30 Million+ Chinese were Killed in Death Camps past 20 Years since Clinton Signed China WTO Every Nation did trade with it. Every Nation sent money technology that allowed Chinese Communist Regime to Track, Hunt, Quarantine, Murder its own People for Organ Harvesting. REPENT.
Chinese Communist Party kills its citizens for their organs while they are Alive. The World has suffered because they were silent while millions of Falun Gong, Tibetan, Ughur, Christian, other people were gutted alive. It's time to expose them! Truth
Sick Pedophilles Want to Groom Your Kids through Sexualization. Marxism.. It Comes to Destroy Civilization.
China CCP using military grade AI Lidar systems to Quarantine covid patients and dissidents! 中共用軍事級AI激光雷達系統來隔離染疫患者和異見人士! theaiorganization.com/citizens-covid…
AI : The Plan To Invade Humanity Watch: Video Link Below👇👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw… Fact, Fiction or Invisible Enemy? Open Our Wisdom, Hearts Prevent Global Conflict @realDonaldTrump @CIA @FBIWFO @NSAGov @DeptofDefense @DARPA @SpaceForceCSO @US_SpaceCom @elonmusk @jack
GUN SHOT: Trump rushed out of Conference after Shooting outside of White House. Good Job @SecretService @POTUS must be kept safe at most crucial time in history. I wrote in my Book what China CCP was planning, which I exposed. google.com/amp/s/amp.usat… theaiorganization.com/artificial-int…
Conservative journalist in D.C removed my 2019 Virus/BioWeapon Article Warning worlds People in Danger of Disease-Death, Great Reset because he was stealing* He used big Q accounts Major conservatives to censor me with slander as cover up Hint Canadian Interviewed Trump Cabinet
There is an error in English Translation. It is not Department, Rather Missle Warhead. I will send a new tweet to fix. Please Retweet to have more accurate for English audience. As no one in world made this public, very few know at highest levels,,and no media or "Expert" knew! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
RT. China Building AI God Like Military Surveillance from Google Deepmind AI Technology designed for Planetary #5G BRI Domination #ArtificialIntelligence #CCPChina #QuantumComputing 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能 theaiorganization.com/a-i-god-china-…
"China CCP 5G Master AI Plan is a threat to the Worlds People on 3 major levels from the ground to the sky" Cyrus A. Parsa, Dec 16, 2020! Interview by @OSSRobertSteele robertdavidsteele.com/cyrus-a-parsa-…
Obama Hid From America that China had Millions of People in Slave Camps. Obama Let America Do Business with China without Warning them that their money Contributed to Death Camps. Then, Came the Virus.
AI: The Plan to Invade Humanity! 人工智能:入侵人类计划! Aliens! 外星人 m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw…
Wuhan Lab Bioweapon. My Report to CIA Director. Immediate Threat 👇 "Cyrus, Your Findings and Analysis on the threats of China and AI Bio-Security, is Genius and will change the course of History. I took your report to the Military. July, 2019. CIA Director, Fmr Covert Ops"
MADE IN THE CREATORS IMAGE! All Lives were originally made in Image of the Creator- To be Noble, Good, and Selfless. RETWEET- If Deep Down You Know, How Special Every Life Is.
GLOBAL CENTER for Quitting CCP interviewed Cyrus to Disclose: CCP Master Plan to enslave world with their A.I. Military Agenda! 全球退黨中心採訪:中共圖謀以AI奴役世界! tuidang.org/2020/12/31/中共图谋用人工智能奴役全世界的人/
BREAKING: Italy MP Blames Bill Gates-Genocide Agenda, Sterilization of Women, Quantum Tattoo Linked to #5G. PART 1 @ItalyatNATO #SaraCunial ITALY Read my 87 Page Law Notice-Book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity? Watch Sci-Fi👇👇Movie Link youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw…
THE GREAT RESET: How Big Tech Elites and the World's People Can Be Enslaved by China CCP or A.I. theaiorganization.com/the-great-rese…
"Communist Regime's Desire to Enslave Human Race" AI The Plan to Invade Humanity- Trailer 5. youtube.com/watch?v=Hzg7Rw… EVERYONE CLICK LINK TO WATCH. I was Right About China CCP, Virus, Lockdown 1 Year in Advance. May Be I Know Something. RETWEET...................................