賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Taiwan is again blocked from participating in the World Health Assembly, but we thank all those who expressed their support. We will keep combatting COVID together.
Cotton and commerce are only part of the problem, the issue is people and their lives. Let’s not get distracted from the suffering of millions of Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang. Their voices must be heard.
May 20, 2020 is coming, We would like to invite everyone to watch the live and share it with friends everywhere to let the world see #Taiwan’s democracy and diversity. Join me for the live #Taiwan520🇹🇼 inauguration ceremony of President @iingwen & VP @ChingteLai
Taiwan welcomes #AUKUS as a positive development for democracy, peace, and prosperity in the region.
Welcome US Sec of Health and Human Services Alex Azar to our beautiful country, where you can breathe freedom and friendship.
Tonight I hosted a dinner for Japanese ex-Prime Minister Mori while President Tsai hosted U.S. Under Secretary of State Krach. Earlier today China responded to the visits with more military threats, but we will keep working with our partners for peace in the Indo-Pacific.
Taiwanese are happy when our athletes win medals. Although we cannot attend the Olympics using our country’s name, we protect the athletes’ right to participate. It’s their lifetime dream. We know the world knows us 🇹🇼
Threats and disinformation are China's tools to interfere in our democracy. But fear did not stop Taiwan from becoming a free country. We welcome recent visits by US Congress and European Parliament, and stand with all international partners for democracy, prosperity, and peace.
Glad to see President Trump doing well the video he released. Wishing his recovery continues on this path, our thoughts are with him and the American people.
China significantly amended its National Defense Law, effective Jan 1st. Taiwan is clearly a target. We will continue to seek a peaceful path, while strengthening our defense. I want to thank the US for its bipartisan support for Taiwan in the National Defense Authorization Act.
July 30 is the first anniversary of former President Lee Teng Hui’s death. It is touching to know that former Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan would like to visit on this occasion. Welcome to Taiwan. Let’s keep cooperating for democracy, freedom, and human rights. (AP photo)
I met with the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign and Defense Mission led by the Hon. John McKay. I told everyone that if Taiwan falls, democracy will fall. I hope that Taiwan and Canada, on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, will protect our values together.
Thank you @SpeakerPelosi for your courage and commitment to democracy in Taiwan. Your tenure as Speaker of the House will be remembered and you will always be welcome in our country.
今天是 #言論自由日,為的是紀念民主前輩 #鄭南榕 為爭取言論自由而自焚殉道。 時到今日,台灣民主仍然面臨挑戰,假訊息正在威脅民主體制。 這提醒著我們莫忘歷史、莫忘我們要繼續守護的珍貴民主,切勿以言論自由之名,散播假訊息。 請共同珍惜得來不易的自由民主!#致民主
The use of force against Taiwan must be out of the question. The future of Taiwan is being forged by the Taiwanese people, as our country makes positive contributions to the world. Taiwanese are grateful to our partners for standing with us for democracy, prosperity and peace.
Taiwan and Japan are natural partners in safeguarding democracy. The behaviour of China, North Korea, and Russia are a concern for both of us. Our two countries should establish a common security dialogue mechanism to protect peace in the region.
I was glad to meet with the bipartisan US congressional delegation led by Chairperson McCaul. The world cares about the security of Taiwan. Security and the economy are two issues I take very seriously. We will do our best to protect the peace across the Taiwan Strait.
Honored to attend the inauguration of President @XiomaraCastroZ, she gave a great speech. Today is a new beginning for the people of Honduras and a new start for our relationship. We are here to improve the life of our peoples, and to protect the sovereignty of our countries.
At the invitation of Honduras, Taiwan will be attending the upcoming presidential inauguration. President Tsai has asked me to represent our country. Looking forward to this opportunity to make our friendship stronger. 🇹🇼 🇭🇳
Taiwan has much to contribute to global health. The WHO can benefit from our participation. #LetTaiwanHelp
In my candidacy speech today I said: The future of ROC Taiwan must be determined by our 23 million people. Through democracy we will become a more beautiful, and more diverse country.
The self-determination of the Taiwanese people should not be seen as a danger.
#Taiwan’s efforts to help the international community fight #COVID19 has been seen around the globe. We will not accept the accusations made by @DrTedros on 4/8. Taiwan will continue to prove that we are vital members of the international community through actions. #TaiwanCanHelp