We love you and this tweet must go viral! Retweet and Press like if your finger has the strength! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
Aug 11, 2020 Interview! Hunter Biden, Clinton, Roberts, Disney, CNN Journalists, New York Times Journalists and Much Much More on Tape! A lot! Under 15 years old!
God Chose President Trump!
World Dictators who enslave their People and Western Corporate Tyrants linked with China have congratulated Biden PRIOR TO END RESULT! A NATION NEEDS JUSTICE! 奴役人民的獨裁者和勾結中共的西方財閥們已經提前祝賀拜登! 一個民族需要正義!
China CCP owes world 10 Trillion for Wuhan Bioweapon! We owe CCP, it's elimination! 中共因武漢生物武器欠世界10萬億美元! 我們欠中共的,是滅它!
China CCP Steals GOD Like Super Intelligence from Google Deepmind AI for 5G Military Dominance with Planaterary Surveillance @POTUS @AP @CG_CyberForge 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能 👇🤗 m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu1BH5…
中共計劃向全世界釋放病毒來暗殺特朗普、其內閣成員和國會議員, 我是如何提前掌握、示警特勤局並在去年10月20日出版的人工智能:人類危局一書中公告天下的?哪些中西媒體的老闆和編輯被中共掌握了性錄像帶而根本不報導?我又是如何在2019年初春向特勤局示警的?書中有鐵證: amazon.com/%E4%BA%BA%E5%B…
China CCP hunt people using DJI drones to amass concentration camps. They steal and track your private data. BAN DJI! 中共用大疆無人機抓人送集中營。它們窺視監控你的個人隱私。封殺大疆! theaiorganization.com/ban-dji-mini-d…
Groups connected to Vatican and China CCP are connected to Election Fraud! Why would the Pope support Communist China and Biden? How did the Vatican obtain so much Gold, Money and influence if they are supposed to be a place of worship and truth? International Election Fraud!
Vote Trump, Save the World!
The Chinese Communist Party Wanted to Harm Your Families, Expose Them with All Your Might! @POTUS @SecPompeo @VP 中國共產黨想要傷害你的家人,盡你的全力曝光它們! m.youtube.com/watch?v=50wa-u…
When CCP Connects Huawei on 5G, they can release the worlds private sex tapes in a way that cannot be stopped! Must Eliminate CCP! 當中共在全球連通華為5G時,它們可以無法阻擋的方式發布各國人士的性醜聞錄像帶。 必須消滅中共!
Just tell Congress if they don't pay $5,000 each month to every American family, you will release all their China Sex Tapes by Executive Order pulled from @ODNIgov and 5 eyes access files. They will sign rightaway! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
DON'T PLAY WITH LION'S TAIL! Protect Taiwan-Learn from SHAH! 不要玩弄獅子的尾巴, 保護台灣,借鑒沙阿! @realDonaldTrump @PahlaviReza @iingwen @ShahbanouFarah @AP @wolfblitzer @ChrisRuddyNMX @jaketapper @AmbassadorRice @moonriver365 @konotaromp @ChrisCuomo @bbclysedoucet
REDEMPTION, EXPOSE-ELIMINATE CCP-Wish for a Great Future of Enlightenment & Awakening for All! 懺悔救贖,曝光並消滅中共 並願所有人都擁有覺悟、覺醒的偉大未來!
Who is responsible for the CCP Virus? China, their people or CCP? The Chinese Communist Party!
If Biden doesn't allow for proper fraud investigations, I will refile the Crimes Against Humanity Lawsuit with his name first and have all the victims come forward to testify!
Cocaine Mitch thinks the sex scandal, China money, will not catch up with him after betraying Trump! For decades he has been cooking Turtle soup with corrupt Shefs!
VOTE: PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP!!! ***** 投選:唐纳德·J·川普總統!!!
.@realDonaldTrump People Programmed to attack Trump with #AI Smartphones, Media, Google Discovery Published Feb 2020 from Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity! 人們被AI、智能手機、媒體和谷歌編程去攻擊川普,2020年2月發文,提煉自《人工智能-人類危局 theaiorganization.com/people-progamm…
Tesla Sues Trump Administration to back China CCP after knowing of death camps and CCP Virus harm to UR families! Complicity to Genocide is a Criminal Offense! 狀告川普政府的特斯拉,既知曉死亡集中營,也知中共病毒傷害世人,卻仍為中共站台!共謀群體滅絕是犯罪! google.com/amp/s/www.busi…
Cyborg Beetles on #5G can Kill Humans Guided by #AI Poison/Virus Delivery Systems. Published in my Books cyrusaparsa.selz.com/item/artificia… Used to Crawl into UR Homes by Terrorists/Big Tech=MBT? China CCP Stole this #biotech Retweet, Support My Efforts Pls Demand Media Stop Censoring me.
Declassify ALIEN files Pres.Trump! RETWEET if want Pres. Trump to release Alien Deep State Agenda! 想要川普公開外星人文件,請轉推! @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @SpokespersonCHN @AaronReich @Amb_LiSong @KremlinRussia_E theaiorganization.com/human-race-pro…
Vote for He who is against China CCP. Vote with your Mind, Heart and Pen, for He.. The Fate of the World depend on it! 投票給反對中共的那人. 用你的思想、心與筆投給..「他」 世界的信心有賴於此!