RETWEET: Obama Planned A.I. Robot Take Over with Google CEO's on #5G -Watch Clip, than Movie. #ObamaGate…
China CCP Huawei Moblizes Machines to Rule World in Orwellian #5G BRI System with #AI Digital Brain. Our Discovery Published OCT-2019 中共華為用「AI數字大腦」調動機械設備,企圖在一帶一路上以奧威爾式體制統治世界。我們在2019年10月23日發布了我們的調研成果。…
Supreme Court Justices need @USMarshalsHQ protection 24/7 next 2 months to prevent mysterious deaths while election is being investigated as they may play a deciding role! @realDonaldTrump PROTECT SUPREME COURT JUSTICES!
Illegal Takeover of #HongKong by CCP is a Fatal Mistake that will lead to the Toad Regimes Demise! 中共非法佔領香港是致命錯誤,會導致蛤蟆政權垮台!
NO CIVIL WAR: Just count the legal votes, if Trump wins, protect the liberals from Vengeful Conservatives, Eliminate CCP and Build a great Future for All! Trump 2020! 不打內戰:只計合法選票,如果川普贏了,保護自由派免受復仇的保守派的傷害。消滅中共,為大家營造偉大的未來!
21.5 MILLION CHINESE DIED FROM #CCPVirus =Phones Deactivated? Is That Why the World is Locked Down? Pls RETWEET, WATCH VIDEO SUBSCRIBE =UPDATES MSM Will NOT Tell You @realDonaldTrump #5G #Coronavirustruth #COVID19 #ChinaVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
TRUMP Vs CCP VIRUS: First Round-Goes to Trump! 川普對陣中共病毒,第一回合: 川普勝!
Breaking: Pres.Trump declares State of Emergency in D.C!…
OBAMAGATE! 🇨🇳 奧巴馬門!
Fang Fang So True! Not just Swalwell, Hunter, Roberts, Clinton, but Pelosi Son and More!…
Any Citizen, mayor, congressman senator, gov. employee, media outlet-personal, electoral chair persons obstructing or hindering Election Fraud investigation can be sued to include 70 million voters, and sued by"We the People" individually in millions of lawsuits filed separately!
Google CEO Eric Schmidt Helped China build its Surveillance System that allowed China to monitor-kill its citizens Governor @andrewcuomo is hiring Schmidt to Advise on Corona Respone? @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @Cabinet @USAmbUN @Forbes @FBIWFO…
Glenn Beck refused to have me on his show in 2019 to warn about the Pandemic, lockdown, China, AI, and Great Reset. Then in 2020, his network made money off the American people with my information, and censored me! He steals information! He should not have a platform!
"Why Are They Really Locking Everything Down"? Dropping Bombs (Ep 289) via @YouTube @CyrusAParsa1 TY @TheRealBradLea 4 critical REDPILL RT MAKE VIRAL! Lawsuit against CCP Google Gates Obama/ Organ Harvesting 疫情中我們為何被封鎖」專輯,請選擇中文字幕
The President of the United States @realDonaldTrump got hit with a Bioweapon/Virus right before the election! War Powers Act and Election Interference by CCP!
Spies from China CCP behind some U Tube and Facebook censorship! Intel released to public by Cyrus A. Parsa 2nd time on August-2020…
China CCP stole this Robot Tech for military, police, AI global Domination of nations on BRI 5G! Video Credit: Boston Dynamics Who Stole Technology? CCP Who Allow CCP Steal?ObamaBiden Who Discover Theft? Cyrus/AI Org Who Report Cyrus Findings? AI means LOVE in Chinese. AI Org!
對中共生物科技及谷歌、奧巴馬和索羅斯危害世界的訴訟案 我的努力減緩了對你家人的危害,很多人詢問案子進展 訴狀沒有送交被告 - 因為疫情封鎖,而且可能演變成內戰 曝光中共才是焦點 「未影響實體權利」(無損害)意味著法官准許立案 — 司法部/政府在採用情報 本週五將公告最新情況
Our Wuhan Chinese sources at start of outbreak informed us in Jan 2020 that the CCP lied, was covering up the enormous amount of dead bodies, delaying key information to the worlds people in time to save lives. The Regime in China must be held accountable for hurting the world!
China CCP Dividing U.S with A.I. and attacking American President with influence of 1,000 corporate tech Entities Published 11-12-2019 轉:中共全球佈局上千科技公司實體來分裂美國並攻擊特朗普總統 - 去年11月12號發表的報告(原文有中文鏈接)…
China MK Ultra Children Pineal Gland with A.I. devices Hypnosis Robotics. What I call-Bio-Digital Social Programming-RETWEET Click U Tube👇Link to watch "AI: The Plan to Invade Humanity" Movie… #MKULTRA #5gmindcontrol #ArtificialIntelligence