"Where is Trump" The attacks on Trump from media, Pelosi, Biden, Obama allowed China to unleash virus undetected Deaths are largely the fault of mainstream media, ObamaGate, and not reporting my intel to save lives! Trump is a Hero to put up with your lunacy. BUT NO MORE!
Censorship or coordinated effort to cast doubt on election fraud investigations by media, corporations, their Employees is an Obstruction of Justice subject to criminal felony charges by federal and state bodies, and civil lawsuits brought forth by the people to ensure FREEDOM! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Why Do You Allow "Teen Sex" for Porn Site @Google ? Your search engine is showing men having sex with girls with titles of "Teen Sex". This means you allow promotion of Child Rape contributing to Sex Human Trafficking. We have 87 Page Memo for U @FBIWFO @TheJusticeDept @DHSgov
Sick Pedophilles Want to Groom Your Kids through Sexualization. Marxism.. It Comes to Destroy Civilization.
Breaking: Trump Declared U.S Sovereign Nation, Not Beholden to Globalists. 👇 twitter.com/ChanelRion/sta…
Found Extinction Codes 2019 Showing Billions of People Dead in 2020-2022. Hence, I interjected Warnings/Solutions to saturate Internet Hive Mind that is controlling Everyone on Planet that in Chain Reaction would have caused Billions to Die, via connection of China-Big Tech.🕗♟
SPY Humming Brid on #5G with #AI Monitoring Humans? Movie "AI The Plan To Invade Humanity"👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw… Book "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity"👇 cyrusaparsa.selz.com/item/artificia… Retweet, Watch Movie I Made to Warn the Worlds Citizens.
Still no answer from Joe Biden to his financial China concentration camp, CCP organ harvesting ties! Joe Attempting to walk it off!
《大重置:科技巨頭精英與世人如何能被中共或AI奴役》正體中文版已上市! amazon.com/dp/B08X3XZD24/ 塞瑞斯和AI組織需要來自中國人和中文媒體的支持 !
Was #Obama Negligent in #CoronavirusPandemic by allowing China to steal #AI Bio-Weapon Tech, and Bidens takings 1.5 Billion $$$? RETWEET if think So, FOLLOW for Updates and READ Book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity theaiorganization.com/was-obama-negl… @realDonaldTrump @VP
If You Dont Like the U.S.A and its Constitution, Leave. As a kid, I experienced war, Socialism and Despotism in Iran. It was the U.S.A, that allowed us to Immigrate to land of the Free. Respect the Flag, and this Nation, Or Leave. Happy Independence Day to All. Cyrus A. Parsa
.@VP Mike Pence will reveal-investigate evidence to allegations of election fraud The Constitution will be under question otherwise, leading to potential civil war if Biden is let in from "Dead Voters/Fraud" Let's see evidence of Dead voters as all the Dead Must be Arrested!
If Your Neighbor is Gang Raped and Killed for their organs, and your other neighbor does business with the murderers, what does that make them? If Worlds Nations do business with China after 20 years of CCP Rape Organ Harvesting, What does that make the World? Thus, Covid 19
2020 Election America Votes For? #Trump2020Landslide #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver VOTE-RETWEET-Follow me for Crucial #AI Disclosures
I am on Gab Now upon request! *****FOLLOW: CyrusAParsa1 aiorganization for Company! Stock up on food and Water in case huge unrest! Thank You, Cyrus!
.@realDonaldTrump SEND MILITARY TO EVERY NATIONAL MONUMENT. DO NOT DELAY I've Been Right On Everything Thus Far. China, Covid, AI, Lockdown, Riots-DC Monument @FBIWFO @DHSgov @SecPompeo @SecretService @ArmyChiefStaff @CG_CyberForge @USArmy @CMC_MarineCorps @USMC @CIA @NSAGov
FEAR- SELFISHNESS Have No Place in the Human Heart. It is the Mind that that Gets Penetrated First.. With Virtue One Can Obtain a Lion Heart. RETWEET if you believe Fear and Selfishness should have no Place in the Human Heart
Joe Biden's Dog is more of a President Elect. It knew to stay away from China CCP!
Wuhan lab Bioweapon was published in my lawsuit, 2019 books, Secret Service report, CIA Director Report, and private messages to Trumps family friend, all before anyone in the world knew! What I have to reveal is universally galactic and will destroy the Chinese regime Facts!
In China, they Rape your Wife in the Camps while you watch so you can recant your faith in GOD. They do it to Christians, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Ughurs, and Tibetans If Raping Your Wife Didn't Work the Past 20 Years, They Kill You For Your Organs. Who Wants Communism Here?
Censoring Call to NOT Kill Liberals and Prevent Civil War? How could "Holster It" have 14 Views after 118 Likes-23 Comments by @YouTube ? @sundarpichai @SusanWojcicki @FBIWFO @POTUS @AP My AI Book/Covid 19/CCPVirus warning was ignored-Everyone Suffers! m.youtube.com/watch?v=stzSYR…
Today & in 2021 world leaders-President's, All People should observe #HolocaustRemembranceDay by saying #NeverAgain to China CCP for their Genocide-Concentration camps of Ughurs, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Christians, Tibetans, non-religious folks tortured- killed in China by CCP!
Elections Should Delay by 4 Years as Trump Faced 3 Years of OBAMAGATE and Now COVIDGATE from China Give Trump 4 Years to Counter China. RETWEET @realDonaldTrump #Obamgate