MADE IN THE CREATORS IMAGE! All Lives were originally made in Image of the Creator- To be Noble, Good, and Selfless. RETWEET- If Deep Down You Know, How Special Every Life Is.
Important Announcement by Secretary of State: Mike Pompeo "Faith is Eternal, Tyranny must be overcome" 蓬佩奧國務卿發表重要講話 "信仰永恆,必克暴政"…
This Symbol/Statue was used to enslave Black People and Many Nations in History, Why are protesters Not Targeting Satan's Statue? RETWEET…
If you push beyond the extreme, you are being pulled. Thus, pull to push, dragons head follows, offering neck beyond extreme! @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo Happy Red Dragon Hunting Gents Cyrus A. Parsa 進擊過極,反受牽制;故而牽引其而進,龍頭自逾其極!獵斬紅龍,快哉!塞瑞斯
China CCP using military grade AI Lidar systems to Quarantine covid patients and dissidents! 中共用軍事級AI激光雷達系統來隔離染疫患者和異見人士!…
RT. China Building AI God Like Military Surveillance from Google Deepmind AI Technology designed for Planetary #5G BRI Domination #ArtificialIntelligence #CCPChina #QuantumComputing 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能…
Lin Wood @LLinWood didn't realize I am the one who released the Sex Pedo connection with Supreme Judge Roberts weeks ago! BUT, If Lin is right about Pence, May be the injection made Pence confused to support Biden? Are there any side affects to the shot he took in the arm?
President Trump says "1,126,940 Votes were created for Biden" “The dead should not rule the living.” Thomas Jefferson 川普總統說,"賓州為拜登造了1,126,940張選票" "死者不該主宰活人。」——托馬斯·杰斐遜"
Election Fraud is a form of RAPE! 選舉舞弊是強暴的一種形式!
If anyone comes after me for exposing on Aug 25th, 2019 and Oct, 20, 2019 with my books that CCP would launch a Virus enslaving world, the bad guys are not suicidal! They never seen movie Home Alone 2! I am not a prophet, just Genius that bad conservatives steal from to make $
MAKE HUMANITY GOOD! THIS WAY, a Global Disaster can be overcome through HARMONY! 讓人類變好! 這樣,全球災難可以通過和睦來克服!
Bill Barr could not get FBI and others to Supeona the Hunter Biden China sex tapes. May be the next person can!…
Reza, America didn't let you escape Iran to threaten to Burn Down the U.S, the Home that Feeds You, Gave You Freedom from Tyranny! Apologize!…
There is an error in English Translation. It is not Department, Rather Missle Warhead. I will send a new tweet to fix. Please Retweet to have more accurate for English audience. As no one in world made this public, very few know at highest levels,,and no media or "Expert" knew!…
Cheetah Robots Can Hunt You, Quarantine You With Swarm Tech on #5G From Big Tech-Socialist Governments to Tag You With Bill Gates Digital Corona Virus ID? Retweet If You Think Big Tech Should Not Be Allowed… #ArtificialIntelligence @realDonaldTrump
Vote Trump, Save Iran from China CCP! 投票川普,从中共手中拯救伊朗!
China CCP: Slave Camp Bidens are in violation of Article 3 of the Genocide Convention! 涉入中共奴隸營的拜登父子觸犯了群體滅絕罪公約第3條!
Yesterday, Pres. Trump spoke on Secretive Military Industrial Complex, and Pres. Eisenhower "AI The Plan to Invade Humanity" Has Huge Coded Secrets! 4.24.2020 川普總統昨談到秘密軍工園區和艾森豪總統。科幻片《AI:入侵人類計劃4.24.2020,中字 編碼了秘密!
THE GREAT RESET: How Big Tech Elites and the World's People Can Be Enslaved by China CCP or A.I.…
Deep Inside Every Person is a fire so strong, it can illuminate the Sky. Thus, Every Human Being is Special! We must Ignite this light, the World's Safety depends on it. 每個人生命深處都有一團烈焰,可以照亮天空。 由此,每個人都很特別。 點亮火光,天下太平。
國共合作小貼士:中共竊國十大元帥之一的軍隊元老,外孫女嫁給了國民黨將軍前國防部長的公子。兩黨高層都對這樁聯姻點了頭。在此負責任的聲明,國共兩黨絕對沒有暗通款曲,陳倉是敲鑼打鼓光明正大拿下來的。 @iingwen @ChingteLai @CIA @ltntw @MOFA_Taiwan @SecPompeo @appledaily_hk @TW_nextmedia
Virus from China, Lockdown, Global Reset, All warned and Predicted more accurately than all governments, media, intelligence agencies and greatest "Experts" Combined by Cyrus A. Parsa, August 24, 2019! Prove me Wrong!
新年快樂! Happy New Year to China, the Chinese people, but not the CCP! Cyrus.. No Meat for CCP in the Future!