Spies from China CCP behind some U Tube and Facebook censorship! Intel released to public by Cyrus A. Parsa 2nd time on August-2020 m.youtube.com/watch?v=xjO-Qd…
Any and all forms of collaboration to hinder, oppose or censor Election Fraud Investigations, is an Obstruction of Justice! Media, Corporations, their Employees are Not Exempt from Felony Charges! 封殺舞弊調查妨礙司法 @realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani @TheJusticeDept @FBIWFO
President Trump says "1,126,940 Votes were created for Biden" “The dead should not rule the living.” Thomas Jefferson 川普總統說,"賓州為拜登造了1,126,940張選票" "死者不該主宰活人。」——托馬斯·杰斐遜"
Send Military in: New Presidential Elections for @POTUS This way they can verify each person and ballot. Will take 7 days and no election interference by China CCP!
The President has the right to: War Powers Act Election Fraud Investigations Indictment of Obama-Biden! Insurrection Act! Call All Forces Afforded to him in Constitution to Protect the United States! Liberals-Conservatives must get along & Truly look at Election Evidence!
Seems the thought of China Sex tapes of Congress beimg exposed by Trump is increasing stimulus offer to almost the $5,000 I mentioned before Christmas! I say expose them anyway! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
China CCP: Slave Camp Bidens are in violation of Article 3 of the Genocide Convention! 涉入中共奴隸營的拜登父子觸犯了群體滅絕罪公約第3條!
Yes. Too many low IQ people in White House prevented Trump to bring me on board. Instead, they thought they could use my ideas and Plagarized like Communists! They are not on Trumps side, or the nation and are utterly selfish! twitter.com/libbyvalley5/s…
Welcome to 2021. My advise. Get 4 months of Water, food supplies, batteries and gas just in case something goes wrong with the election debates! I have 6 months supply, plus lots of offensive protection! Stay Cool, love your neighbors, and strangers, just don't Trust anyone!😉
The Spirit of a Person is its true color. All beautiful no matter the color! If people could understand this, racial tensions would exponentially decrease!
If the Creator of the trillions of universes has no fear, so should you, Not have Fear! Cyrus Jan 18th, advise for 2021!
Important Announcement by Secretary of State: Mike Pompeo "Faith is Eternal, Tyranny must be overcome" 蓬佩奧國務卿發表重要講話 "信仰永恆,必克暴政" twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
Find me one CEO or Cheif Editorial Journalist at any media outlet that doesn't steal, lie, plagarize and censor like sneaky Wolves that commit fraud like CCP, there you shall have a virtuous person deserving of the title "Honest and Good" Until you find One: FRAUD ELECTION!!!!
Harvard is a Garbage institution. You know why? Because I put out more accurate information in 1 year than they did in 400 years combined, even with their China CCP money! Plus didn't their professor get charged wirh selling Bioweapon secrets to China?
The Universe doesn't like fraudulent journalists who cover things up. This includes the citizens of this great nation. 宇宙不喜歡掩蓋真相的欺詐型記者,哪怕是這個偉大國家的公民!
B Hussein Obama knew about China death camps from @WhiteHouse intel briefings. Obama was accessory to Joe Biden's billion dollar China CCP deals during state visits-$ As Vice Pres, Biden took money sourced from Chinese Organ traffickers working under CCP Dictator Jiang Zemin*+
I gave Joe Biden 48 Hours to respond to my Allegations for his financial, political involvement in slave camps, organ harvesting of people in China while he was vice President! Like Slave Masters of old he tried to dodge energy I sent out and fell to hurt himself after deadline! twitter.com/KellyO/status/…
Loyalty is what binds us! 忠誠!
OBAMA, GOOGLE, CLINTON, SUED in Fed CT, Weaponized #AI BIO-TECH TRANSFER CHINA, Endangering All Lives RT Original Tweet, Donate, Follow CYRUS Support Behalf of All People theaiorganization.com/obama-google-b… #AIlawsuit @realDonaldTrump @CyrusAParsa1 @CIA @FBIWFO #TheGreatAwakening
U.S Government Confirms all my published China CCP AI 5G Huawei warnings in books, articles Interviews, Reports, Videos I made public last 1 year 美國國防部確認了我一年多時間裡發布在圖書、文章、採訪、報告和視頻中的所有關於中共、AI、5G、 華為的警告 👇 twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s… 👇 twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
China CCP Huawei Moblizes Machines to Rule World in Orwellian #5G BRI System with #AI Digital Brain. Our Discovery Published OCT-2019 中共華為用「AI數字大腦」調動機械設備,企圖在一帶一路上以奧威爾式體制統治世界。我們在2019年10月23日發布了我們的調研成果。 theaiorganization.com/huawei-ai-plan…