China CCP A.I. Marxist Global 5G Agenda- They want to Enslave the World on BRI with Robots, Drones, Powered by a Quantum Digital Brain
Secret Service given 5 Page brief by Cyrus June 2019: @SecPompeo "China CCP will launch invisible weapon/Poison on Trump, Cabinet World.Human Race enslaved by China with influence "on big Tech 1-2 Years" Said Cyrus crazy: Genius 100 times above Einstein/Elon Hard to Accept!
China CCP wants to enslave the worlds people with their 5G-6G grid systems on BRI powered by AI Really Important to Share!…
They Killed JFK & Abraham Lincoln They will Not succeed in Harming @POTUS Good Will Trump over evil SUPPORT YOUR PRESIDENT Nation-World Depend on it Retweet @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @SecretService @USArmy @FBIWFO @ArmyChiefStaff @CG_CyberForge @GenFlynn @GenDaveGoldfein
Pedophilia: My Doctoral Program Stated "Its Perfectly Normal for an Older Man to Have Feelings for a Young Boy, and Marx Informs Education" They Used a 500 Million Dollar Endowment to Attack Me. I chose to give them a pass since 2012. It is now 2020. They Are Sick-Expose Them?
"World in Danger via China- Big Tech, Aug, 24, 2019" Everything U Experienced past 1 YR published in BK Synopsis before it Happened @TuckerCarlson @MariaBartiromo 中共和科技巨頭讓全世界陷入危險19年8月24日. 去年你經歷的所有事,都提前發布在圖書簡介中了…
Trumps Military Hunted by China CCP Stuck at 23,345 Views-90 Min! FBI Investigate! @POTUS @FBIWFO @AP @JosephJFlynn1 @ArmyChiefStaff @GenCQBrownJr @EpochTimes 披露川普的軍事將領被中共勢力尋獵的視頻-瀏覽量卡在23,345長達1小時留言數量卻直升-FBI必須調查…
Censorship or coordinated effort to cast doubt on election fraud investigations by media, corporations, their Employees is an Obstruction of Justice subject to criminal felony charges by federal and state bodies, and civil lawsuits brought forth by the people to ensure FREEDOM!…
If some one steals the keys to Your @WhiteHouse would U allow them to stand around or would you stop move-in transition and have authorities investigate? "Do not appease terrorists" Ronald Reagan" China CCP stole votes for Biden.They are an international terrorist Organization!
國共合作小貼士:中共竊國十大元帥之一的軍隊元老,外孫女嫁給了國民黨將軍前國防部長的公子。兩黨高層都對這樁聯姻點了頭。在此負責任的聲明,國共兩黨絕對沒有暗通款曲,陳倉是敲鑼打鼓光明正大拿下來的。 @iingwen @ChingteLai @CIA @ltntw @MOFA_Taiwan @SecPompeo @appledaily_hk @TW_nextmedia
TRUMP WON ELECTION based on this reported evidence!…
.@VP Mike Pence will reveal-investigate evidence to allegations of election fraud The Constitution will be under question otherwise, leading to potential civil war if Biden is let in from "Dead Voters/Fraud" Let's see evidence of Dead voters as all the Dead Must be Arrested!
A.I., Sex, CCP and Global Agenda with Cyrus on X22 Report 8-2020…
CCP not only kills dogs for food and sport, but is training them to set off bombs on world citizens! @POTUS get rid of CCP!…
RETWEET: Obama Planned A.I. Robot Take Over with Google CEO's on #5G -Watch Clip, than Movie. #ObamaGate…
Bill Gates Microsoft, Joined Pope Francis to design AI Ethics. Bill Gates Contributed to Millions of Fetus Deaths, AI Tech Transfer to China that Hunted Chinese Citizens for Their Organs. BIG TECH HAS NO BUSINESS DESIGNING ETHICAL AI, The AI Organization…
The Wuhan Bioweapon. Ive known who, when what, where, how since 2019. Is there 1 news outlet that is big enough, I will disclose everything CIA, Pentagon and Governments outside China don't know How did I Publish about Bioweapon warning before leak in 2019? My Secret is Huge!
Virus from China, Lockdown, Global Reset, All warned and Predicted more accurately than all governments, media, intelligence agencies and greatest "Experts" Combined by Cyrus A. Parsa, August 24, 2019! Prove me Wrong!
New York Times reported Biden wearing Rolex during inauguration. Is this why Biden just opened 5G Communication accessibility with China? Or will Biden do another Executive order to ban China from our Power grid systems? China CCP is running death camps of Ethnic minorities!
Yesterday, Pres. Trump spoke on Secretive Military Industrial Complex, and Pres. Eisenhower "AI The Plan to Invade Humanity" Has Huge Coded Secrets! 4.24.2020 川普總統昨談到秘密軍工園區和艾森豪總統。科幻片《AI:入侵人類計劃4.24.2020,中字 編碼了秘密!
"20,000 Dead people voted in Pennsylvania" according to Trump teams evidence. Not just Felony crimes are being broken. There are old laws with respect to the dead that makes these crimes so severe not just f9r the Criminals, but for anyone who overlooks the pursuit of justice!…
There is a code in the universe. It translates to Goodness. The more Pure your character is, the better you can connect to it and all kinds of Abilities that @elonmusk would pay Trillions for but cant get, Opens Up. Because we are all made in the Image of the Creator. DIVINE