THE HIDDEN MESSAGE! Every time a loved one dies! 隱而未宣的秘密!每當你有親人死去... @joerogan @lexfridman @AP @ryanhall5050 @bengoertzel @DrDebraSoh @ZDoggMD @realguyritchie @TuckerCarlson @megynkelly @AnthonyHopkins @SheriffClarke @nickgillespie @RT_com @elonmusk
Google-Obama-Soros Endangering World China-Bio-Tech Lawsuit My effort soften danger to UR Families-Lots Asking Status Didnt serve Defendants-Lockdown Turns to CIVIL WAR Focus is ChinaCCP "Without Prejudice" Means judge accepted case-DOJ/Gov using Intel UPDATE THIS FRIDAY
Fake News, Fake Votes, Fake President Elect: Real China Sex Tapes!
Report 2019: China CCP planned Invisible Bioweapon to kill Trump, Family-Key Generals! 2019年報告:中共研發隱形生物武器幹掉川普一家及其大將 @POTUS @ChiefNGB @KremlinRussia_E @FBIWFO @EpochTimes @ArmyChiefStaff @SpaceForceCSO @nypost @MGTracyNorris…
ELECTION FRAUD IS A FORM OF ELECTION TERRORISM! Election Fraud is an attempt to Subvert the State, the Nation and all of its Governing Apparatus, not to Exclude the Nations Military. Those involved, aiding or complicit are liable to state and federal crimes!
Pres. Trump wants all Nations to hold China CCP accountable for their crimes against humanity. Must Receive World Justice! 川普總統希望所有國家就中共的反人類罪追責. 必須接受全世界的正義審判!
Google, Facebook, Neuralink, CEO's Sergey Brin, Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Sandar Pichai sued in Federal Court Retweet...… #Tesla #CNN @MariaBartiromo @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse #Google #Facebook @SebGorka @SecPompeo @VP #FoxNews
ITALY MP CALLS FOR "BILL GATES ARREST"-"Crimes Against Humanity" Did they read my 87 Page Fed Lawsuit and Book? WATCH: Sci-Fi Movie-"AI: The Plan to Invade Humanity" at Link 👉👇👉… @realDonaldTrump @ItalyatNATO @Europarl_EN _ #saraCunial
人的生命的原初設計是道德、高貴和純潔的。 共產主義剝奪人們的信仰,在頭腦中注入恐懼, 心中注入憤怒,遮住他們的慧眼, 弱化、進而消滅他們的精神。 文明要延續,回歸道德! 塞瑞斯.
RT if you think @JoeBiden needs to get arrested for his financial roles in Chinese death camps!
CHINA CCP ORGAN HARVESTING: People of Falun Dafa, Christians, and many More- World Must Know Mr. President- @realDonaldTrump @WHO @UN Time is Kicking! 中共活摘器官:殺害法輪大法學員、基督徒和其他很多群體的民眾。總統,全世界必須了解真相,時間緊迫。…
Obama-Biden Negligent CCP Virus BioWeapon AI China Transfer Complicit in China Slave Death Camps-Published 4-2-20 奧巴馬和拜登在將冠狀(中共)病毒的研發技術轉讓給中共方面瀆職,在利用AI監控設立奴工死亡集中營方面與中共共犯, 2020年4月2日發表, 請切換到中文版…
The World acting like a Father-less Playground with Children Fighting. If Karl Marx was a good Father, he would not teach Hate! Eliminate Marx! 這世界就像個沒有父親照看、小孩在打架的遊樂場。如果馬克思曾是個好父親,就不會教導仇恨。 消滅馬克思!
CIA AND FBI Directors should both be fired. They failed to protect the nation on China CCP. I would have done a 10 Times better Job! CIA和FBI局長兩人都應該被炒魷魚。他們在中共問題上辜負了國家。 我會比他們做的好十倍!
China CCP wanted to Kill Pres. Trump. I am the only person in the world that has a track of published evidence and more not revealed publicly pointing to Bio-Weapon plan of CCP against the U.S and Trump that came true in exact time that I predicted!…
Could there be an invisible hand Behind Masks? "Redirect Firing Squad-Guillotine at CCP" @realDonaldTrump @GOPLeader @KremlinRussia_E @60Minutes @KamalaHarris @TomPerez @EmmanuelMacron @TIME @AP 無形面具後的黑手?用行刑隊和斷頭台伺候中共! 👇Interview…
WHO is the Invisible Enemy? 看不見的敵人是誰? CCP?
If no Trump, World Enslaved by A.I.
COVID 19 CCP Virus Warned in Cyrus' 2019 Books & China-Google Lawsuit. Why didn't Global Media Report? What are they trying to hide? 塞瑞斯在他2019年出版的著作中和對中共及谷歌的訴訟案裡公開警示中共病毒的存在。為什麼全球媒體不予報導?他們在掩蓋什麼?…
U.S Begins to Expell #HUAWEI #5G as "National Security Threat and Arm of CCP!" 美國開始驅逐華為,視之為「國家安全威脅和中共的武器!」…
Cyrus's 2019-2020 warnings, books, lawsuit that a Bioweapon or virus from China would launch global AI Reset was to Protect world's people from Harm, Death! Share with All Media, Government!…
CHINESE COMMUNIST PLAGUE! =CCP 中國共產主義瘟疫! =CCP Cyrus A. Parsa, Oct, 1, 2020! ✍