One of the reasons why Pres. Trump sleeps in different bedroom than his wife, is because he works around the clock, and gets emergency briefings at odd hours. The hatful claims about relationship issues, have no relation to his sleeping habits. He's been a worker for decades!
Thank you those who supported 🙏 The ones who Sabatoged, stabbed my back preventing people from getting Truth-Retweeting-Following We could have prevented this virus outbreak. Ask you seek Redemption because what U did was evil, against humanity, The Great Effort of Saving Lives
GUN SHOT: Trump rushed out of Conference after Shooting outside of White House. Good Job @SecretService @POTUS must be kept safe at most crucial time in history. I wrote in my Book what China CCP was planning, which I exposed.……
Biden's "Dark Winter" at 8,000 FT Strong Mind is Crucial- As is in life!
Everything you see today, playing out in real life on the global stage is a mirror of 87 Page Lawsuit Parsa vs Google (DeepState) and the Book "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity"that was delivered to Pres. Trump.
President Trump Said "Its the Outsiders who change the World and He Will Not Let You Down". Your other choice is #SlaveCampBiden who took 1.5 Billion dollars from China while they were running death camps in the millions backed by Google SurveillanceTraining .👇…
.@realDonaldTrump Expose China CCP for Slave Camps and Organ Harvesting. That is the key Pres. Trump. #ExposeChinaCCP @Cabinet @POTUS @WhiteHouse RETWEET.
Intro Trailer.. AI: The Plan To Invade Humanity Full Movie Link Here👇👇🙏…
Watergate happened to warn you of Obamagate and CCPVirusGate! Virus came from China, the CCP Knew, and they harmed the World in an attempt to defeat the West!
China can use The Great Reset to enslave World with AI if no Trump!…
GLOBAL CENTER for Quitting CCP interviewed Cyrus to Disclose: CCP Master Plan to enslave world with their A.I. Military Agenda! 全球退黨中心採訪:中共圖謀以AI奴役世界!中共图谋用人工智能奴役全世界的人/
If some one steals the keys to Your @WhiteHouse would U allow them to stand around or would you stop move-in transition and have authorities investigate? "Do not appease terrorists" Ronald Reagan" China CCP stole votes for Biden.They are an international terrorist Organization!
"World's People Enslaved by China CCP and Big Tech #AI If Trump taken out of power" Published 10-20-2019. RT and Get a physical copy to Arm yourself!…
I am Curious. If President Trump is a racist, how did he date multiple black females? The most Racist people I've met are in the Chinese Communist Party! The things they say about blacks, some white folk, people from Middle East, and Mexico, are truly cruel. And they Plagarize
Dragon Flies Cybernetically Enhanced Poison Delivery Systems Stolen by China CCP Can Kill Human Beings on 5G Network's. I reported to SS, Threats to WH in 2019, with Mutating Engineered AI Bio-Disease, Virus= MBT. Do Scientists Have Any Common Sense?…
"20,000 Dead people voted in Pennsylvania" according to Trump teams evidence. Not just Felony crimes are being broken. There are old laws with respect to the dead that makes these crimes so severe not just f9r the Criminals, but for anyone who overlooks the pursuit of justice!…
"The President has gone to Parler" FOLLOW me on Instagram, Parler and Twitter with SAME Account Hash Tag: CyrusAParsa1
Thank You Sean at @SGTreport I recommend all Worlds Citizens to Watch this. 👇 CHINA MARXIST AI…
Pedophilia: My Doctoral Program Stated "Its Perfectly Normal for an Older Man to Have Feelings for a Young Boy, and Marx Informs Education" They Used a 500 Million Dollar Endowment to Attack Me. I chose to give them a pass since 2012. It is now 2020. They Are Sick-Expose Them?
Sébastien Gorka with 1 million followers censors me after I asked him why he didn't put me on his show to help save the nation while so many conservatives stole and censored me @Jim_Jordan @jaketapper Read carefully, how long did he know about my warnings, findings why Block?