.@realDonaldTrump Executive order to designate politicians, Corporations, Hollywood figures Media Outlets-their producers-Anchors-Owners as domestic terrorist for inciting riots to harm property- their fellow human beings is within your right. RETWEET @FBIWFO @DHSgov @DOJPH
Today & in 2021 world leaders-President's, All People should observe #HolocaustRemembranceDay by saying #NeverAgain to China CCP for their Genocide-Concentration camps of Ughurs, Falun Dafa Practitioners, Christians, Tibetans, non-religious folks tortured- killed in China by CCP!
This Symbol/Statue was used to enslave Black People and Many Nations in History, Why are protesters Not Targeting Satan's Statue? RETWEET twitter.com/DeepStateExpos…
.@realDonaldTrump SEND MILITARY TO EVERY NATIONAL MONUMENT. DO NOT DELAY I've Been Right On Everything Thus Far. China, Covid, AI, Lockdown, Riots-DC Monument @FBIWFO @DHSgov @SecPompeo @SecretService @ArmyChiefStaff @CG_CyberForge @USArmy @CMC_MarineCorps @USMC @CIA @NSAGov
China MK Ultra Children Pineal Gland with A.I. devices Hypnosis Robotics. What I call-Bio-Digital Social Programming-RETWEET Click U Tube👇Link to watch "AI: The Plan to Invade Humanity" Movie youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw… #MKULTRA #5gmindcontrol #ArtificialIntelligence
Google CEO Eric Schmidt Helped China build its Surveillance System that allowed China to monitor-kill its citizens Governor @andrewcuomo is hiring Schmidt to Advise on Corona Respone? @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @Cabinet @USAmbUN @Forbes @FBIWFO google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.…
If Your Neighbor is Gang Raped and Killed for their organs, and your other neighbor does business with the murderers, what does that make them? If Worlds Nations do business with China after 20 years of CCP Rape Organ Harvesting, What does that make the World? Thus, Covid 19
Breaking: Trump Declared U.S Sovereign Nation, Not Beholden to Globalists. 👇 twitter.com/ChanelRion/sta…
"World's People Enslaved by China CCP and Big Tech #AI If Trump taken out of power" Published 10-20-2019. RT and Get a physical copy to Arm yourself! amazon.com/ARTIFICIAL-INT…
Population of White People Worldwide. Under 1 Billion. Population of Minority Groups Wordwide- Nearly 7 Billion RETWEET.
《大重置:科技巨頭精英與世人如何能被中共或AI奴役》正體中文版已上市! amazon.com/dp/B08X3XZD24/ 塞瑞斯和AI組織需要來自中國人和中文媒體的支持 !
Censoring Call to NOT Kill Liberals and Prevent Civil War? How could "Holster It" have 14 Views after 118 Likes-23 Comments by @YouTube ? @sundarpichai @SusanWojcicki @FBIWFO @POTUS @AP My AI Book/Covid 19/CCPVirus warning was ignored-Everyone Suffers! m.youtube.com/watch?v=stzSYR…
Found Extinction Codes 2019 Showing Billions of People Dead in 2020-2022. Hence, I interjected Warnings/Solutions to saturate Internet Hive Mind that is controlling Everyone on Planet that in Chain Reaction would have caused Billions to Die, via connection of China-Big Tech.🕗♟
Why Do You Allow "Teen Sex" for Porn Site @Google ? Your search engine is showing men having sex with girls with titles of "Teen Sex". This means you allow promotion of Child Rape contributing to Sex Human Trafficking. We have 87 Page Memo for U @FBIWFO @TheJusticeDept @DHSgov
Thank You Sean at @SGTreport I recommend all Worlds Citizens to Watch this. 👇 CHINA MARXIST AI twitter.com/SGTreport/stat…
RETWEET if CNN should be Expelled from Planet Earth For: 1. Colluding with China 2. Wearing Masks on Air, Not Off Air. 3. Promoting and Instigating Cities to Burn by Colluding with AntiFa. 4.Being a CYOP Meant to Dethrone Nations-Families for a Global Network. 5. Being Evil.
Cyborg Insects Fly for #RFID Micro Chips #ID2020 #coronavirus Tracking Surveillance? China CCP Big Tech on #5G Powered by #AI RoboBees, Drones Published in book "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity" Demand Media Give Me Interviews, Retweet, cyrusaparsa.selz.com/item/artificia…
"AI The Plan To Invade Humanity" Pentagon, released UFO coverage after my Tweet to Pres. Trump, Pentagon with this Video 👇👇 youtu.be/Hzg7Rw-mX4k
President Trump Said "Its the Outsiders who change the World and He Will Not Let You Down". Your other choice is #SlaveCampBiden who took 1.5 Billion dollars from China while they were running death camps in the millions backed by Google SurveillanceTraining .👇 twitter.com/EntheosShines/…
.@realDonaldTrump Expose China CCP for Slave Camps and Organ Harvesting. That is the key Pres. Trump. #ExposeChinaCCP @Cabinet @POTUS @WhiteHouse RETWEET.
SATAN IS AN ALIEN! RETWEET AND WATCH MOVIE.👇 m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw…
Elections Should Delay by 4 Years as Trump Faced 3 Years of OBAMAGATE and Now COVIDGATE from China Give Trump 4 Years to Counter China. RETWEET @realDonaldTrump #Obamgate
A.I. Super Soldiers with CRISPR Gene Editing by China’s Regime Threaten World Peace! 中共政权的CRISPR基因编辑AI超级士兵威胁世界和平! theaiorganization.com/the-ccp-threat…
FEAR- SELFISHNESS Have No Place in the Human Heart. It is the Mind that that Gets Penetrated First.. With Virtue One Can Obtain a Lion Heart. RETWEET if you believe Fear and Selfishness should have no Place in the Human Heart