賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Taiwan has overcome many obstacles to become a democratic country. What we are facing today will not stop us.
Last evening, on the eve of #TaiwanNationalDay, China again sent warplanes to provoke us. But this won’t stop today’s ceremony. It won’t keep us from protecting peace and stability in the region.
Together, stronger.
Met with Japanese congressmen over the last two days to discuss security issues. Continued cooperation is the best response to Chinese threats and aggression.
China has bullied our friends and isolated Taiwan for too long. The progress we have made towards democracy has not been easy, expanding our international space is equally hard but necessary. I am confident in our values: the Taiwanese people will prevail.
Taiwan is called Taiwan. Recognizing this fact should not be controversial. Much less used as an excuse to punish a sovereign democracy like Lithuania. Totalitarian behavior cannot become normalized in international trade and diplomacy.
Today marks the inauguration of the fifteenth president. In the next four years, I will do my best to assist the President @iingwen and to lay the foundation for the country. No matter where I stand, I will never forget my original intentions in politics. #TAIWAN
Today I start my term as chairperson of the Democratic Progressive Party. The DPP was formed 37 years ago under a dictatorship. It’s goal was clear: to have democracy in Taiwan. I am humbled to continue this work together with the Taiwanese people.
Freedom of the press is like the air for democracy. I feel quite sad today. The people of Hong Kong are losing Apple Daily but they will not lose their courage. Their dignity and ideals are still there. Taiwan stands with you.
@KishiNobuo 親愛なる友人安倍元総理を偲び、安倍元総理のご家族及び国民皆様の幸せを心よりお祈り申し上げます。
The ongoing suppression of dissent and press freedom in Hong Kong must be clearly condemned. Taiwan stands in support of the brave journalists and publishers arrested today, and for the vision of an open and democratic Asia.
Before claiming to oversee human rights issues around the world, China should address its own severe abuses at home and against foreigners. Innocent Taiwanese citizens are being accused of political crimes, sentenced without due process, and imprisoned. This needs to stop.
Chinese representatives acting like angry little emperors is the new normal. The assault of a Taiwanese diplomat in Fiji last week is only the latest example. We will not sink to their level, we will keep doing what we do.
Today we started applying vaccines donated by Japan. Together we fight the virus, the pain will pass. Thank you Japan! 互いに助け合ってこそ、ウイルスに打ち勝って、苦しみを乗り越えることができます。日本の皆様、ありがとうございました!
Taiwan and Japan have much in common. We not only suffer earthquakes often, we also face economic and geopolitical threats from a totalitarian power. Like #India, #Australia, #Palau, and other regional partners, #Japan is a solid friend. Friends need to help each other.
Being patriotic and standing for human rights go together. Jimmy Lai, Martin Lee, Leung Kwok-hung, and others punished in Hong Kong today are not criminals, they are the real patriots.
再度零確診!這是振奮人心的好消息。感謝 #台灣隊 全體人員的努力,持續保持健康是你我共同責任,努力對抗 #COVID19 不鬆懈。#Taiwan
Taiwanese pineapples are stronger than fighter jets. Geopolitical pressures cannot squeeze their deliciousness. Let's support our farmers. #TaiwanesePineapples
For us Taiwanese, democracy is the basic principle. Facing a totalitarian China, we know that an alliance of democracies is essential for the future.
Don’t make trouble. The median line of the Taiwan strait is a sign of peace, to deny its existence undermines the status quo. Reckless gestures in the sky and sea cannot become the new normal. Peaceful and equal dialogue is the way forward.
Democracy will win.
Making a stop in Los Angeles on my way to Honduras. It’s a pleasure to be here. Looking forward to meetings with old and new friends during this short stay in the US.