Bill Gates Microsoft, Joined Pope Francis to design AI Ethics. Bill Gates Contributed to Millions of Fetus Deaths, AI Tech Transfer to China that Hunted Chinese Citizens for Their Organs. BIG TECH HAS NO BUSINESS DESIGNING ETHICAL AI, The AI Organization…
Trump Banning Tik Tok Executive Order Destroy CCP! 👍👍 👏👉 @POTUS 特朗普在发布行政令禁用抖音海外版。 摧毁中共。…
THE CYRUS REPORT- Spring 2019: to Secret Service and Whitehouse "China CCP will Unleash Invisible Bio-Weapon on TRUMP, GOP, key members of Whitehouse staff and globally to shift the tied and enslave the world's people within 1-2 years with A.I."…
DO NOT TRUST FOXES @FoxNews 不要相信福克斯新聞的狐狸們
Pres. TRUMP "CCP Pay Big Price! 川普總統說,中共將付出沉重代價!…
What Secretary of State Pompeo has been saying, as have I: China CCP uses racial tensions and injustices within our multiculturalism to divide us, while China takes over globally! CCP fools us into fighting each other, so they can enslave world with Chinese nationalism and A.I.
Nancy Pelosi led politically motivated impeachment Hunts on Trump, preventing the administration to focus on my China virus-bioweapon warnings. As a President, how can you accurately prevent a Pandemic when half of Congress is attacking you? Is Pelosi liable for Covid deaths?
To Truly Love Yourself, You Must First Love others. The CCP Hates everyone equally! Get rid of the CCP before what you love, is lost! 要真正愛你自己,你必須先愛他人。中共仇恨每一個人,在你還沒有失去你的所愛之前,淘汰中共!
TRUMP vs. Biden Freedom vs. Tyranny Constitution vs. Communism U.S vs China CCP Humans vs Machines Righteousness vs. Manipulation Hope vs. Disheartened Order vs. Chaos Creation Vs. Programming Free Will vs. A Program Life vs. CCP Virus TRUMP WON-HONOR WIN!
AI Programs Trump Attack in 2 Min RETWEET AND SHARE EVERYWHERE.…
Vote Trump, End Pedophilia!
After Subpoena This China CCP Sex Tape Tweet, what explosive chain of events took place since? Retweet and Respond Here with timeline - Best Answer gets Free Book. 自從中共色情錄像帶推文發表至今,世上都發生了哪些爆炸性的連鎖事件?請轉推並告訴我你的觀察。最佳回答將獲贈一本新書。…
The Holocaust killed 6 million jews, 2 million German girls where raped thereafter by Russian Red Army, 10s of millions died in war. Today it is happening in China under the CCP! The CCP has been running death camps, and the media is silent as if they are wearing a mask!
How much damage to world due to cover-up of book published exactly 1 year ago today? 壓制一年前今天出版的此書給世界造成了何等傷害? @POTUS @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @VP @CIA @SecretService @CG_CyberForge @Cabinet @peternavarro45 @GOP @TheDemocrats…
INVISIBLE ENEMY! 不見的敵人! 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 🥀 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 CCPVIRUS!
RETWEET to Thank Pres.Trump Administration for protecting the World from China CCP, Tell them to Continue! 轉推感謝川普反共並請他繼續! @realDonaldTrump @Mike_Pence @SecPompeo @VP @USMC @USArmy @USNavy @usairforce @SpaceForceDoD @DHSgov Pompeo Goal👇…
America is the last free country in the world. I didnt leave Iran as child to see morons lose this nation to China!
I AM the ONLY person in the world that warned y'all before the CCP virus/COVID19 outbreak with my books, articles and lawsuit - an undeniable fact! 我是在中共病毒疫情爆發之前通過著書寫作和起訴案反复警告世人的唯一一人,這是不爭的事實。
Breath of Life represents all that is human from the birth of the Universe: The CCP Virus wants to choke the breath of life out of the human race globally* Have No Fear, Be Cautious, Endure it, Eliminate the CCP- Choke it back by Exposing its Crimes Against Humanity!
.@POTUS China CCP Proxy Israel Attack-Giving Hypersonic Missiles to Iran's Regime to Deter Trump from Exposing Concentration Camps-World 5GAI BRI Agenda @CG_CyberForge @ArmyChiefStaff @SpaceForceCSO @GenDaveGoldfein @ericfrost @EsperDoD @SecPompeo @CIA…
Fair Elections GAURANTEED by U.S CONSTITUTION rooted in 2500 years of history from Cyrus The Great(Persia) Greeks, Founding Father's: All Shed with Blood! "WE THE PEOPLE" HONOR IT OR LOSE EVERYTHING!
Strong Mind=Strong Body! TRUMP! 強大的心靈,強壯的身體!川普
U.S Government Confirms all my published China CCP AI 5G Huawei warnings in books, articles Interviews, Reports, Videos I made public last 1 year 美國國防部確認了我一年多時間裡發布在圖書、文章、採訪、報告和視頻中的所有關於中共、AI、5G、 華為的警告 👇… 👇…
People Were Originally Designed to be Good, Noble and Pure. Communism Strips Humans of Faith, Filling Fear in its Mind, Anger in its Heart, Blocking Its Eye to the Wisdom All Around, Weakening Its Spirit to its Demise For Civilization to Survive, Return to Goodness. Cyrus