The Chinese Communist Party Plagiarized western scientists' coronavirus research to create the CCP Virus. That Plagiarism spawned disaster globally. Eliminate Communist Plagiarism! 中共靠剽竊西方冠狀病毒科研成果搞出中共病毒,製造了全球性災難。 徹底剷除共匪式剽竊!
Organ Harvesting linked to Bidens China money ties. Megvii Face++ AI companies and More! 活摘器官關係著拜登家族在中國的財路,曠視科技! @TheJusticeDept @FBIWFO Congress Res. 343… Biden Article… AI Used…
Some Big American Media have Chinese Spies connected with editorials, pretending they are against China CCP, Manipulating America, hurting the Worlds people.. FBI will arrest you! 美國一些大媒體中有些中共特務假裝反共,涉入編輯部工作,操控美國,傷害世人。FBI會逮捕你們!
China CCP has no Ethics: RAPES Experiments on people, Mixing Humans and Animals with A.I. Interview Conducted on 3-30-20 中共毫無倫理道德:它們強姦民眾、做人體實驗,用AI將人獸混合」(20年3月採訪)
中共黨報解放日報資深編輯胡展奮目前人在洛杉磯。其老上級周稼駿(JJ),原解放日報主編,中共老牌駐外間諜,六四期間以世紀風專欄“請不要向記者開槍”一文騙取西方信任,常駐美國刺探情報 - 中共外交部歐美司副司長在其赴美前到上海面授機宜給予資金。後因勾結官商販賣人口等罪行敗露遭FBI通緝逃回中國。
Animals let out of Zoo by Antifa Socialists, including a Tiger, to attack the public, reports from coming from the ground Chicago. @realDonaldTrump #riot #Riot2020 #AntifaTerrorist 👇
Delay U.S Presidental Election by 4 Years Because Under Obama China CCP Stole Bio-Weapon Iran Regime got 150 Billion Biden got 1.5 Billion ISIS Slaughtered Entire Villages Complicit China Death Camps Obama Hunted a Sitting President Obama Now Instigating Race Wars TREASON.
CCP NUKE THIS! Through just one proxy agent CCP purchased over 20 million acres of land in North America. We shared this intel with FBI three years ago. @realDonaldTrump @FBIWFO @AP @GOP 中共僅通過一處代理人就在北美購買了兩千多萬英畝土地。三年前我們與聯邦調查局分享了該情報。
WHO In The World Knew, China's #CCP enslaved, Murdered Millions of Falun Dafa, Christian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Journalists, and Free People for their Organs for 20 Years, and Did Business with Them? Should We Repent and Expose #CCPChina ? RETWEET If You Agree and Support Goodness.
Some Billionaires Linked with China CCP death Camps, Epstein Islands Moved from NYC recently. The 5 Eyes Can Arrest them with Laws Passed by Trump! 一些和中共死亡集中營及愛潑斯坦式小島有瓜葛的億萬富翁,最近搬離了紐約。五眼聯盟仍然可以聯合執行逮捕,特朗普近期通過的法律也如此!
Mark Zuckerberg Facebook made money by selling UR personal biometric data and family information to China through third party contracts. Money used in Facebook campaigns to interfere in U.S elections as Facebook employeed Chinese CCP Spies as FACT CHECKERS! Rigged Election!
Fmr. Vice Pres. Got 1.5 Billion From CCP Corporations as China Ran Death Camps. He's playing political games as #HongKong Youth Die. Criminal Politician CCP Sex Tapes! 中共在設立死亡營,前副總統卻收受中共15億美元;在香港年輕人付出生命時玩政治遊戲。被中共掌握性錄像的罪惡政客們👇…
Hunter Biden under federal Sex investigation! Children in China that were sex trafficked!
CCP VIRUS GATE: 中共病毒門! New Documentary-RETWEET SHARE! 最新紀錄片,請轉推分享…
Do Not Fear The Chinese Communist Party, Make It Fear You. 別怕中共。让它怕你。 Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization. 塞瑞斯, AI组织
The Pope and Vatican may get a one way ticket to Hell if they don"t Renounce their Relationship with Communist China and Expose their Crimes Against Humanity! @Pontifex @VaticanNews @AP 教皇和梵蒂岡若不放棄跟中共的勾兌、揭露其反人類罪,或將拿到通向地獄的單程車票!
Paul Ryan wants to save his people in congress from China sex tape exposure. This is why he doesn't want Trump to have election integrity evidence investigated by specific council! If Trump stays in power, for sure the CCP sex tapes will be released!
Some Vatican Pope's Bishops link to China CCP Organ Transplant Tourism-$. Suitcase of Cash, Rome to China? @GiuseppeConteIT @ItalyMFA Investigate..Arrest, take back organs! 梵蒂岡教皇手下一些主教涉中共器官移植旅遊,成箱美鈔從羅馬運中國?調查,全體逮捕,追回器官!
I know how to have standing in Supreme Court because my Biden, Google, CCP lawsuit had standing! 我知道如何讓大選案子獲得訴訟資格 @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 @RudyGiuliani @RealPNavarro @JennaEllisEsq @OANN @kayleighmcenany @newsmax @EpochTimes @Nefertari_25 @GretaLWall @AP
Complicity to China CCP Organ Harvesting and Concentration camps is a crime under Article 3 of Genocide Convention Punishable by local tribunal and International criminal courts! 與中共的集中營、活摘器官共犯,是適用《群體滅絕罪公約》第3條的罪行,可由當地法庭和國際刑事法庭懲辦!
Pres. Donald J. Trump has access to many sex tapes of high profile people conservatives and liberals! How did I know and Expose Bidens on July 18, 2020 to the world? Its Huge and with under age girls! It is Rape!
Vote Trump, End Organ Harvesting! 投票給川普,終止活摘器官!