賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

While China continues military exercises, today I was officially nominated as DPP presidential candidate. I want to bring Taiwanese together, and build a more democratic community. The election next year will be a choice between totalitarianism and democracy. We got this.
八田与一先生の知識と先見の明に感服いたします。台湾と日本の歴史は切り離せないものです。90年の間、烏山頭ダムの一滴一滴の水は、工場へ、農地へ、そして台湾の人々の心に染み渡っています。 八田先生と日本に深く感謝いたします。 sankei.com/world/news/210…
Making a stop in Los Angeles on my way to Honduras. It’s a pleasure to be here. Looking forward to meetings with old and new friends during this short stay in the US.
Feels good to come home after a successful trip to Honduras and the US. It’s my honor to serve as Vice President and represent the Taiwanese people along with @iingwen and all hard working team members.
Today we started applying vaccines donated by Japan. Together we fight the virus, the pain will pass. Thank you Japan! 互いに助け合ってこそ、ウイルスに打ち勝って、苦しみを乗り越えることができます。日本の皆様、ありがとうございました!
#香港 #銅鑼灣書店 店長 #林榮基 先生的書店,歷盡艱辛,今天在 #臺北 正式開幕,特別獻上祝福。 #臺灣 最引以為傲的就是 #民主 #自由,敬請大家用行動支持書店,支持臺北的銅鑼灣書店,也是對臺灣 #出版自由 的支持! #HK #Taipei #Taiwan 照片出自銅鑼灣書店-台灣重啟
Purchases from China are being replaced with domestic use and orders from Japan, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Middle East countries. The traveling pineapples are looking forward to their new visas. #TaiwanesePineapples
Taiwan is called Taiwan. Recognizing this fact should not be controversial. Much less used as an excuse to punish a sovereign democracy like Lithuania. Totalitarian behavior cannot become normalized in international trade and diplomacy.
Thank you @SpeakerPelosi for your courage and commitment to democracy in Taiwan. Your tenure as Speaker of the House will be remembered and you will always be welcome in our country.
For us Taiwanese, democracy is the basic principle. Facing a totalitarian China, we know that an alliance of democracies is essential for the future.
Today marks the inauguration of the fifteenth president. In the next four years, I will do my best to assist the President @iingwen and to lay the foundation for the country. No matter where I stand, I will never forget my original intentions in politics. #TAIWAN
Last evening, on the eve of #TaiwanNationalDay, China again sent warplanes to provoke us. But this won’t stop today’s ceremony. It won’t keep us from protecting peace and stability in the region.
Chinese representatives acting like angry little emperors is the new normal. The assault of a Taiwanese diplomat in Fiji last week is only the latest example. We will not sink to their level, we will keep doing what we do.
Taiwanese are happy when our athletes win medals. Although we cannot attend the Olympics using our country’s name, we protect the athletes’ right to participate. It’s their lifetime dream. We know the world knows us 🇹🇼
Democracy will win.
Taiwanese pineapples are stronger than fighter jets. Geopolitical pressures cannot squeeze their deliciousness. Let's support our farmers. #TaiwanesePineapples
I was glad to meet with the bipartisan US congressional delegation led by Chairperson McCaul. The world cares about the security of Taiwan. Security and the economy are two issues I take very seriously. We will do our best to protect the peace across the Taiwan Strait.
China has bullied our friends and isolated Taiwan for too long. The progress we have made towards democracy has not been easy, expanding our international space is equally hard but necessary. I am confident in our values: the Taiwanese people will prevail.
Glad to see President Trump doing well the video he released. Wishing his recovery continues on this path, our thoughts are with him and the American people.
Taiwan and Japan have much in common. We not only suffer earthquakes often, we also face economic and geopolitical threats from a totalitarian power. Like #India, #Australia, #Palau, and other regional partners, #Japan is a solid friend. Friends need to help each other.
In my candidacy speech today I said: The future of ROC Taiwan must be determined by our 23 million people. Through democracy we will become a more beautiful, and more diverse country.
Today Taiwan 🇹🇼 received a donation of 400k vaccine doses, this time from Poland 🇵🇱. Previous donations came from Lithuania 🇱🇹, Czechia 🇨🇿, and Slovakia 🇸🇰. We are grateful to our EU partners 🇪🇺. We can do big things together.