Report 2019: China CCP planned Invisible Bioweapon to kill Trump, Family-Key Generals! 2019年報告:中共研發隱形生物武器幹掉川普一家及其大將 @POTUS @ChiefNGB @KremlinRussia_E @FBIWFO @EpochTimes @ArmyChiefStaff @SpaceForceCSO @nypost @MGTracyNorris…
Iran and its regime being influenced by China CCP to conflict with U.S to weaken Trumps election fraud and China focus! The CCP hates Iran and U.S the same and wants to enslave them! KEEP FOCUS ON RED DRAGON: CCP must be exposed from all directions!
對中共生物科技及谷歌、奧巴馬和索羅斯危害世界的訴訟案 我的努力減緩了對你家人的危害,很多人詢問案子進展 訴狀沒有送交被告 - 因為疫情封鎖,而且可能演變成內戰 曝光中共才是焦點 「未影響實體權利」(無損害)意味著法官准許立案 — 司法部/政府在採用情報 本週五將公告最新情況
Declassify ALIEN files Pres.Trump! RETWEET if want Pres. Trump to release Alien Deep State Agenda! 想要川普公開外星人文件,請轉推! @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @SpokespersonCHN @AaronReich @Amb_LiSong @KremlinRussia_E…
Do you see what's happening to Republican party, and Trump? Exactly how I predicted in my book and detailed in secret service report 1 & Half Year before it happened. "Bio-Weapon-Virus from China" Why didn't any "Truth Media" Report the Truth I disclosed? Media Works for CCP!
Judge Roberts and more Lin Wood doesn't know! Release All! Trump has the Tapes!…
Lin Wood @LLinWood didn't realize I am the one who released the Sex Pedo connection with Supreme Judge Roberts weeks ago! BUT, If Lin is right about Pence, May be the injection made Pence confused to support Biden? Are there any side affects to the shot he took in the arm?
We love you and this tweet must go viral! Retweet and Press like if your finger has the strength!…
The Holocaust killed 6 million jews, 2 million German girls where raped thereafter by Russian Red Army, 10s of millions died in war. Today it is happening in China under the CCP! The CCP has been running death camps, and the media is silent as if they are wearing a mask!
If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was alive today, he'd call out the CCP as being the most racist anti-human terror organization on the planet! 如果小馬丁·路德·金博士今天還在世,他會稱中共為世上最種族主義的反人類恐怖組織!
If anyone comes after me for exposing on Aug 25th, 2019 and Oct, 20, 2019 with my books that CCP would launch a Virus enslaving world, the bad guys are not suicidal! They never seen movie Home Alone 2! I am not a prophet, just Genius that bad conservatives steal from to make $
Breath of Life represents all that is human from the birth of the Universe: The CCP Virus wants to choke the breath of life out of the human race globally* Have No Fear, Be Cautious, Endure it, Eliminate the CCP- Choke it back by Exposing its Crimes Against Humanity!
Top 4 Covid 19 Shutdown Benefits 1. Hollywood Can't Make Movies Promoting Pedophilia 2. Singers with Mental Disorders Dressed Like Prostitute Can't Ruin Children 3. Universities Cannot Indoctrinate Society with Marxism to turn U.S into China-North Korea-Iran 4. MSM Confused
Dignity Loyalty Truth Courage Benevolence Wisdom Virtue Tradition Faith Forbearance Enlightenment Respect Logic Without these elements deeply engraved in the hearts and minds of a populous, a Nation will not survive, nor will it be blessed! "Return to Virtue"
SDSU Trending on Twitter. University where I earned my B.S Masters degree in Homeland Security. I am the nation's first top 100 graduates in Homeland Security Everything you're experiencing today with China, I wrote or warned about from 2005-2008 ahead of FBI-CIA-DHS, MSM!
China CCP hunt people using DJI drones to amass concentration camps. They steal and track your private data. BAN DJI! 中共用大疆無人機抓人送集中營。它們窺視監控你的個人隱私。封殺大疆!…
Breaking: Pres.Trump declares State of Emergency in D.C!…
RETWEET to Thank Pres.Trump Administration for protecting the World from China CCP, Tell them to Continue! 轉推感謝川普反共並請他繼續! @realDonaldTrump @Mike_Pence @SecPompeo @VP @USMC @USArmy @USNavy @usairforce @SpaceForceDoD @DHSgov Pompeo Goal👇…
.@realDonaldTrump People Programmed to attack Trump with #AI Smartphones, Media, Google Discovery Published Feb 2020 from Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity! 人們被AI、智能手機、媒體和谷歌編程去攻擊川普,2020年2月發文,提煉自《人工智能-人類危局…
How much damage to world due to cover-up of book published exactly 1 year ago today? 壓制一年前今天出版的此書給世界造成了何等傷害? @POTUS @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @VP @CIA @SecretService @CG_CyberForge @Cabinet @peternavarro45 @GOP @TheDemocrats…
29 Billion? Seize TIK TOK at No Cost for Espionage, Taping of World People's Intimate Data! Pay Reparations to Families! $ to Twitter or alike to Manage. 290億美元?就憑其間諜行徑和偷錄用戶私密的劣跡抖音應該被充公! 凍結其資產來賠償受害家庭,餘下交給託管的法人代表,如推特.
EVERY HUMAN LIFE IS PRECIOUS! Without You, the Universe Would Not Exist! 每個人的生命都是可貴的! 沒有了你,蒼宇將不復存在!
Issue with Hunter is not his struggle with Drugs, rather taking Millions from the Chinese regime companies that were running slave camps, death camps, organ harvesting with official state Visits! You can't do business with a nation that committs Genocide, Slavery!
One of the reasons why Pres. Trump sleeps in different bedroom than his wife, is because he works around the clock, and gets emergency briefings at odd hours. The hatful claims about relationship issues, have no relation to his sleeping habits. He's been a worker for decades!