China CCP Dividing U.S with A.I. and attacking American President with influence of 1,000 corporate tech Entities Published 11-12-2019 轉:中共全球佈局上千科技公司實體來分裂美國並攻擊特朗普總統 - 去年11月12號發表的報告(原文有中文鏈接)…
Reza, America didn't let you escape Iran to threaten to Burn Down the U.S, the Home that Feeds You, Gave You Freedom from Tyranny! Apologize!…
IN HISTORY: Black Plague/Death turned to a CIVIL WAR. The Hate between Conservatives Liberals is Wrong. A calm, rational mind with a good heart can solve the greatest issues! 歷史上,黑死病曾轉為內戰 保守派自由派之間的仇恨是錯誤的 鎮靜、理性加善心,能解決最大的問題!
Google, Facebook, Neuralink, CEO's Sergey Brin, Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Sandar Pichai sued in Federal Court Retweet...… #Tesla #CNN @MariaBartiromo @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse #Google #Facebook @SebGorka @SecPompeo @VP #FoxNews
"Where is Trump" The attacks on Trump from media, Pelosi, Biden, Obama allowed China to unleash virus undetected Deaths are largely the fault of mainstream media, ObamaGate, and not reporting my intel to save lives! Trump is a Hero to put up with your lunacy. BUT NO MORE!
"Why Are They Really Locking Everything Down"? Dropping Bombs (Ep 289) via @YouTube @CyrusAParsa1 TY @TheRealBradLea 4 critical REDPILL RT MAKE VIRAL! Lawsuit against CCP Google Gates Obama/ Organ Harvesting 疫情中我們為何被封鎖」專輯,請選擇中文字幕
This company hires Chinese precision tool engineers at South San Francisco HQ, makes Gun Sight for U.S. military, factory plant in Wuhan China. Feds know @POTUS @ArmyChiefStaff 南舊金山市的這家公司在總部僱用中國精密機械工程師,為美軍製造瞄準鏡,工廠設在中國武漢。聯邦調查局知情
Thank you those who supported 🙏 The ones who Sabatoged, stabbed my back preventing people from getting Truth-Retweeting-Following We could have prevented this virus outbreak. Ask you seek Redemption because what U did was evil, against humanity, The Great Effort of Saving Lives
Tips on Joining Trump's 4th of July GETTR App. Join me Now!
.@realDonaldTrump send military to @CIA headquarters to kindly ask for files on Biden, Obama, and the classified Ops of @FBIWFO and CIA ID ### against you! If I was President, I would do that, because its in the constitution and its the law! Ask military to knock after entry!
CNN asked Why Clinton-Bush Portrait Removed from White House Prominent Place by Trump Now CNN can Think..WHAT ISLAND? SEX TAPES? CHILD TRAFFICKING IMPLICATES U.S PRESIDENT? REALLY?…
I can explain to Fauci how we knew in 2019 the bioweapon was made by Chinese military and how it spread. RT if you like me to give Dr. Fauci some education and more training!
Obama and Biden can be pardoned by Trump after their arrest by FBI! 奧巴馬和拜登被FBI逮捕後可以得到川普的赦免!
Watergate happened to warn you of Obamagate and CCPVirusGate! Virus came from China, the CCP Knew, and they harmed the World in an attempt to defeat the West!
REMOVE All images of Frogs kissing Trump. You are envoking the Underworld Spirit Plagues not only on the left, but on TRUMP! This is Old Testiment, Not New! 刪除蛤蟆親吻川普的所有圖像!你在招引低靈疫鬼,不僅上身左派,也侵害川普! 這是舊約,不是新約!
Ambassdor Xiaoming, are U threatening U.S, U.K Senators, Parliament, Congress to release sex tapes when pressing like-dislike of porn? 曉明大使,當你對色情視頻點讚又撤銷時,你是否在威脅美國和英國的議員、議會、國會發布性錄像帶? @AmbLiuXiaoMing @FBIWFO @POTUS @GOP @TheDemocrats
I am on Gab Now upon request! *****FOLLOW: CyrusAParsa1 aiorganization for Company! Stock up on food and Water in case huge unrest! Thank You, Cyrus!
Wuhan lab leak secrets are with me! I am the only person in the world who warned numerous times in 2019 Bioweapon is imminent from China endangering world Whoever is NOT giving me media attention is helping China CCP I know secrets not known by any government outside of China!
Why would I have to cite any sources when my intel on China and Big Tech was ahead of All the Worlds Governments combined? Protect the sources!…
I am Curious. If President Trump is a racist, how did he date multiple black females? The most Racist people I've met are in the Chinese Communist Party! The things they say about blacks, some white folk, people from Middle East, and Mexico, are truly cruel. And they Plagarize
AI Programs Trump Attack in 2 Min RETWEET AND SHARE EVERYWHERE.…
If You Dont Like the U.S.A and its Constitution, Leave. As a kid, I experienced war, Socialism and Despotism in Iran. It was the U.S.A, that allowed us to Immigrate to land of the Free. Respect the Flag, and this Nation, Or Leave. Happy Independence Day to All. Cyrus A. Parsa