people of Türkiye.
Thank you Lithuania. The true size of a country is measured by the courage of its people. #StrongerTogether twitter.com/LithuanianGovt…
Many thanks to Quad and AUKUS members and all peace loving nations working hard to stabilize the Indo-Pacific region. Without peace there can be no democracy, and without democracy there can be no true prosperity.
Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey, Syria and the region, who are affected by this horrific earthquake.
It's time to stop excluding Taiwan from the WHO and other international bodies. "We are no longer in 1964. The context has changed. The Taiwanese government is not claiming to represent China. There is no debate on this subject." Merci @FdeRugy #AssembleeNationale 🇫🇷🇹🇼
Our thoughts are with the British people and the Queen’s family on her passing.
本日3月11日は東日本大震災9周年です。災害により被災された方々ならびにそのご家族の皆様に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 同時に現在台湾、日本両国は新冠肺炎の防疫に全力で取り組んでおります。 一日も早い事態の収束を心からお祈り申し上げます。
Yesterday marked the centennial of the Taiwan parliament movement. In 1921 civic leaders went to Tokyo to propose a local elected council, a milestone in our struggle for self-government. Then we were under a colonial power, today as a country we face new challenges and threats.
In spite of the Ortega regime’s unfortunate decision, Taiwan will always stand with the Nicaraguan people. The defense of democracy is the mission that brings us together.
China says they would “consider” joining CPTPP. First they should "consider" honoring international rules and standards. It would be a mistake to compromise regional security with untrustworthy partnerships. This is something we need to seriously "consider".
As a doctor I believe everyone should have access to health care, and as leaders we need to be brave to guarantee that right for all. We appreciate the US government’s support for Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. #LetTaiwanHelp
Today's positive European Parliament vote on recommendations to deepen ties with Taiwan shows strong common interests and a high level of trust between our peoples. Values and economy can and must go hand in hand. Let's make it happen.
I appreciate President Biden’s renewed support for human rights and Taiwanese democracy. Taiwan has been and will remain open to a dialogue with China that is based on parity and mutual respect. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…
I'm glad to see BioNTech is committed to working with Taiwan, let's not let politics interfere with people's health. Meanwhile locally developed vaccines are on the way. Our scientific and medical communities are hard at work, we are open to the world but also self-reliant.
When elected representatives come to Taiwan they are standing up for democracy and discouraging aggression against the Taiwanese people. Glad to welcome a bipartisan delegation from the U.S. Congress, we look forward to many more such visits.