U.S and Free World Must Win Global AI 5G race against China CCP! 美國和自由世界必須在與中共的全球AI 5G競賽中獲勝! @KSAmofaEN @PrimeministerGR @trpresidency @GiuseppeConteIT theaiorganization.com/ai-u-s-china-a…
REMOVE All images of Frogs kissing Trump. You are envoking the Underworld Spirit Plagues not only on the left, but on TRUMP! This is Old Testiment, Not New! 刪除蛤蟆親吻川普的所有圖像!你在招引低靈疫鬼,不僅上身左派,也侵害川普! 這是舊約,不是新約!
ELON MUSK ENDANGERING WORLD WITH #AI 5G CYBORG EXPERIMENTS MEANT FOR YOUR FAMILY, CHINA DEALS? RETWEET MAKE VIRAL Support my efforts to safeguard us from China-Big Tech Dangers, Follow, Subscribe m.youtube.com/watch?v=e7gScz… @realDonaldTrump @RedPill78 @ArmyChiefStaff @FBIWFO
Secret Service given 5 Page brief by Cyrus June 2019: @SecPompeo "China CCP will launch invisible weapon/Poison on Trump, Cabinet World.Human Race enslaved by China with influence "on big Tech 1-2 Years" Said Cyrus crazy: Genius 100 times above Einstein/Elon Hard to Accept!
"Dominion connected with hostile foreign power invalidates Votes" December 3rd, 2020 @LauraLynnTT @LouDobbs rumble.com/vbkw93-shockin…
Chinese Communist Party kills its citizens for their organs while they are Alive. The World has suffered because they were silent while millions of Falun Gong, Tibetan, Ughur, Christian, other people were gutted alive. It's time to expose them! Truth
Bidens are in violation of Crimes Against Humanity Act of 2010 for money linking to Chinese Death Camps with company Magvii Face ++ @LLinWood congress.gov/bill/111th-con…
RETWEET if CNN should be Expelled from Planet Earth For: 1. Colluding with China 2. Wearing Masks on Air, Not Off Air. 3. Promoting and Instigating Cities to Burn by Colluding with AntiFa. 4.Being a CYOP Meant to Dethrone Nations-Families for a Global Network. 5. Being Evil.
Send Military in: New Presidential Elections for @POTUS This way they can verify each person and ballot. Will take 7 days and no election interference by China CCP!
The Wuhan Bioweapon. Ive known who, when what, where, how since 2019. Is there 1 news outlet that is big enough, I will disclose everything CIA, Pentagon and Governments outside China don't know How did I Publish about Bioweapon warning before leak in 2019? My Secret is Huge!
Someone at UTube took down "CCP Virus Gate" Vid exposing Chinese death camps torture, forced AI Nanotech bioengineering experiments on people, & Xinjiang for False Reason "Medical Covid Misinfo" Trying to Silence death camps, Rape, Torture by CCP, like the holocaust, is a Crime!
OBAMAGATE! How Much Was it Connected with China? If You believe it was, RETWEET #OBAMAGATEGATE
"GOD BLESS THE WORLD" First Pres. Ever to go beyond America! Trump cares about the World! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
"China CCP 5G Master AI Plan is a threat to the Worlds People on 3 major levels from the ground to the sky" Cyrus A. Parsa, Dec 16, 2020! Interview by @OSSRobertSteele robertdavidsteele.com/cyrus-a-parsa-…
If the Creator of the trillions of universes has no fear, so should you, Not have Fear! Cyrus Jan 18th, advise for 2021!
.@realDonaldTrump send military to @CIA headquarters to kindly ask for files on Biden, Obama, and the classified Ops of @FBIWFO and CIA ID ### against you! If I was President, I would do that, because its in the constitution and its the law! Ask military to knock after entry!
New York Times reported Biden wearing Rolex during inauguration. Is this why Biden just opened 5G Communication accessibility with China? Or will Biden do another Executive order to ban China from our Power grid systems? China CCP is running death camps of Ethnic minorities!
Obama Hid From America that China had Millions of People in Slave Camps. Obama Let America Do Business with China without Warning them that their money Contributed to Death Camps. Then, Came the Virus.
Seattle Families Claim "Severe Migraines as #5G Towers Are being installed around their homes" .@realDonaldTrump 5G May reduce Human Immunity, causing any virus exposure to be more potent to the human. Watch this Video in Link Below👇 youtube.com/watch?v=ATaDzl…
The Universe doesn't like fraudulent journalists who cover things up. This includes the citizens of this great nation. 宇宙不喜歡掩蓋真相的欺詐型記者,哪怕是這個偉大國家的公民!
BREAKING: Italy MP Blames Bill Gates-Genocide Agenda, Sterilization of Women, Quantum Tattoo Linked to #5G. PART 1 @ItalyatNATO #SaraCunial ITALY Read my 87 Page Law Notice-Book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity? Watch Sci-Fi👇👇Movie Link youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw…
"AI The Plan To Invade Humanity" Pentagon, released UFO coverage after my Tweet to Pres. Trump, Pentagon with this Video 👇👇 youtu.be/Hzg7Rw-mX4k
TRUMP WON ELECTION based on this reported evidence! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…