賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Before claiming to oversee human rights issues around the world, China should address its own severe abuses at home and against foreigners. Innocent Taiwanese citizens are being accused of political crimes, sentenced without due process, and imprisoned. This needs to stop.
No country thinking about an alliance of democracies should forget Taiwan. We know China.
Arriving in Honduras I was welcomed by current Vice President @MariaAn15715227 and later met with President-elect @XiomaraCastroZ. Honored to attend the transfer of power ceremony tomorrow, and help strengthen the friendship between our democratic countries.
The self-determination of the Taiwanese people should not be seen as a danger.
The ongoing suppression of dissent and press freedom in Hong Kong must be clearly condemned. Taiwan stands in support of the brave journalists and publishers arrested today, and for the vision of an open and democratic Asia.
When authorities select the candidates before the people vote, it is no longer an election. We strongly urge China to respect the rights of Hong Kong citizens, return Hong Kong to Hong Kongers, and stop undermining democratic values in the region.
Today marks the first anniversary since President Tsai and I were elected to serve. Taiwan is beautiful. We hold elections and respect the outcome win or lose. On the front line against totalitarianism, Taiwanese are defending democracy with our lives.
The death of John Cheng and wounding of five others at the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in California, saddens all Taiwanese today. We condemn the violence as we pray for the well-being of all survivors.
Freedom of the press is like the air for democracy. I feel quite sad today. The people of Hong Kong are losing Apple Daily but they will not lose their courage. Their dignity and ideals are still there. Taiwan stands with you.
今天是 #言論自由日,為的是紀念民主前輩 #鄭南榕 為爭取言論自由而自焚殉道。 時到今日,台灣民主仍然面臨挑戰,假訊息正在威脅民主體制。 這提醒著我們莫忘歷史、莫忘我們要繼續守護的珍貴民主,切勿以言論自由之名,散播假訊息。 請共同珍惜得來不易的自由民主!#致民主
Threats and disinformation are China's tools to interfere in our democracy. But fear did not stop Taiwan from becoming a free country. We welcome recent visits by US Congress and European Parliament, and stand with all international partners for democracy, prosperity, and peace.
My heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of those who perished in Seoul last night. Taiwan stands with Korea in this painful moment.
July 30 is the first anniversary of former President Lee Teng Hui’s death. It is touching to know that former Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan would like to visit on this occasion. Welcome to Taiwan. Let’s keep cooperating for democracy, freedom, and human rights. (AP photo)
Sad at the loss of a senior, a mentor, and a friend. President Lee taught me humility, calm, and endurance. He asked me to let people know what our party stood for, to offer a vision for our country’s future, and to improve the people’s well-being. Thank you Mr Democracy.
Today I met the delegation led by Portuguese Congressman Hon. Paulo Rios de Oliveira, and had an interesting conversation. We can feel the support of Europe. I believe the world is waking up to the challenges posed by authoritarianism everywhere.
私は野球ファンです。今日は台湾プロ野球の試合中継に招待していただき、一回から最後まで解説いたします。私は初めてプロ野球評論をした副総統でしょうか? today.line.me/TW/article/R8k…
#Taiwan’s efforts to help the international community fight #COVID19 has been seen around the globe. We will not accept the accusations made by @DrTedros on 4/8. Taiwan will continue to prove that we are vital members of the international community through actions. #TaiwanCanHelp
Taiwan has much to contribute to global health. The WHO can benefit from our participation. #LetTaiwanHelp
奈良美智さん @michinara3 の作品が、台湾高雄で展示されていると聞いて、私もさっそく行ってきました。みんなに光と希望を与えてくれる作品で、とても感動しました。奈良さんが台湾で作品を制作するにあたって、多くのインスピレーションを感じて下さることを切に望みます。
In Taiwan we were able to control the virus with careful contact tracing and strict quarantines. But no one is safe until everyone is safe. Let’s stay focused and get through this together as one human family.
Democracy isn't the ideal of only certain countries, it also belongs to Taiwan. Leaders everywhere are concerned with democracy and peace. But we cannot surrender democracy to those who threaten war, the Taiwanese people will not accept it.
With respect to the U.S. election, we naturally don’t take a side. Our only side is Taiwan.