"The President has gone to Parler" FOLLOW me on Instagram, Parler and Twitter with SAME Account Hash Tag: CyrusAParsa1
Official:China CCP blocked Cyrus Sex Tape Offer. CCP don't respect China, Chinese people or Pres Xi. Rather, Criminals loyal to DEATH CAMP Dictator Jiang Zemin & Families! 官方:中共拉黑塞瑞斯拒絕性錄像帶罪證.中共並不尊重中國、中國人和習主席,罪犯們效忠建立死亡營的獨裁者江澤民家族
"CCP planned to hurt U.S President, his family and world's people to dominate humanity with AI Technology" Cyrus, The AI Organization Premiered 8-3-2020, on Dropping Bombs @TheRealBradLea Book! amazon.com/ARTIFICIAL-INT…
Bidens are in violation of Crimes Against Humanity Act of 2010 for money linking to Chinese Death Camps with company Magvii Face ++ @LLinWood congress.gov/bill/111th-con…
U.S and Free World Must Win Global AI 5G race against China CCP! 美國和自由世界必須在與中共的全球AI 5G競賽中獲勝! @KSAmofaEN @PrimeministerGR @trpresidency @GiuseppeConteIT theaiorganization.com/ai-u-s-china-a…
"Dominion connected with hostile foreign power invalidates Votes" December 3rd, 2020 @LauraLynnTT @LouDobbs rumble.com/vbkw93-shockin…
China can use The Great Reset to enslave World with AI if no Trump! m.youtube.com/watch?v=imI3l6…
.@realDonaldTrump "If Trump is removed, China takes over the world, All World Citizens Fall Under Enslavement" Cyrus A. Parsa, Oct. 20, 2019 "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity " #riots2020 @Cabinet cyrusaparsa.selz.com/item/artificia…
Everything you see today, playing out in real life on the global stage is a mirror of 87 Page Lawsuit Parsa vs Google (DeepState) and the Book "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity"that was delivered to Pres. Trump.
Still no answer from Joe Biden to his financial China concentration camp, CCP organ harvesting ties! Joe Attempting to walk it off!
Walmart Closed Down All the Mom and Pop Stores, Ruinning the Lives of so many Families To Only bring you Made In China American Flags and Other Crap Products that got your Babies sick or Items Broke within 1 year. And Almost all of Walmarts Products Came From China Slave Labor.
Canadian Journalist in Washington D.C who pulled my global endangering bio-weapon global reset report in 2019 because he was stealing using his media One of his editorial main advisors/friend had sex with more than 50 girls in China-Some young paid prostitutes filmed by CCP!
Wuhan lab Bioweapon was published in my lawsuit, 2019 books, Secret Service report, CIA Director Report, and private messages to Trumps family friend, all before anyone in the world knew! What I have to reveal is universally galactic and will destroy the Chinese regime Facts!
Chinese Military using People Counting AI software that can kill citizens in mass! theaiorganization.com/ccp-weaponized…
NEW TWEET- President Trump Defund the U.N. Take all the Money Back for a New World & Charge them for Complicity in Human, Organ, Sex Trafficking, Terrorism & Take Out their Boss China CCP. @realDonaldTrump Respectfully, Cyrus and All the Good People that Exist. RETWEET
Big Accounts ran SYOP againt me & their own follower to steal, prevent their followers to RT me or getting me on media in time to expose CCP, Virus, AI, 5G, Great Reset to save lives-Short List JoeM-CJTruth-Jan Jelenick, Mr. Patriot & 99% of big Q accounts-Conservative Figures!
Cyborg Beetles on #5G can Kill Humans Guided by #AI Poison/Virus Delivery Systems. Published in my Books cyrusaparsa.selz.com/item/artificia… Used to Crawl into UR Homes by Terrorists/Big Tech=MBT? China CCP Stole this #biotech Retweet, Support My Efforts Pls Demand Media Stop Censoring me.
Someone at UTube took down "CCP Virus Gate" Vid exposing Chinese death camps torture, forced AI Nanotech bioengineering experiments on people, & Xinjiang for False Reason "Medical Covid Misinfo" Trying to Silence death camps, Rape, Torture by CCP, like the holocaust, is a Crime!
FBI has lots of files, as does CIA! On a lot of Politicians paying for sex or getting sex for influence! Trump has some he has access to! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
Sébastien Gorka with 1 million followers censors me after I asked him why he didn't put me on his show to help save the nation while so many conservatives stole and censored me @Jim_Jordan @jaketapper Read carefully, how long did he know about my warnings, findings why Block?
21.5 MILLION CHINESE DIED FROM #CCPVirus =Phones Deactivated? Is That Why the World is Locked Down? Pls RETWEET, WATCH VIDEO SUBSCRIBE =UPDATES MSM Will NOT Tell You youtu.be/g0mrJ9PuTqw @realDonaldTrump #5G #Coronavirustruth #COVID19 #ChinaVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
China CCP steals the personal biometric data of over 6 billion human beings worldwide for their AI based military programs! Public Report, 2-16-2020 theaiorganization.com/6-billion-peop…