If I was Donald J Trump I would not trust anyone of his advisors or republican party heads, Pardon everyone, including Potus for any complaints against him in office! Trump positives: Got rid of ISIS, globally exposed CCP, revived military, brought manufacturing to U.S, No Wars!
Joe Biden's Dog is more of a President Elect. It knew to stay away from China CCP!
"CCP FEAR THIS" Join Cyrus & Heavy Weight Champion David Rodriguez @ninoboxer LIVE July 31 on Instagram 8pm MST, 10PM EST, 7pm PST Time Live On Instagram 👇🤳 davidninorodriguezofficial and CyrusAParsa1 “中共害怕吧” 参与塞瑞斯和UFC重量级冠军大卫的IG对谈直播,7月31日美东晚10点
Trump notified @GaSecofState he will be "criminally charged by hiding election evidence"
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel erlaubt der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas ihr Denken und Deutschland zu dominieren Um die Sicherheit Deutschlands zu gewährleisten muss Deutschland sich von der Kommunistische Partei Chinas separieren 默克爾必須唾棄中共 German Counselor Merkel Renounce CCP
If you push beyond the extreme, you are being pulled. Thus, pull to push, dragons head follows, offering neck beyond extreme! @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo Happy Red Dragon Hunting Gents Cyrus A. Parsa 進擊過極,反受牽制;故而牽引其而進,龍頭自逾其極!獵斬紅龍,快哉!塞瑞斯
"GOD BLESS THE WORLD" First Pres. Ever to go beyond America! Trump cares about the World! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
China CCP Steals GOD Like Super Intelligence from Google Deepmind AI for 5G Military Dominance with Planaterary Surveillance @POTUS @AP @CG_CyberForge 為了以5G稱霸軍事領域和全球性監控,中共自谷歌竊取了上帝級超級人工智能 👇🤗 m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu1BH5…
The Chinese regime is the most racist entity on the planet. They are developing 5G grid systems that can allow them to enslave black people in Africa first with facial recognition, drones and debth traps, then Middle East! CCP threatens all families around the world!
WHO In The World Knew, China's #CCP enslaved, Murdered Millions of Falun Dafa, Christian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Journalists, and Free People for their Organs for 20 Years, and Did Business with Them? Should We Repent and Expose #CCPChina ? RETWEET If You Agree and Support Goodness.
.@POTUS China CCP Proxy Israel Attack-Giving Hypersonic Missiles to Iran's Regime to Deter Trump from Exposing Concentration Camps-World 5GAI BRI Agenda @CG_CyberForge @ArmyChiefStaff @SpaceForceCSO @GenDaveGoldfein @ericfrost @EsperDoD @SecPompeo @CIA youtube.com/watch?v=czp9bO…
China CCP stole this Robot Tech for military, police, AI global Domination of nations on BRI 5G! Video Credit: Boston Dynamics Who Stole Technology? CCP Who Allow CCP Steal?ObamaBiden Who Discover Theft? Cyrus/AI Org Who Report Cyrus Findings? AI means LOVE in Chinese. AI Org!
The CCP endangers all the worlds citizens with MBT Micro-Botic Terrorism [Bio-Weapon-Poison-Virus] Published August 24, 2019, by Cyrus A. Parsa!
DEEP STATE ALIENS LOVE JOE BIDEN. Because they can Enslave the entire human race! 😉 twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
Deep Inside Every Person is a fire so strong, it can illuminate the Sky. Thus, Every Human Being is Special! We must Ignite this light, the World's Safety depends on it. 每個人生命深處都有一團烈焰,可以照亮天空。 由此,每個人都很特別。 點亮火光,天下太平。
CONSIDER IF THIS IS TRUE: If Trump was Chosen by God or Destiny, then who are these guys trying to steal from and what is the fate of those who steal from GOD? twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
CONFIRMED BY OUR INTEL: CCP Spies connected to Chinese SF Consulate filmed female spy assigned to @RepSwalwell having Sex. Blackmail Data reached embassy, dispatched to China Shut down Embassy-Retreive Sex Tapes! @FBIWFO @GOPLeader @HouseIntelComm @mehdirhasan @RichardGrenell
Bill Barr could not get FBI and others to Supeona the Hunter Biden China sex tapes. May be the next person can! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
PART #2: China CCP big Tech Threaten All World, Warned Everything Happening Today - Published Aug 24, 2019 & Oct 20, 2019 第二集:中共大型高科技公司威脅全人類 - 對當今發生的一切做出的警告分別發表於2019年8月24號和10月20號。 👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=moS_7F…
The Constitution requires action @DNI_Ratcliffe Not hesitation! You either bend the knee to CCP or Save the World! 憲法要求採取行動,而不是猶疑! 你或是向中共屈膝,或是拯救世界!
Breaking: The Trump administration passes Executive order to protect Americans against Drones, including Chinese DJI drones disclosed in 2019 Book! whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…
All Those Who Cursed God's Name in Hollywood the past 60 Years. Something Shocking and Big is Coming for You. You Should Sincerely Apologize.
Treason "China CCP plans to enslave worlds people with AI" says Founder of The AI Organization! 中共圖謀以AI奴役世界 - 專訪AI組織創始人! theaiorganization.com/ccp-plans-to-e…