賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Many of us would love to see a change towards democracy in China, for the good of the Chinese people and the world. If or when that will happen is unclear. But Taiwan’s commitment to remain a free and open country will not change.
Taiwan 🇹🇼 and Sweden 🇸🇪 are facing common challenges: overcoming the pandemic, and managing risk from our authoritarian neighbors. Our friendship’s potential has no limits.
私は野球ファンです。今日は台湾プロ野球の試合中継に招待していただき、一回から最後まで解説いたします。私は初めてプロ野球評論をした副総統でしょうか? today.line.me/TW/article/R8k…
Atrocities in Bucha and across Ukraine cannot be ignored. If this is the “justice” and “democracy” that authoritarians want, we have to clearly say no and stop them.
In Taiwan we were able to control the virus with careful contact tracing and strict quarantines. But no one is safe until everyone is safe. Let’s stay focused and get through this together as one human family.
As VP and as a Taiwanese, I’m proud to see President Tsai represent our country with dignity abroad. No matter the difficulties we face, Taiwanese people are calm, pragmatic, and confident in who we are.
Today I met the delegation led by Portuguese Congressman Hon. Paulo Rios de Oliveira, and had an interesting conversation. We can feel the support of Europe. I believe the world is waking up to the challenges posed by authoritarianism everywhere.
The death of John Cheng and wounding of five others at the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in California, saddens all Taiwanese today. We condemn the violence as we pray for the well-being of all survivors.
I know that in 2022 our challenges are still here. But I also know we are much stronger this year. Happy new year to everyone!
Arriving in Honduras I was welcomed by current Vice President @MariaAn15715227 and later met with President-elect @XiomaraCastroZ. Honored to attend the transfer of power ceremony tomorrow, and help strengthen the friendship between our democratic countries.
Today we celebrate Taiwan #IndigenousPeoplesDay, remembering 8/1/94 when the Constitution was changed to recognize the indigenous status of native Taiwanese, after a long struggle by Indigenous Peoples. We are proud of our country’s history, diversity, and identity.
Today I met with Morris Chang, founder of TSMC, and Chris Miller, author of "Chip War". I firmly believe democracy is the air, sunlight, and water of the semiconductor industry. Without it the sector can’t thrive. It’s in the world’s interest to protect it from being attacked.
Thank you Vice President Saylici @VPsomaliland for your warm message. I hope we can meet in person in Hargeisa someday soon, and chat over a cup of shaah cadays. twitter.com/VPsomaliland/s…
Half of the players in Taiwan's major league baseball are indigenous. As a big fan I love seeing how they proudly reclaim their indigenous names, which were once forbidden. Indigenous peoples are present in every layer of Taiwanese society. Today we celebrate Indigenous Day.
Back to back meetings today with over a dozen members of Congress, including @RepBurgessOwens, @RepJohnCurtis, @RepScottPerry, @RepTiffany, @RepMarkTakano, @YoungKimCA, @RepRoKhanna, and @tedlieu. The conversations were rich and constructive. Thanks everyone for your time!
Taiwan and our friends in Europe are not fearful. We have work to do.
Glad to meet members of the National Assembly of France, led by M. Eric Bothorel, who came to express their support for Taiwan. It is our consensus that peace across the strait is essential for both TW and the EU. Taiwan is not alone, we must keep working together.
On her first day in Taiwan, AIT's new chairman, Laura Rosenberger and I talked about future cooperation between Taiwan and the United States. We agreed that maintaining the status quo and stability across the Taiwan Strait is conducive to trade and global economic development.
奈良美智さん @michinara3 の作品が、台湾高雄で展示されていると聞いて、私もさっそく行ってきました。みんなに光と希望を与えてくれる作品で、とても感動しました。奈良さんが台湾で作品を制作するにあたって、多くのインスピレーションを感じて下さることを切に望みます。
Economy and security are inseparable. Taiwan's hi-tech industries led by semiconductors companies are our pride. We will assist companies to develop domestically and connect them with the world. Taiwan can help create more resilient and transparent supply chains.
President Lee Teng-hui's body was cremated today. I feel I lost someone I could count on, like losing a father. But people die, we have to say goodbye. He led a bloodless revolution. He showed us how strong people can be as long as we are united. Taiwan will carry on his legacy.
Felicitaciones al presidente electo @SantiPenap y al pueblo Paraguayo. Cuenten con nuestro apoyo, que la cooperación entre nuestras naciones continúe y crezca. 🇹🇼🇵🇾
Today’s visit by @SenDuckworth @SenDanSullivan and @ChrisCoons and their announcement of US donation of vaccines to Taiwan is deeply appreciated by the Taiwanese people in this difficult time. Greater cooperation, not coercion, is the way forward.