DOGS Boiled-Skinned Alive #CCPChina for UR Leather-Clothes, other-I will Not Say Socialism Turns Hearts-Minds=Vietnam-North Korea-Fmr USSR. WHY WOULD ANY NATION DO BUSINESS WITH #CCPVirus -I lived in China during 911-Saw RETWEET-SAY NO TO CCP=SOCIALISM @peta @MariaBartiromo
Welcome to 2021. My advise. Get 4 months of Water, food supplies, batteries and gas just in case something goes wrong with the election debates! I have 6 months supply, plus lots of offensive protection! Stay Cool, love your neighbors, and strangers, just don't Trust anyone!😉
Tips on Joining Trump's 4th of July GETTR App. Join me Now!
21.5 Million Less Cell Phone Users in China after #CCPVirus outbreak suggests millions dead or had their phones taken away Retweet and Read Pls. Dont believe MSM. China's Communist Party are professional Liars, endangering the worlds people.…
If I was Donald J Trump I would not trust anyone of his advisors or republican party heads, Pardon everyone, including Potus for any complaints against him in office! Trump positives: Got rid of ISIS, globally exposed CCP, revived military, brought manufacturing to U.S, No Wars!
The Constitution requires action @DNI_Ratcliffe Not hesitation! You either bend the knee to CCP or Save the World! 憲法要求採取行動,而不是猶疑! 你或是向中共屈膝,或是拯救世界!
BAT ROBOT on #5G with #AI Hunting People? Watch Movie "AI" The Plan To Invade Humanity"… Book: Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity"… RETWEET, FOLLOW, SUPPORT My Years of Work. True Patriots Will Recognize What I sacrificed
Seems the thought of China Sex tapes of Congress beimg exposed by Trump is increasing stimulus offer to almost the $5,000 I mentioned before Christmas! I say expose them anyway!…
The Spirit of a Person is its true color. All beautiful no matter the color! If people could understand this, racial tensions would exponentially decrease!
Wuhan lab leak secrets are with me! I am the only person in the world who warned numerous times in 2019 Bioweapon is imminent from China endangering world Whoever is NOT giving me media attention is helping China CCP I know secrets not known by any government outside of China!
Why would I have to cite any sources when my intel on China and Big Tech was ahead of All the Worlds Governments combined? Protect the sources!…
Official:China CCP blocked Cyrus Sex Tape Offer. CCP don't respect China, Chinese people or Pres Xi. Rather, Criminals loyal to DEATH CAMP Dictator Jiang Zemin & Families! 官方:中共拉黑塞瑞斯拒絕性錄像帶罪證.中共並不尊重中國、中國人和習主席,罪犯們效忠建立死亡營的獨裁者江澤民家族
CONSIDER IF THIS IS TRUE: If Trump was Chosen by God or Destiny, then who are these guys trying to steal from and what is the fate of those who steal from GOD?…
Strong Mind=Strong Body! TRUMP! 強大的心靈,強壯的身體!川普👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇…
Find me one CEO or Cheif Editorial Journalist at any media outlet that doesn't steal, lie, plagarize and censor like sneaky Wolves that commit fraud like CCP, there you shall have a virtuous person deserving of the title "Honest and Good" Until you find One: FRAUD ELECTION!!!!
All Those Who Cursed God's Name in Hollywood the past 60 Years. Something Shocking and Big is Coming for You. You Should Sincerely Apologize.
A.I., Sex, CCP and Global Agenda with Cyrus on X22 Report 8-2020…